Brilliant Daughter's

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7 months later
"Bail said we can check your vitals in the lab." My husband explained as we landed the ship. Resting my hands on my much larger belly I nodded seeing the door opened. After we faced Vader I had passed out from exhaustion where we had to fly to Leia's home planet so I could get medical attention. I had asked that Leia not know I was here just in case the Empire came looking for us and attacked. According to the Droid doctor when we faught Vader I was only a couple weeks pregnant and thankfully hadn't lost the baby. Kiera was told we were there but to not say a word. Obi-wan gets down the ramp first offering me a hand. My hair is braided down my back but I kept wearing my lightsaber and robe from now on. Leia gasped immediately running forward at seeing us and in my freehand I carry her Droid Lola. Once she reunited with her she spun around to me shocked. "Wow. When did this happen?" I bend down on a knee steadying myself by placing my hand on her shoulder for a second. "I thought it'd be a nice surprise, princess." Kiera runs up tackling her cousin in a hug and they spin each other around pointing at my belly.

Obi-wan walked over to the three of us giving me a hand to help me up. He crossed his arms over his chest staring down to the young girl. "So what will you do now?" She asked and he shrugged his shoulders where she grinned in a reply. "I think you should sleep...maybe get Kiera to babysit." Obi-wan and I started laughing with huge grins on our faces and the girls joined in. My eyes trailed the girl seeing she's wearing the gun holster he had given her. Kiera stands almost attached to her hip with a lightsaber clipped onto her belt. This is part of the life I always imagined. The life where they could know each other. Obi-wan bends down on a knee as I intertwined my hands together in front of me grinned. "Leia...when I said before that I didn't know your parents..." He glanced up to me taking one of my hands in his eyes focused back on her. "Princess Leia Organa, you are wise, discerning, kindhearted. These are qualities that came from your sister.." I sniffed through tears having Obi-wan finish my thoughts. "But you are also passionate and fearless, forthright. And these are gifts from your father. Both were exceptional people, who bore an exceptional daughter." Kiera suddenly runs up to him flinging her arms around her father crying. "That was beautiful, daddy."

"Will I ever see you all again?" Leia tilts her head up asking softly. Even though I shouldn't I bend down on a knee once more taking my hands in hers nodding through happy tears. Padme would have been so proud of how she will grow up. "Maybe. Someday. If you ever need help from a tired old man, woman and daughter." Leia and I chuckled at his sentence before he rests a hand on her shoulder. "But we must be careful. No one must know, or it could endanger us all." Leia suddenly flings her arms around the both of us and we each wrapped her in a long hug. "Goodbye, Obi-wan and Y/n." She mutters into our ears until he broke it whispering. "Goodbye princess. May the Force be with you." Leia helps me to my feet seconds before Kiera points how I clutch my stomach bending over a little wincing. "Mommy!" Bail and his wife rushed over when I feel Obi-wan pick me up rushing us into a medical bay immediately. He lays me on the bed and I grasped his hand scared. "Obi - what's happening - am I gonna die like my sister?" He shakes his head no using his other hand to move hair from my face. "You won't darling. You're sister was strong as are you. Stay with me." The medical Droid comes in reporting quickly. "The baby must be delivered early if there is hope to save the mother and child."

Bail keeps Kiera and Leia outside when I'm told to start pushing. Clutching Obi-Wan's hand in mine I cry out feeling tired already. The Droid first pulled out a small black device before a baby's cry filled the room. Throwing my head against Obi's chest I released a tired breath. "You did wonderful, Y/n. Here she is." The Droid slowly hands me the infant causing me to gasp with a smile that is the biggest it's ever been. The little girl in my arms has mine eyes this time and a combination of mine and Obi-Wan's hair color. Kiera waved her hands opening the door with the Force tugging Leia inside the room. Both girls rush up gigging at the little girl in my arms. "She's so small." Kiera puts her hand on the bottom of the blanket. Leia climbed up to sit on the edge of the bed grinning. "Have you picked a name yet?" Obi-wan answered her question tucking my hair behind my ear still never dropping a huge smile. His hand moves to hold the girls thumb between his thumb and index finger.

"We should call her Princess or Courtney." Kiera jumps up and down throwing her arms about. I chuckled down to her reaction staring at the baby girl. When Leia was born I only got to hold her for a few seconds. At the time we needed to move quickly into hiding from the Sith. Hope, Tala once said before she died. "I said Hope...from what I've heard rebellions are built on it." Lifting my head up to meet his bright blue eyes I voiced to my husband still smiling. "How about Hope as the middle name?" He kisses my forehead gently where Leia claps her hands together in joy. "I've got it. You knew my mother and seem to care about her a lot so...why not name her after her?" Wiping tears with my shirt sleeve Obi and I stare into each other's eyes saying in unison. "Padme Hope Kenobi." Obi-wan reached up ruffling Leia's hair chuckling. "Thanks for the help, princess." Kiera climbed up on the other side of the bed to see her younger sister. Obi-wan leans down kissing me softly and I kiss him back. "They'll be extraordinary people when they grow up." He mumbled against the kiss making me lovingly smile to my husband.

Comments really appreciated :)

Should I keep writing this story or should this be the end let me know?

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