Darth Vader Lives

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He peaks out the window blue eyes flickered from me to his former padawan now known as Darth Vader. "It's not Anakin anymore, Y/n...he's the dark side now." Gripping my cloak I shutter seeing Vader getting closer with Kiera and Leia watching from behind us in terror.

"Ben - May!" Leia whimpered out before he shoves them back towards the back room glancing back and forth over his shoulder in terror. "Go to the back room. Now go, go." The girls run as I kept my eyes on Vader hearing his deep breathing with the suit. He stopped walking using the force and choking someone's father to death, then snapping the boys neck throwing him against the wall. Obi trembled rushing back to Leia and that's when I pulled myself away from the horrible trance he put me. "Kiera, Leia." Bending down on a knee to the girls they both looked at me horrified. I released tears saying in a shacky breath. "Go with Tala. We'll be right behind you...I love you." I kissed both their heads before Obi hugs Kiera tightly blinking out tears to while kissing her head. "I love you, little one." Kiera whimpered out reaching for him when we turned to Tala. "Promise us. That you'll get them safe...we'll lead them away."

Spinning in my boots whipping my hair around I hear a woman screaming. Rushing back to the door I grip the holes of the window trembling. Vader keeps dragging the woman down the street with the Force that hurts my heart. Vader turned his head seeing a mother and child cowering in fear. Obi grabbed my arm dragging me outside through another tunnel that lead us to be running in the sand. Glancing around frantically I can feel my heart rate increasing until a lightsaber gets drawn. Halting in our tracks we see the red lightsaber in Vader's hands only be a few feet away from the two of us. Opening my left hand I drew my lightsaber opening it so my face lights up green. Obi-wan shackly draws his lightsaber but doesn't open it and instead runs where I raced after him hearing Vader take a deep breath.

My boots kick up sand as we kept running until I bend on my knees for a second hearing Vader's voice. "You cannot run, Obi-wan and Y/n." Obi-wan opened his lightsaber showing the bright blue frantically moving it around so he could see in the dark of night. Walking around a sand hill I opened my weapon seeing Vader just standing there heavily breathing. "What have you become?" Obi-wan shutters out gripping his lightsaber handle. Vader suddenly spoke sending a shiver down my spine. "I am what you made me." Obi-wan closed his weapon while I kept mine open just staring at him for a few seconds then doing the same and running after my husband. I never imagined that I would have to face my brother in law. That Anakin would want to kill me.

Obi-wan pants beside me before a lightsaber is drawn and he takes a weak swing at Vader. I draw mine taking a swing at him but he blocks the hit. The three of us go back and forth but he is clearly stronger in his advanced attacks. Vader swings for my head but I rolled underneath his red lightsaber. Obi-wan grunts holding his weapon in one hand. "The years have made you weak...somehow you're girl's better than you." Vader taunted taking another swing at his former Master. Vader throws him on his back until I jumped in the air landing in front of Vader making green and red hit a couple times when we grunted. Vader raised his hand throwing me with the Force than throwing Obi near a metal wire. "You should have killed me when you had the chance." Vader spoke breathing deeply slowly walking towards us.

Obi quickly got to his feet grabbing my left hand pulling up as he cut the wire creating some smoke to buy us some time before he found us again. I can feel my legs getting tired when we stopped still glancing over our shoulders hearing the heavy breathing again. Vader used the force dumping a box of coals on the ground. He then used his hand force choking him in the air making me scream. "Obi!" He grunts dropping his lightsaber on the ground as Vader used the tip of his lightsaber to set the ground on fire. "Now you will suffer, Obi-wan." He released him into the flames where he started groaning and moaning at the intense burning. "Obi - no - urgh!" I started to charge forward into the flames but my body gets lifted up into the air by Vader who force chokes me speaking down to Obi-wan. "You're pain has just begun." Dropping my green lightsaber to the ground I claw at my hands struggling for breath. "Ani - Anakin!"

"That name is dead, Y/n Kenobi. I'm going to make you suffer because you're a reminder of the woman I lost. So you shall suffer the same pain." Vader declared waving his other hand and ending the fire underneath me. Obi moaned in agonizing pain and suffering with bad burns. Stormtroopers appeared behind Vader ordering. "Bring him to me." The guards started to move when he released his hold on my airways dropping me onto the still hot coals. "Agh - Padme saw good in you - still. It - was - her last words!" I moaned feeling my skin burning on the harsh coals until a gun goes off killing the stormtroopers walking towards us. Someone blasted something else creating a fire wall in between us and Vader. Obi-wan groaned as I lifted myself weakly up on my hands and knees, my hair having burnt coals stuck in it. Tala runs down talking to the person supposed to be taking Leia and Kiera to safety. "O - Obi - urgh - Obi!" I pull myself up to him seeing he's seriously burned but I raised my right hand mumbling out before everything went black and I collapse onto his chest. "I - love - you..."

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