A Jedi's Fall

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Obi-wan and I had returned from my home planet as requested by my Master Yoda. We were assigned to keep searching for General Grievus who was still a major part in the war that needed to end. Obi holds out his hand helping me get out of the ship while I rest a hand on my belly that has started getting a little bigger where someone might suspect I'm pregnant. Which is another reason Yoda has us patrolling so we're away from the Jedi Temple and the council. An ailen leader walks up bowing to us and we bowed in response. The leader eyes Obi-wan before whispering about Grievus being here and holding his people hostage. Obi-wan and I glanced to each other before sharing the same look that we needed to handle this situation.

Pulling my cloak over my head we hide on a high ledge spying on Grievus and his army. He glanced to me with those blue eyes resting his freehand on my belly with his other on his lightsaber. "How's the little one doing. Are you sure you can do this. It's dangerous." Concerns laced in his voice where I replied up to him. "Obi, I'll be fine. It's not where I can't see my feet yet so I can still fight." Obi removed his cloak jumping down on the ground in front of Grievus and I followed stumbling a little. "Hello there." Obi replied to Grievus who cackled where guys with electric staffs start walking forward. "General Kenobi, Padawan L/n. You are bold ones. Kill them." Drawing our weapons in unison Obi drops down a metal piece on them. Grievus cackled again removing his cloak revealing his four arms holding lightsabers of his very own.

Spinning my green lightsaber in my hands Obi-wan holds his in his right hand holding his left hand out towards the general ready to fight. Grievus started rapidly spinning his weapons in circles making us walk backwards. Jumping up into the air I take one of his metal arms off while he keeps attacking Obi-wan. Suddenly our clone ships appeared attacking Grievus's army when my feet ended up on a ledge with openings on either side of me. Grievus swung his green Saber but Obi ducked underneath standing in front of me when Grievus chuckled evily. "Army or not, you are doomed." Obi turns his head raising his left hand then turning his head back launching Grievus into a wall above our heads.

"He's not getting away." I voiced wisstiling down to the yapping green lizard creature that runs forward catching us once we jumped down. Smacking the ropes together Obi-wan gets behind me wrapping his arms around my waist as we chased after Grievus, leaping off the landing bay onto around part of the building built into the sides of the rock. Grievus tried to znap me with an electric staff but Obi-wan grabbed it tackling him off his vehicle knocking it off the side of the rock. Grievus managed to grab the weapon from his hands throwing him to the ground. Drawing my lightsaber from my belt I take a swing at Grievus but he znaps my leg making me drop to the ground. Obi-wan dodges the generals attacks until he slammed his back against one of the ships. Grievus then tries to break his bone and he hits one of his feet making him cry. Grievus throws Obi-wan over the side of the cliff making me cry. "Obi, no!" Getting to my feet I swing at Grievus's chest and he nearly hits me but gets shot somehow.

Whipping my head around throwing my hair around to see Obi-wan holding Grievus's gun that he had dropped earlier. He shoots Grievus again until he fell to the ground dying since he hit his heart inside his metal chest. Closing my lightsaber I put it back in my belt offering my hands to help Obi to his feet. He grunts tossing the gun reassuring me. "So uncivilized...it's alright...I'm alright Y/n." With Grievus dead the clone army was spread out across the galaxy on different planets battling the last if the people following him. Smacking the reins the lizard yipps as Obi and I ride it climbing up the rock walls. Suddenly something gets blasted directly at us destroying the rock and flinging us off the lizard. The lizard yipps loudly as I screamed for my lover before hitting the water. "Obi-wan!" He hits the water a little after me and I hold my breath clutching my chest feeling something terrible. Meanwhile with the wookies Yoda dropped his cane feeling the same thing, the only comfort was that he could still feel your presence within the Force.

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