Smile for me- lonashipping

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As a young boy Gladion smiled often for his friends and family. Though, as time went on, the smile seemed to disappear. Which is understandable given

everything that happened in the young boys life.

Even as time went on and Gladion was safe to reunite with his sister and mother, he hardly smiled. He loves his family and would do anything for them but his smile remained absent. Lillie and Lusamine knew this and were fine with it. It was who he was.

So, you can imagine Lillie's surprise when she caught her brother with a warm smile on his face.

"Gladion?" Lillie sounded.

Gladion jumped and turned to her. His smile was replaced with a look of surprise.

"Lillie? What do you need?" Gladion asked, back to his usual blank face. Lillie squinted at him suspiciously and Gladion raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

"What were you smiling about just now?" Lillie questioned.

Gladion's eyes widened in shock. He was caught but no way would he admit it to his sister.

"Nothing." Gladion crossed his arms.

"Oh come on. Are you ready not going to tell me?" Lillie grumbled.

"No." Gladion replied.

Lillie frowned. She saw that smile and was determined to know the cause.

"Why won't you tell me?" Lillie questioned. "I'm your sister. You can tell me anything. Especially if it makes you happy enough to smile like that." Gladion didn't respond. "Is it too embarrassing for you?"

Gladion averted his gaze, giving Lillie her answer. Lillie pressed her lips together in thought. There weren't many things that embarrassed Gladion. So it was perplexing that Lillie couldn't figure it out. Then an idea came to her but it didn't seem plausible. It was worth a try though.

"Do you have a crush?" Lillie asked. Lillie watched as a rosy shade of red dusted along his cheeks. "Oh my goodness! You do! Who is it?"

"No one." Gladion muttered. "I'm going to go train."

He then walked away from his sister. Lillie watched him leave but was still determined to find out who this was. She went back to her room and started her own little investigation.

"Hmmm...who could it be?" Lillie hummed in thought.

"Vul?" Snowy chirped as she jumped on Lillie's lap.

"Hi snowy." Lillie smiled. "Want to help me find Gladion's crush?" Lillie didn't wait for a response and just continued. "Ok, so why wouldn't he want to tell me? That has to be a clue, right?" Lillie tapped her chin in thought. "Oh! It has to be someone I know. That explains why he wouldn't say. He doesn't want to risk me giving it away. But who could it be?"

That question rang in her mind for the longest time. Her curious mind putting together a list of potential girls. Though none of them struck her as Gladion's type. Then again, she wasn't really sure what Gladion's type was but she bound to fine out now. After all, they had school tomorrow.

The next day, before the class even started, Lillie began her plan.

"Hey Lana. Can I ask a favor?" Lillie asked.

"Sure." Lana replied. "What do you need?"

"When Gladion gets here can you try to make him smile?" Lillie asked.

"Why?" Lana questioned.

"It's kind of an experiment of mine." Lillie replied.

"Ok. I'll do it." Lana agreed.

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