Your sister- lona/Shiningsun

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Once everyone returned from their long trips and expeditions, they made it a point to hang out and keep in touch. Which included the guys. At least once a week, Kiawe, Sophocles, Sun, Hau, and sometimes even Gladion would meet up for a guys night.

This was one of those day we're Gladion decided to attend. They played a bunch of video games, did some battling and other guy things. That is, until they took a pause and Sophocles had to leave for his date with his girl, Acerola.

"Sorry guys. I have to go or I'm going to be late." Sophocles announced. "I've got a date." With that, he ran off.

"And another guys night interrupted by a date." Kiawe stated.

"You're one to talk." Sun chuckled. "Last time it was you and your special date with Mallow."

Kiawe averted his gaze and mumbled something under his breath. Probably something they would rather not hear. Sun snickered to himself at Kiawe's reaction.

"At least he had the courage to tell her and is lucky enough to be with her." Hau argued. "I wish I could do that." His thoughts trailing to a petit bluenette.

"Yeah. Only Sophocles and I have been able to do it. What do you two have to say to that?" Kiawe boasted to Sun and Gladion.

Gladion remained silent. No way was he going to let these guys get under his skin. Even if his heart did belong someone.

"" Sun scratched the back of his neck.

Ok, he really should have thought this through. Now all three were staring at him, waiting for an explanation. He really should have kept his mouth shut.

"So, who is she?" Hau nudged Sun's arm.

" know..." Sun stuttered. He glanced at Gladion and claimed up under his intense gaze. There was no way he could say it with her scary older brother in proximity. He might not live to tell her. "Why...why are you only asking me? I...I mean, I'm not the one here who is single."

While Hau was more cautious when it came to Gladion, as most people were, Kiawe was not one of them.

"So Gladion. Tell us, do you have a thing for anyone?" Kiawe asked, quite intrigued.

As much as Gladion wished a certain black haired champion didn't immediately pop into his mind, she did and he felt his cheeks flushed a rosy shade. Which he tried and failed to cover with his hand. Everyone's eyes widened.

"You have feelings for someone?" Hau gasped.

"Yes." Gladion reluctantly admitted.

"Who is it?" Kiawe asked.

"None of your business." Gladion growled.

"Come on. What do you have to lose? You and Sun are the only ones who haven't told us. Oh, and Hau. But we all know who she is." Kiawe stated.

"What? You do?" Hau yelped, embarrassed. "Who?"

"It's Lana. Now back to you two. Who are they?" Kiawe pressed.

"I...I'll do it of Gladion does!" Sun answered a bit to loud.

Sun hoped Gladion would put an end to it for him. But, he was wrong. Gladion glared at Sun but gave in. Otherwise they wouldn't shut up about it.

"Fine. But if any of you tell anyone, especially her, I will not hesitate in getting revenge." Gladion threatened. They all nodded, eager to know who could have possibly stolen the edgy blonde. "It's...Moon." Gladion finally answered.

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