Cage Battle

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Opening my eyes I feel my arms around bond above my head where I'm stuck to a giant red piller. Obi-Wan glanced to me as the crowd in the stands cheers. We had been captured after following the bounty hunter off the planet with the army of clones. I twist my arms trying to snap the chains but feel my wrists get pinched. "Save your energy Y/n." Obi warned glancing around until the gate starts opening. "Yeah save my energy before they kill us." I scoffed seeing guards bring out my sister and Anakin where I roll my eyes at the pair. "You were supposed to stay away." Anakin responded to me. "Well we got your message and decided to come rescue you two." Obi-Wan mocked his student watching the gate opening again. "Good job."

I suck in a breath seeing giants creatures that get zapped into coming towards us. It's obvious that we're in a fighting pit where we'll get killed. Out of the corner of my eye my sister starts climbing up the poll after unlocking one of her cuffs. Twisting my feet around I gasped feeling my lightsaber still hidden away in my right boot. The guards didn't think to search there so I have a backup. The green multiple legs creature comes for Obi where he spun around the poll until it poked it breaking his cane. This tiger like charges at me so I jumped up grabbing my lightsaber from my boot, slicing my chains with it. Then falling down I kicked it in the face making it growl trying to climb up and eat my sister who smacks it with her chains.

The two riders zapping the creatures charge at me but I spin around throwing my lightsaber into one of them like Yoda taught me. Running up when he falls on the ground I yanked it out. Obi knocked one of them off grabbing the staff to fight the multiple legs one until he snapped it. Anakin managed to control one of them where him and Padme ride it. The gate opens as I hold my green saber in front of me, the robots with shields roll out. They surround all four of us and I slowly backed up near Obi-Wan until members from the stands pulled out lightsabers revealing themselves as Jedi. Next a bunch of the Rodgers droids come towards us. Obi-Wan pulled out his lightsaber pressing his back up against mine mumbling. "I've got you're back." I nodded dodging the blasts from the robots.

All around us Jedi dodge attacks with more robots coming in. Running forward I spin on my feet knocking the heads off four at a time. Padme uses a blaster with the rest of us having lightsabers. Obi-wan twirls his weapon in one hand as I threw my weapon into one robots chest, yanking it out and jumping on another. "Y/n, watch out!" Obi-wan hollered making ne whip my head around seeing the legs creature about to stab me and I screamed when it knocked my weapon from my hands. It screeched raising its foot but when I raise my arm thinking it would kill me I heard it moan in pain. Opening my eyes I see Obi-wan spin his saber killing it before holding a hand out to me. "I've got you, darling." Putting my hand in his he pulled me up as I grabbed a lightsaber from a dead Jedi off the ground swinging it another Roger droid.

"You jumped in front of that thing. It could've killed you." I hollered out to Obi-wan as I swing my saber killing a guard. He spun his into the head of one responding. "Well I couldn't let you die.." I opened my mouth to reply when giant robots come out surrounding us. Why would he jump in front of me like that. Glancing up into the sky Padme called out. "Look!" Above us Yoda has the clones army landing around us. Everyone runs towards the ship getting on. I grab the handle about to get on when one of the droids hits me in my side. "Aah!" I moaned before Obi-wan ran over helping me onto the ship. "Y/n, are you hurt?" His voice filled with panic seeing me holding my side.

Flying through the sky the ship gets hit before I heard my sister scream. Anakin and I both cried out watching her fall. "Padme!" He tried going after her but his teacher grabbed him telling him he needed to stay focused. Yoda comes to me seeing the scar from the blast as the ship rocks again. Wincing he mumbled when we saw Doku in front of us. "Fight by my side can you?" He questioned watching me get to my feet wincing a little. "Yes, I'll be fine." Obi glanced to me his eyes saying I shouldn't but I ignore what I'm feeling from him. We need to catch Doku if we're going to win this. "To the command center we go." Yoda declared to the general flyer. Holding onto the railing of the ship I still don't understand why he jumped in front of that creature to save me. Yoda holds my lightsaber out to me voicing. "Need this you will. Facing my first padawan you shall be." I slowly nodded my head trying to drown out the fear of facing his first student

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