Kiera Kenobi

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Leaning up on my toes he slipped it on feeling me smiling against the kiss. "There's something else that you need to know besides the fact that I love you, Obi-wan....I spoke with the medical Droid and it told me we're gonna have a babygirl. We're gonna have a little Kiera Kenobi." He grinned pulling me in for another warm kiss.

5 months later
"Urgh - Ben!" I screamed having to bite my tongue and not accidentally cry out Obi-wan while giving birth to our daughter. It's been a few months since the terrible fall of the Jedi. Those who were alive were scattered around the galaxy hiding away. Obi-wan squeezes my hand intertwined with mine pushing my sweaty hair from my eyes when I gave the final push. Hearing the baby cry the nurse we found in the market wrapped her up in a small warm blanket handing her to me. "Congratulations, May. She's perfectly healthy." May is the fake name I chose to honor my sister since the ending of her name always sounded like may. Staring down at the tiny bundle of joy in my arms I released some happy tears. "Hi there, Kiera. It's your mommy." I mumbled in baby talk when she opened her eyes that exactly matches her father's bright blue.

Obi-wan pulled his chair closer softly reaching forward so his daughter could grab his fingers but instead tiny hands grabbed at his beard he was growing out more since we went into hiding. He chuckled with some tears seeing small hairs on her head that looked to be partly your color. "Could you give us a moment along please?" He asked the nurse who quietly left closing the tent flap behind her. Eyeing him softly I whispered under my breath since we were in the middle of town where the Empire had people looking everywhere for Jedi. "Obi, how are we going to do this. Raising a child in isolation can't be good." He sighed picking her up and holding the infant in his arms with a smile that I mirror laying my head more on the pillows behind me. "Don't worry love. I know it's not what we planned, but we'll get through it I promise." He replied leaning over and kissing my forehead softly.

2 years later
Sitting on the soft bed I hold a bottle to Kiera's mouth hearing her suke away the food happily. My hair is a braid going down my back and I'm wearing some long pants and one of Obi's shirts. Foosteps approached behind me and I smiled feeling a kiss on my cheek from my husband. He rounded the side of the bed having a seat placing a hand on my knee. "How's our little one today?" It had become a habit that whenever he asked about Kiera he called her little one. I find it really cute actually its like when he calls me darling or love. Handing him the empty bottle I get to my feet laying her down in the crib we bought from an Ewalk, laying the blanket over her as she falls right to sleep. It hasn't been easy for us from being on the run and having to raise a baby all at the same time. On top of those things we are watching over my little nephew Luke who is being cared for by Anakin's step brother.

"I'm going to watch the boy outside do you want to come?" Obi-wan asked wrapping his arms around my waist from behind laying his chin on my shoulder. Turning around I'm his hold I wrap my arms around his neck giving him a kiss. "I'm going to try and contact my master. See if I might get an answer today." He nodded giving me a kiss then grabbing his goggles from the table. Walking outside onto a small ledge where there's open sunlight shining inside our cave home I sit on my butt crossing my legs. Opening my hands flat I closed my eyes mumbling out into the open sandy deserted Tatooine. "Master Yoda, if you can here me I just thought you should know our daughter is doing just fine. Luke is growing up just fine too although Uncle Owen doesn't care to have any contact with us. I know he's afraid if Obi trains Luke he'll turn out like his father did. I have to believe he's wrong considering my sister's final words were there's good in him...God I miss her..." I felt tears starting to slip so I wiped them away with my sleeve trying to focus again.

I feel a presence behind me so I open my eyes and turn my head seeing Obi watching me while he leans against the cave wall arms crossed over his chest. Pushing myself to my feet he tugs me forward wrapping his arms around my waist once more whispering. "Let's go to bed it's been a long day." I pull out of his comfortable embrace staring up at the sunset mumbling under my breath. "Wherever you are, Yoda. I hope you're doing well." Entering the cave Obi pulled back the covers in front of him allowing me to climb in. I lay on my side with my front facing his so we could always see if the other was okay. Plus I can get a view of Kiera sleeping over his shoulder as well. He draped his arm over me pulling up the cover. I snuggled into his chest tucking some loose hair that had fallen in front of his eyes. "I love you, Obi. You and our daughter are my treasure." He presses his lips to mine giving me a goodnight hoping that we'll sleep peaceful tonight, since that hasn't been the case for some time now. It's just easier if we hold onto the hope that the nightmares will get better. "I love you too, Y/n Kenobi. This is exactly where I want to stay here wrapped in your arms forever."

Comments really appreciated :)

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