Facing a Sith

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Yoda clutched his chest feeling such sorrow for every falling Jedi. Chewbacca growls down to him as his other wookie friends eyed the little master. Yoda was thankful that he had sent you with Kenobi. You were both smart enough to stay hidden during a this tragedy. He could see the clones in fighter jets shooting down our own fighters. He blamed himself for this happening that the council hadn't noticed the mole hiding inside their own army. Slowly reaching for his green lightsaber he felt two of the clones supposed to be guarding him instead draw their guns at him. Yoda spun around up in the air taking their heads off dropping back down to the ground closing his weapon again. The clones were no longer allowed to be trusted by the surviving Jedi.

Swimming up to the surface I grabbed onto the cave wall coughing up water and gasping for air. Seconds later Obi-wan swam up removing the little piece that allows him to breathe underwater for a long time. Once we're out of the water we needed to find a ship and see if anyone else was alive. Obi flies the ship before I break the silence feeling worry in the pit of my gut. "Why would they turn on us - will they go after my sister next?" Obi removed one hand from the controls intertwining my hand with his kissing my knuckle. "She's a strong one, darling. You'll see her soon I promise." Landing into the ship we greeted by Master Yoda who I run to without a care, dropping on my knees to be his size. He wrapped his arms around me sighing in relief that I'm still alive before I raised to my feet again. "Heard from no one but you have we." He responded explaining something of a false coded message to return to the Jedi Temple that had been taken over by the clones.

Exiting the ship I draw my lightsaber as clones drew their blasters firing at all three of us. Spinning on my feet I launched my weapon into two at once, yanking it out. Master Yoda spins his green saber firing the shots back at some of the clones killing them. Obi-wan twirls his blue one around his fingers and into the last couple ones that hit the ground with a thud. Removing my brown cloak from over my head I gasped at what we saw before us in one of the long hallways of the temple. Rushing to my knees I brush some boys hair from his face feeling tears slipping out. I had helped train almost all of these younglings and now this is their fate. Obi bends down resting an elbow on his knee releasing some tears himself.

"Killed not by clones...this padawan. By lightsaber he was." Master Yoda shutters gripping his wooden cane that his hands rested on. Obi-wan turned his head back to the master asking in disbelief. "Who. Who could have done this?" Getting to my feet I walked the halls searching for the archives room where the pair followed. Obi left a message for the remaining Jedi to stay hidden until the hunt lessened. Yoda started walking forward seeing that Obi played a hologram message of Anakin and someone wearing a cloak over their head meaning they were a Sith lord none the less. Covering my hand over my mouth I turn my back to the video not wanting to believe that used to be little Anakin that I met years ago.

Obi-wan turned off the hologram sniffling through tears walking over to us. "Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become. Destroy the Sith we must." Master Yoda declared looking from me then to Kenobi. Obi-wan puts one leg up on the ledge waiting to be given an order from the old Master. "Send me to kill the Emperor." Yoda shakes his head tilting his head in my direction. "Strong enough to take on this Lord Sidias you are not. Y/n and I shall take on him ourselves." Whipping my head to my teacher I hang my mouth opened resting my hands on my growing belly. "Master, I can't possibly take him on. I've only ever faced Doku and he wasn't a full Sith." Yoda lifting his hand pointing his fingers at my words believing more than I did in myself. "Powerful you are, Y/n Anidala. Strong enough to face a Sith you are. Saw that in you first time we met I did. That is what you are destined to do."

"I'll come back to you and the baby I promise love." Obi-wan whispered resting his chin on my head as I clutched his cloak tightly in my hands. His arms around my waist wanting to keep me close and protected. "I love you, Obi-wan." I mumbled into his chest lifting my head up resting my hand to his cheek for a second. He leans down pressing his lips down onto mine cradling my face in his hands. I kissed him back trying not to cry wrapping my arms around his neck fearing this may be the last time we're together. "I love you too, Y/n..." He whispered slipping his hand from mine heading for his ship. Running to Yoda we walked upstairs into the entrance of the Chancellor lare. He has two guards standing at the door that Yoda get flicked his wrist making them both drop. "Master Yoda, you and your padawan survived." The Chancellor snickers from his chair as my right hand hovered over my weapon in my belt. "Suprised are you?" Yoda tilts his head with a little amusement in his voice.

One more chapter and that's the end.

I might add in scenes from the new Kenobi series on Disney + that came out today but only if I get comments that I should do that.

Anyway comments really appreciated :)

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