Sister's Plan

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Suddenly we both just blurted out the weight on our chests, catching each other completely off guard. "I'm pregnant."

Obi-Wan's POV
Hanging my mouth open in shock I slapped my hand to my forehead knowing that Anakin must be behind this. Even when he was a child I could see the way he looked at her. When we returned to the Temple he was so nervous about seeing her after years of being apart. Y/n and her sister just stand still for a few moments then ran to each other embracing the other in a hug with a huge grin. I smiled a small one myself at seeing her happy. Her smile is something precious that I get to see rarely. But I still hope that no one on the Council suspects anything from us. We would get thrown off the Council and have to turn in our lightsabers if they discovered us.

Y/n's POV
Wrapping my arms around my sister I was afraid about being pregnant. But it helps that she has to deal with the same thing as me. Finally we pulled apart and she runs a hand through her hair mumbling out with a nervous smile. "So he's the father and Anakin is the father of mine." I nodded understanding her words glancing to Obi, tugging him towards her by his wrist. He looked at his feet nervous but spoke to my sister with true words. "I never wished to hurt her, Padme. And I'm sorry I've been sneaking around with her." She shakes her head taking his hands in hers stills smiling up at the Jedi master. "I'm not mad, Master Kenobi. In fact I figured you two would get together for awhile. Anakin once said you're encouraged to love." I weakly smiled up at Obi who intertwined my hand with his own.

"We need to consider the risks of keeping the truth a secret. We'll need to find a way to hide the fact that we're pregnant." I explained to my sister unsure of what to do. Master Yoda is already suspicious of us. It won't be long before the rest of the Jedi Council follows. "Maybe we could go back to our home planet and raise our children there." Padme suggested taking a seat back on the long couch. I plopped down by her eyeing Obi who runs his fingers over his beard again. "It would do more harm than good. It would likely draw more attention to the both of you." Turning to face my sister I play with my fingers. "I need to talk with Master Yoda." Padme and Obi both whipped their heads my direction, mouths dropping opened in shock. Obi-wan stepped up softly speaking shifting from foot to foot. "Dear, are you sure that's the best option..."

Getting to my feet I run my fingers through my hair staring into his blue eyes. He crossed his arms over his chest locking gazes with me. I know he trusted Master Yoda, admiring his skills with the Force for many years. "I trust him Obi. I don't want to have to hide. It's not like we'll have a choice when I'm almost as big as a balloon." He sighed dropping his head seeing Padme eyeing him. She tucks hair behind her ear trying to stand tall. "I think it's a good idea. Yes the Jedi has rules but...surely every Master forms a connection with their padawan." He throws his head back hating to admit she had a good point. Taking his hands in my own I give him puppy dog eyes hoping he'll let me do it. "Please, Obi. If they make us turn in our weapons then that's what we will do. Then we will raise our child whenever we want."

Leaning up on my toes I kissed his cheek walking out the door. Heading towards the council room I remember the first time I met him inside that room. The day he asked me to become his padawan. "Age a concern it is not. Potential I see in you. Wise to take you on as my apprentice it is." Getting to my feet I bowed to him handing him back his lightsaber I voiced. "I accept, Master Yoda." Opening the door I see him standing by the window staring at a sunset. He turned to me and I bend down on a knee greeting him. "Master, I need to tell you something." He lifts his head standing in front of me declaring. "Explanation needed not. Know of you and Kenobi I already do." My nervous smile fell in shock as I feel my heart staring to race. Of course he knows. That's why he's called a Jedi Master.

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