I am yours and you are mine- lonashipping

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Gladion wasn't sure when it started or when he began to notice, but it was too late. He knew and he wasn't happy about it.

No, this wasn't him discovering his feelings feelings for the adorably chipper Champion. Gladion had accepted that he was in love with her long ago. Even if he didn't plan to tell her.

Now, a few years later, they are more grown up, both physically and mentally. Making Moon even more beautiful, if that were possible. But that's not what Gladion was unhappy about. What Gladion was so irritated with, was all the other males that noticed her too.

Maybe it would have been fine if they didn't persist her so much and maybe his could keep his jealousy in check if they didn't come to close to her with a predatory look in their eyes. Whenever he saw this, his fisted shook angrily at his sides and only one thing came to mind.

"Mine. She is mine."

Thankfully, Moon would always put a quick end to their advances before Gladion could. Moon would instantly tell them to back off without hesitation and would put up a fight they didn't take no for an answer. Which was just another thing he loves about her.

At first, Moon didn't really notice it but gradually, she saw a change in Gladion. He looked angry a lot, but not at her. It was strange. So, she decided to confront him about it.

They had just finished an intense battle in which Moon won. The two rested under the pleasant shade of a palm tree. All seemed calm and peaceful, but it also seemed to be the perfect time to question him.

"Hey, are you ok Gladion?" Moon suddenly asked.

"Yeah. What do you mean?" Gladion raised an eyebrow.

"I mean...you seem so angry sometimes. If there was something bothering you, you would tell me, right?" Moon questioned, concerned." Moon retorted.

"Yes, but...this...I don't know. I'm not ready for you to know." Gladion replied.

"Not ready...Gladion! We tell each other everything!.

"Not...everything." Gladion argued. "There are things I don't tell you and I'm sure there are things you don't tell me."

Moon opened her mouth to argue but bit her tongue. It was true. There was something she had kept secret from him for a long time now. But her secret wasn't affecting her. At least, openly.

"That's what I thought." Gladion stated.

"But this is different. If something is bothering you, I want to help. I care about you, Gladion." Moon pleaded.

They stared at each other, waiting for the other to give in. Any longer, and Gladion actually might have, but his phone rang. It was from Aether Paradise.

"I should take this." Gladion looked away and answered the phone. "Hello? Yes. Yes. Are you serious? Ok, ok, I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as possible." Gladion then hung up the phone. "Sorry, but there is a problem at Aether and apparently they need me." Gladion stood up. "I'll see you later."

Moon remained seated as she watched him leave. Her mind working busily to figure out what could possibly be bothering him. Could it have been something she did? But it's not like he was mad at her, it was more like it happened around her.

There was only one other person who knew him as well as Moon did and that was his sister. So, she pulled out her phone and phoned her friend.

"Hey Lillie. Could we meet up when you get a chance?" Moon asked. "Great. Thanks. I'll see you soon."

An hour later, the two girls meet up.

"So, what did you have planned?" Lillie asked.

"Well...I wanted to ask you something about Gladion." Moon admitted. This instantly grabbed Lillie's attention. "Has Gladion told you anything or have you noticed why he has been so angry?"

Lillie tried to hold back her laughter, but couldn't keep it in. Lillie knew exactly what was going on. Gladion had told her and vented about this very thing. But, it was also completely obvious what was going on.

"What's so funny?" Moon asked.

"You. This. Everything really." Lillie giggled.

"What do you mean?" Moon raised an eyebrow.

"Gladion is jealous." Lillie replied.

"Of what?" Moon questioned, looking for a clear answer.

What could he possibly be jealous is? They were friends and had the same opportunities as the other. Sure, she was champion, but it never bother him before.

"Moon, Gladion is in love with you." Lillie answered.

"W-what?" Moon stuttered in shock.

"He is in love with you. He had been for a long time now, he just made me promise not to say anything. That's why he looks so angry. He gets jealous and very protective when he sees other guys trying to make a move on you or checking you out." Lillie explained.

Moon was silent for a moment as she proceeded what Lillie just told her.

"Why didn't he ever tell me?" Moon mumbled.

"Because we was afraid to lose you." Lillie replied. "Isn't that why you never said anything?"

"What! How...how did you find out?" Moon squeaked out with a pink blush painted on her cheeks.

"I've always had my suspicions, but from this conversation, it wasn't hard to put two and two together." Lillie remarked. "So, now that you know, what are you going to do about it?"

"What do you think?" Moon smiled.

"Well, good luck." Lillie winked.

Moon nodded and darted off to go fine the tall blonde who had stolen her heart. This time, she was determined to make him hers.

Her hunt was surprisingly short. She found him standing on the beach, over looking the ocean.

"Gladion!" Moon called as she ran up to him. He turned to her just in time for her to hug him. "I'm so glad I found you and now that I have I'm never letting you go. You're all mine now."

A light blush dusted his cheeks as he looked. What did she just say?

"What?" Gladion questioned.

"I love you Gladion." Moon confessed. "And you don't have to worry because I'm yours. I always will be."

Gladion just stared at her for a moment before he pulled her in and kissed her. Moon smiled as she kissed him back and pulled him closer. Everything about that moment, was perfect. Even as they pulled apart from the kiss.

"I love you too, Moon." Gladion caressed her cheek.

"You know, now that you're mine, don't think you are aloud to go off with other girls. You know how jealous I get." Moon teased with a playful grin.

"I don't think that will be a problem." Gladion gave a warm smile.

Moon giggled and rested her head against his chest.

"You are so cute." Moon chimed. "Now let's go!"

She began to pull him away from the beach.

"Wait, where are we going?" Gladion asked.

"Well, I want everyone in all of Alola to know that I am yours and you are mine." Moon chirped.

Gladion couldn't help but laugh as she dragged him off.

Now that they had each other, nothing could make them happier.


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