Misunderstanding- Spiceshipping

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Another day had gone by and Mallow was spending more and more time with Ash. At first, Kiawe tried not to let it bother him, but he was reaching his limits. What were they doing together? Did they like each other? Were they secretly a couple? Did he already lose her? It was those questions like that constantly plagued his mind.

"Hey Kiawe." Mallow brought him back from his thoughts. "How are you doing today?"

"Good, I guess." Kiawe replied. "You?"

"Great actually!" Mallow beamed. "I really wanted to ask-"

"Mallow! If you need me, it has to be now!" Ash called from across the school yard.

"Sorry Kiawe, but I really have to go have a word with him. I promise to talk with you later though." Mallow assured before she ran off.

"Yeah." Kiawe muttered.

He watched her walk over to Ash. They began whispering to each other once they were close enough. Jealous boiled inside him. He wanted to be that close with her. If only he had told her sooner.

Kiawe took his head. It was pointless to dwell on now. He called his Charizard out and went home to tend to his chores on the farm. Kiawe managed to work on autopilot for the rest of the day, for his mind was still focused on Mallow and Ash.

Little did he know, that Mallow had asked Ash to help her plan a very special surprise for him. What better person to ask than his guy best friend, right? Of course, Mallow already knew a lot about Kiawe. They had known each other for the longest time, but it definitely didn't hurt to have a guy's perspective.

"So, what do you think of this?" Mallow asked, offering him another dish to try.

"Yummy!" Ash cheered. "What is all this for again?"

"Oh! Um..." Mallow blushed a bit. "Kiawe and I had this tradition, but we haven't done it the past few times because we have both been so busy. Since things have finally died down, I wanted to do something special."

"That's really cool." Ash remarked. "What is this tradition? You've hardly told me anything about it."

"Well...it's a little get together. Just the two of us. Sometimes we watch a movie, play board games, or just hang out." Mallow smiled. "I usually bring the snacks, but for what I have planned, it has to be more than that."

"What do you have planned?" Ash asked.

"So many questions." Mallow laughed nervously. Ash just waited for her answer. "Ok, but if I tell you, it's another thing you have to keep from Kiawe."

"Ok." Ash answered. "He hasn't even asked me anything yet."

"I'm going to tell Kiawe how I feel about him." Mallow admitted. She then looked to Ash's baffled face. "Never mind. It's nothing."

"No, no, no!" Ash waved his hands wildly. "I'm happy for you. It takes a lot of courage to tell someone something like that. Something I wished I had done." Ash sadly muttered the last part as a certain bluenette best friend of his came to mind. He caught Mallow's worried look and quickly went back to his cheerful mood. "Anyway, good luck with you plan."

"Thanks and remember, this has to be a secret. Even if someone else asks." Mallow reminded.

"You got it!" Ash boomed. He then looked at the clock and jumped up. "Sorry Mallow, but I have to get home."

"Ok, and thanks again." Mallow waved as he left.

Once Ash was gone, Mallow planned out the perfect way to ask and eventually tell him how she truly feels. However, when the time came, it didn't go as planned.

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