Something not so new- Sunsetshipping

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Quick note: if you read the chapter before this, yes this is the same story but with Sophocles instead of Hau. But this one was written first and I changed the second because I didn't have any ideas at the time and I kept this one up for others who like Sunsetshipping because there are so few stories for it. Hope you enjoy regardless :)


It had been a few years since Ash had returned home to continue his dream of becoming a Pokémon Master. Mallow, Lillie, Lana, Kiawe, and Sophocles were now teenagers.

Mallow was still working at the restaurant, although, with longer hours. Kiawe continued his work at the farm and his deliveries. But, the difference now, is that Mallow and Kiawe are dating. Lillie also found a sweet guy, by the name of Sun, to call her own. Then there's Lana and Sophocles. Sophocles now operated a tech shop and worked on things for people. Lana was doing water dancing shows with her evolved Primarina and also a few fishing competitions.

Everyone was doing fairly well, but Lana was still hung up on her crush on Ash. She always kind of hoped that he felt the same and would return to her one day. Sophocles, on the other hand was hoping he wouldn't. After the day Lana took him to her special spot, Sophocles got a small crush on her, but was unaware of it.

Until now. Now he was fully aware of his feelings towards the water performer. However, he also knows about Lana's feelings towards Ash, so he never said anything.

One day, the group was out having lunch, but Lillie and Sun were running late.

"What do you think is keeping them?" Sophocles asked.

"I'm sure Lillie is just trying to pick out what to wear?" Mallow replied. "You know how hard it is to find the right outfit?"

Kiawe nodded, in agreement, for he had a hard enough time trying to get Mallow out of the house. So he knew Lillie was no exception, especially with her huge closet.

"Guys!" The group heard Lillie call out to them. "You have got to come see!"

"What is it?" Kiawe asked.

"Ash is on a video chat down at professor Kukui's!" Lillie yelled, still running. "Come on!"

The group stood from the table and ran after Lillie. They soon arrived at their former professor's house.

"Hey everyone." Kukui greeted. "Come on in and say hi."

They all smiled and entered the house to see Ash chatting with Professor Brunette via video chat.

"How are things doing so far?" Ash asked the white haired scientist.

"Great! Little Alexia is a bundle of joy and I can't wait meet our next new addition." Brunette replied, rubbing her baby bump.

"That's great!" Ash cheered. He then noticed his friends. "Hey guys!"

"Hi!" Mallow waved.

"Hey Ash." Kiawe greeted.

"Hello!" Lillie squealed.

"Sup." Sun nodded.

"Hey." Sophocles remarked.

"Hi Ash." Lana smiled, a slight blush dusted her cheeks.

"How are all of you doing?" Ash asked.

"Oh, so much has happened!" Lillie chirped. "Mallow is running the restaurant almost full time and Kiawe is still running the farm and doing his deliveries. Plus, they are dating! Sophocles is running his own tech and invention shop. Lana is doing these wonderful water performances and is also amazing whenever we have a fishing competitions. And I have been doing all sorts of things, still trying to figure out what to do. Oh, and I'm dating Sun here. Did you ever here that Gladion is with Moon now too! Oh, it's all so exciting!"

"Wow, a lot has changed. Especially you Lillie, I didn't expect you to be so bubbly. Congrats on everything that has happened you guys." Ash congratulated, with a smile.

"Thanks!" They all said in unison.

"What about you, Ash? What have you been up to?" Lana asked.

"A lot of good has happened to me lately. I have won some leagues and am up for becoming a frontier brain in a few weeks. Of course it's only temporary, but it will be great until I'm ready to become a Pokémon master." Ash replied.

"Ash? Are you here?"

Ash looked to the left of the screen and called "Oh, hey Dawn. Come over here, I want to introduce you to my Alolan friends." He then turned back to the screen, once Dawn was by his side. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend Dawn. We traveled together in Sinnoh but we met up again and now we are together."

"Hi everyone! I've heard so many wonderful things about all of you." Dawn chimed.

Sophocles looked to Lana, worried for her reaction. Her features reflected sadness and heart ache.

'Ash found someone else. He...isn't coming me.' Lana thought.

She successfully fought back the tears that threaten to break free. She stayed silent for the rest of the chat.

Hours later, Lana was sitting on a rock at the waters edge. Her Primarina siting next to her.

"Primar?" Primarina asked its trainer if she was ok.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Lana muttered, still sad.

Primarina was about to say something, but stopped when she heard footsteps. The Pokémon smiled, knowing who it was.

"Lana, you ok?" Sophocles, questioned. He slowly made his way onto the rock next to her.

"No." Lana whimpered. "Ash found some one else."

"Hey, it will be ok." Sophocles assured. "There are others out there for you."

"I know, but I really like him. He is so sweet and nice and upbeat. Dawn is lucky to have him." Lana replied somberly.

Sophocles looked out over the water. 'Might as well just let it out now.' Sophocles thought. "Lana, Ash might be a good guy, but if he can't see how amazing you are, then it's his loss. Because you are really amazing. Which is why I developed feelings for you." Sophocles met Lana's surprised gaze.

"I...I had no idea." Lana murmured.

"I know, but it's ok. You are in love with Ash and I didn't want to get in the way." Sophocles remarked. "Anyways, I'll leave you alone." He slowly slid off the rock and began to walk away.

Lana watched him leave for a moment, then turned to Primarina, looking for advice. Primarina simply nudged her with her nose and gestured for her to go after him. Lana nodded and went after the boy.

"Sophocles, wait!" Lana called.

Sophocles stopped and turned to face her. "What is it Lana?" Sophocles asked.

"I...I'd like to...give this a chance." Lana replied.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to think you have to. I didn't expect anything of you when I said that, so please don't feel like you have to do something." Sophocles assures.

"No, I want this." Lana answered, gently taking his hand. Sophocles blushed a bright red. "I want to try."

"O-ok." Sophocles stuttered.

Lana smiled and lead him back to the rock where Primarina waited. They sat there awhile, just watching the water. This was going to be the start of a nice relationship.


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