Lost diary- Shiningsunshipping

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After a long day, Lillie liked to spend her time writing in her diaries. She had a few of these diaries. Each one had a different purpose. One for her research, the one form her dad, and her own personal diary. The one with seemingly endless ravings about her crush.

While she wouldn't mind of someone read the other two diaries, Lillie would have a heart attack if anyone read her personal diary. So, you can imagine how frantic she was when she lost it.

"Oh where could it be? Where could it be? Where could it be!" Lillie screeched as she just about tore her room apart looking for it.

"Woah Lillie. What happened in here?" Mallow asked.

"I lost my diary!" Lillie squeaked. "You have to help me look for it!"

"Ok, ok, but what is the big deal? Didn't you make copies of your research?" Mallow questioned.

"It wasn't my research dairy..." Lillie muttered. "...it is my personal diary. It is basically a book about my crush and I have to find it before anyone else reads it."

"Wait! You have a crush and didn't tell me!" Mallow shrieked. Lillie bit her lip but then Mallow began to giggle. "It's ok. I already know who it is and I'd be glad to help you look for it."

"You...you know who it is?" Lillie worried.

"Of course. Just about everyone knows. Except him. Well, maybe the other guys don't know but the rest of the girls definitely know." Mallow answered.

"Oh no." Lillie buried her blushing face in her hands. "This is a disaster."

"No it's not." Mallow assured. "I'll help you look for it. I'm sure it couldn't have gotten too far."

"Thanks." Lillie remarked.

So they continued to search her room but with no luck. Once they finished putting Lillie's room back together, they looked other places. However, no matter where they looked, they couldn't fine it.

"This is hopeless." Lillie groaned. "What if someone else reads it and they tell him?"

"Don't say that. I'm sure we will fine it before it's too late but even if we don't, maybe it's a sign for you to tell him how you feel." Mallow suggested. "After all, you can't keep it a secret forever."

"Hey, Lillie!" Sun yelled as he ran up to them.

He had something in his hand that looked like a book and Lillie paled in fear.

"Looks like your Prince Charming came to the rescue after all." Mallow smiled to Lillie.

Lillie only gulped in response.

"Lillie, I'm glad I caught you. Oh, hi Mallow. Are you busy? Should I come back later." Sun asked.

"Nope. You're fine. I was just about to head home anyway." Mallow replied. She then returned to Lillie. "This is the sign. Use it to tell him." Mallow whispered to her.

"Mallow." Lillie grumbled.

"See you two later." Mallow waved as she walked off.

It was silent for a moment before Lillie cleared her throat. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh yeah. Professor Kukui found this and asked me to return it to you." Sun held the book out to her.

Sure enough, it was her missing diary. Every part of her screamed panic and mentally begging that no one had read it.

"Did...did you read it?" Lillie squeaked out.

"No. Of course not." Sun assured.

"Thank goodness...thank you for returning this." Lillie took the book back and held it to her chest.

"Gladly." Sun smiled.

Lillie looked away and blushed a bit. Sun was a really sweet guy. Which was one of the reasons she had come to love him. He won't cast her aside if he didn't feel the same. So maybe she could tell him.

"Well, it was nice seeing you." Sun remarked as he turned to walk off.

"Wait!" Lillie squealed. "I...I have something to tell you."

"Ok." Sun faced her once again. Lillie hesitated, unsure if she was really ready. "You can tell me anything, but if you aren't ready, that's ok too." Sun put a hand on her shoulder. "I don't want to pressure you with anything. I care about you."

"Sun...I...here. Read this." Lillie held the book out to him. "It will tell you everything."

"Are you sure?" Sun reached out hesitantly.

"Yes." Lillie nodded.

Sun took the book and flipped it open. He began to read through the handwritten pages, taking in every detail. Sun smiled as he read through the book. He closed it and stepped forward.

"Lillie, I have something to confess too." Sun lifted her chin with his finger. "I love you too."

Lillie smiled brightly, her heart swelled with joy. She bounced up on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on him. Sun was quick to return it and quickly wrapped his arms would her.

"Looks like I'll have to update that diary." Lillie smiled.

"I'd like that my sweet flower." Sun remarked.

Lillie giggled in response. For once, she was actually happy to lose the diary. Cause it ended with Sun in her arms and she wouldn't trade that for anything.


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