Life Changing Encounter

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My sister Padme and I entered the Jedi temple. Queen Omidalla insisted we have warrior protection so there was no one better the Jedi counsel. Walking I hold up my green dress so I don't trip as we stepped up the stairs coming up to two boys I don't know. One dressed in Jedi robes and the other is a child who smiles at my sister waving. "Hi Padme." My sister bends down to his level as he gives her a bracelet that he made. "Hi Ani." My gaze falls on the other guy and to not be rude I stepped forward curtsying to the Jedi with a smile. "Hello Jedi master..." He bows to me addressing me with my title. "Princess Amidala, I'm Master Kenobi. Obi Wan Kenobi." He sticks out his hand and I shook it staring into his blue eyes. "Nice to meet you Obi-Wan. I'm Y/n."

Kenobi and I ended up strolling the halls when my sister had to attend a meeting. Growing up I was never into the politics. Some things couldn't be taken down with words. Anakin followed closely behind us looking around with child like curiosity. "I hope that being in the temple won't make you and your sister feel like prisoner's." Obi-Wan spoke his left hand resting on his lightsaber, keeping his eyes trained forward in case of a sudden attack. I glanced his direction always having a fascination with the Jedi and their ways with the Force as they called it. Foosteps approached the three of us and I tilt my head in slight confusion seeing a small person, colored green. Kenobi suddenly bowed when the green guy stopped looking at us. "Master Yoda, may I present..." This Yoda raises his right hand cutting him off. "Know who she is I do, Kenobi." Yoda walks forward bowing at me and I curtseye to him. "Master Yoda I am. Heard of your arrival princess I did."

"Something strong I sense in you, princess Y/n." Yoda stood resting his hand on his cane looking up into my eyes. I bend down to be at his level the best I can. I rest my right arm on my right knee while Anakin and Obi-Wan just watched behind us. Master Yoda taps his chin stepping closer to me. "Speak with you alone I suggest. When a moment you have." I simply nodded before Kenobi spoke softly to the young boy. "Anakin and I must be going princess. But please come find me if you need anything." He bowed again before walking down the hallway. Master Yoda headed for a door raising his hand he waved it opening it. Picking up the ends of my dress I followed the green Jedi and I press my hand to close the door behind me.

Master Yoda turned to face me as we now stand in the middle of the room of the Jedi counsel room. He moved his cloak to the side pulling out his lightsaber no doubt. "Weilded a Saber have you?" He questioned causing me to shake my head no. He places his in my right hand resting his hand over my right one. "Learn to use it you shall." Raising a brow I bend down on a knee to look in his eyes again I'm confused. "Master Yoda, forgive me for asking but what do you mean by I'll learn?" He removed his hand from over mine lifting his hand hovering it in the air. "Strong with the Force I sense in you. Like Kenobi's young one Anakin. Take you as my apprentice I shall." I part my lips twisting the lightsaber in my hands. A part of me thinks that this may be what I'm supposed to do. My sister is to be a woman of law, but what does that mean for me.

"I wouldn't want to burden you with a student Master Yoda. Kenobi told me you haven't had a Padawan in awhile." He shakes his head slowly walking over and taking a seat in his small counsel chair. "Age a concern it is not. Potential I see in you. Wise to take you on as my apprentice it is." Getting to my feet I bowed to him handing him back his lightsaber I voiced. "I accept, Master Yoda." The sun started setting as I walked the halls of the temple Yoda had given me a green lightsaber like his and my training would begin immediately. Foosteps approached behind me making me open my saber towards the person but I sighed seeing its Obi-Wan. "Careful with that. You could've taken my head off."

I close my weapon holding it nervously in my hands. "Sorry. I'm a little jumpy." He comes to stand beside me hands resting at his sides. "You will learn to control your emotions in time." He pauses looking into my eyes. "With Master Yoda as your teacher you will learn much faster." I smiled seeing Anakin not with him for once since my arrival. "Where is Anakin?" He responded with. "Packing. The counsel approved that I am to be his teacher." I smile knowing that his former master wanted to teach him to become a Jedi before he was killed. So he has taken it upon himself to train the young boy. The boy his master believes to be the chosen one. "Well I do hope to see you again Obi-Wan." He nodded with a smile still addressing me as a royal. "And I hope the same to you, princess Y/n. May the Force be with you." He turned to leave as I mumbled. "May the Force be with you, Kenobi."

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