Under Masters Eye

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"We're going against the code. But I have feelings for you too, Obi-wan." I mumbled breaking the kiss locking onto deep blue eyes. I started to pull away but he snakes his arms around my waist pulling me back in so he can deliver a kiss of his own. I smiled against his lips when he breaks it whispering. "Now I know the thrill Anakin gets with not always lisening to me." I chuckled mirroring his bright smile.

A loud fit of giggles comes out of lips feeling Obi-Wan's beard tickling my neck with kisses. His arms wrapped around my waist as we lay under the covers of his bed in his room. It has been a month since we confessed our feelings for each other. The only light in the room is being provided by the lamp on his side table. "Keep your voice down darling or we'll get caught." He mumbled turning my face pressing his lips to mine. I draped my arms lazily over his shoulders kissing him back. "I can't help it Obi. You're beard is ticklish." He shakes his head smiling rolling onto his back with me laying on his chest.

I smiled down at him running one of my hands through his hair until my holligram messenger goes off. I climbed off his chest heading into the closet before answering the message. "Lovely to see you it is my padawan. You need your assistance on a mission I do." Master Yoda appears on a blue holograms figure. Running a hand through my hair I knew he was referring to a mission on a small moon. He was there to delegate with someone but the moon isn't far from here. "I'll arrive there in an hour, Master." I spoke and he bowed his head disappearing as I heard Obi getting up from the bed. Opening his sliding closet I smiled at him walking up and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yoda wants me to accompany him on his moon mission." He nodded resting his hands on my hips.

"Well I don't need to remind you to be careful. But I'll still be keeping an eye on you." He spoke kissing my forehead before I throw my robe back on. Grabbing my lightsaber and heading for a ship. Entering the planets atmosphere I land the ship but I nearly get blasted by a Rodgers Droid. Drawing my lightsaber I jump up knocking their heads off before Master Yoda appears from the purple trees ushering me to follow him quickly. We run up to the highest rock seeing some tanks filled with droids searching for us. "Master Yoda, what exactly happened. Why are they targeting you?" He looks up at me jumping down from rock to rock where I follow after him. "Set a trap they did. Greet them we shall."

Yoda takes a seat as all the tanks guns aim directly at us. The lead Droid shouted to his team firing at us. Master Yoda launched himself up into the air flipping and coming down to the ground with his lightsaber drawn. I draw mine running forward throwing my left hand out, lifting some of the droids throwing them into each other. Yoda runs forward underneath the main tank cutting a hole with his weapon. He jumped up inside it grabbing a Droid that wined. "But I just got promoted." I chuckled having four droids aim their guns at me. Closing my eyes I levitate my saber with my mind spinning it destroying them all at once. Some of droids try running away but I make a fist pulling them backwards to me. Pressing my lightsaber into one then throwing it into the chest of another one. My master jumped on the heads of some hanging off the Canon of one of the guns. But when they tried to fire he launched up into the air slicing the controls causing the whole tank to explode.

"To the ship we must go, my padawan." My master takes my hand in his as I close my lightsaber seeing them all destroyed. We boarded the ship for me to see clones flying it. I take a seat beside him staring out the window seeing space for the first time. Sure I've been in space before but it was always after a battle where I just closed my eyes on the fly home. So now is my first time seeing the universe being light up by the bright stars and planet. "Spoke with Master Kenobi the other day, did you not Y/n." I turn my head hoping I'm not blushing in his presence. He puts his hands on his legs staring at me. Obi-Wan and I have been sneaking around the Temple, we sneak through the halls back and forth to the others rooms at night when everyone else is asleep. "Yes I did. Why do you ask, Master?" I questioned pressing my back against the chair.

Master Yoda tapped his chin with his fingers nodding right before landed and got off the ship. I strolled back to my room opening the door and gasped at what I see. There was a trail of roses at my feet leading to my bed as I closed the door. "Obi?" I called out following the trail seeing him sitting at the edge of my bed smiling. "I could sense you were afraid on the mission. And so I thought after something like that. This would be a nice surprise." He mumbled in a nervous tone, glancing from his shoes to my eyes briefly. I sit my lightsaber down running towards his embrace being picked up and twirling me around with grins. "This is so cute, Obi...but I have to ask how did you sneak all the rose pedals in here?" He boops my nose with his own still smiling while wrapping his arms around my waist. "That's my little secret Y/n." I smiled pulling his lips down onto mine feeling him kiss me back deeply.

"Master Yoda saw us talking last week...we need to be more careful or we'll get caught." I mumbled resting my forehead against his with our breath mixing together. Obi-wan moves his right hand up cupping my face leaning down for another kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck he runs his other hand through my hair. "We won't get caught, darling. Now I feel like I should show you how much I feel for you." He slightly smirked and I blushed not used to seeing this side of him. I pull away a little leading him to the bed flopping on my back and pulling him down with me. He hovers above me with a smile starting to pull his shirt over his head. "Do you want to do this, princess?" I slowly nodded my head yes watching him remove it allowing me to pull his lips back down to mine. He kisses back running one hand through my hair, holding himself up with his other arm when we buried ourselves in the covers both grinning as we made out through the night.

Comments really appreciated :)

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