Flickering Dark Side

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Shooting my eyes opened I gasped for air blinking rapidly around the room to see I'm laying on a cot with my arms bandaged from the light burns. Slowly sitting up I sling my legs over the side seeing Obi in a tank full of water wearing no clothes because of his burns making me clutch my eyes closed remembering the burning and fighting in flashes. Grabbing my head in my hands I groaned feeling the discomfort again. Suddenly I'm pulled back to reality hearing Obi-wan gasping for air now leaning over the top of the tube. "No slow down. Your burns aren't healed." Tala tried to explain to him but he shakes his head looking around frantically. "Where's the girls - where's Kiera and Leia?" Jumping down from the cot I stumbled in a run shoving her against the wall holding my arm against her throat snarling in her face.

"You left them alone. You promised you would look out for them - You promised!" Throwing my other hand out I use the force drawing my lightsaber pff the table back into my hand. "The Empire will kill them. My daughter will be killed for what she is - do you understand how bad you messed this up!" I raised my voice feeling angry at the woman before me. Obi-wan struggled to climb down from the water grabbing my arm taking my lightsaber from me before I had a chance to open it. "Calm yourself, darling!" He warned glaring at Tala as I dropped her on the floor stomping a few steps away. Running my fingers through my hair in frustration I now realized why the Jedi code was the way it was. Because a parent will do anything to protect their children and let all their emotions out. "I - can help you - get them back." Tala gasped for air where I spun on my feet growling towards her.

Obi was dressed now limping since he was much weaker than I am because of the level of burning. Kicking over a box of stuff I screamed until he grabbed my hands in his trying to get me to calm down. "Easy love. We'll get them back-" I yank my hands from his grasp stomping my boots on the ground feeling tears starting to fall. "You can't possibly believe that. We barely could handle Vader - Kiera - we can't lose her!" He opened his arms letting me race to his embrace feeling him wrapping his arms around me. Burying his face into my hair trying to not inhale some of the smoke left as I cry. "Hey now, I'm worried too Y/n. But we can't let them go without trying...you were right Kiera and Leia deserve to know the truth. Every bit of it." He mumbled against my forehead planting a kiss before we intertwined hands heading for the ships.

Tala got inside to give us directions as the hatch opened and we jumped into the water making me flash back to Order 66. Kicking my arms around legs I get out of the water in time to see Obi choke a stormtrooper with his arms dropping the body into the water and closing the door helping me to my feet. Slowly hiding behind a wall I see droids patrolling the halls where I move my cloak resting my fingers around my lightsaber. Master Yoda's words still running through my head knowing that it wasn't a dream I saw while passed out. Prepare her for her future you must Y/n, Shares the combined power of your energy she does. Skywalker twins special like her they are. Obi-wan tried radiong Tala but gets no response meaning something must have happened so I grab his arm picking a random hallway to head down hoping that a droid isn't on this one.

Stormtroopers walked the halls as we hide in a closed room where I mumbled under my breath. "Oh not good at all." Obi-wan pulled me out of the room and into a different room with a key card. The door opened where I gasped seeing a bunch of pods with people inside them. Obi-wan walked around recognizing them all. "Obi - it can't be - they're all - Jedi." He intertwined our hands together until a high pitched screaming anywhere. "Somebody help us please. Help!" Drawing my lightsaber we run down the halls entering a dark room where the floor was light up by a red light. Getting into a fighting stance I hold my lightsaber in both hands in front of me opening the green weapon ready to fight. Obi draws his weapon twirling it in his hands seeing Kiera and Leia sitting in a large torture machine. Nobody hurts my child and gets away with it.

Comments really appreciated:)

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