Long Time No See

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Opening my eyes I lifted myself up on my hands not recognizing where I am

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Opening my eyes I lifted myself up on my hands not recognizing where I am. There's a big swamp mud pit in front of me with a bunch of trees creating a vast forest that goes on for miles and miles. "Worry you need not, my padawan." My ears perked up at that voice I had been longing to hear for years since the twins were born. Whipping my head around I see a little green creature sitting on a lob one hand resting on his cane with a blue force covering his body. "Master Yoda, it's really you." Pushing myself to my feet I nearly ran to hug him but he raised a hand stopping me where I'm only two steps away. "Here in the flesh I am not. Transported you here with my mind I did."

"Master, why am I here. Am I dead...is this what happened when I blacked out?" I asked moving to sit on the log beside him even though I'm only here in my head. He shakes his head no raising his freehand pointing at me. "Dead you are not. Feel you in the force I still do...troubled your mind seems to be. Explain you care?" Rubbing my hands up and down my arms I released a breath. "Darth Vader - uh Anakin is alive. He tried to kill Obi-wan and I that's why I passed out..." Yoda rests his fingers to his chin closing his eyes for a moment searching through the force in meditation. "Powerful she will become. Your daughter...like the children she is. Searching for them he will be." I knew he was referring to Vader. It wouldn't be long before he may sense his children if they start to show the powers of the Force.

Running my fingers through my hair I tilt my head back sighing heavily. Kiera and Leia are on their own now. Because Tala came to rescue us so who knows if they made it out safe or not. My stomach starts turning in knots making my heart rate increase. "Give into your worries you should not. Strong you mind must be to return to your family. Strength you and Kenobi will need to stay hidden." My master explains resting a hand on my shoulder making me look at him. Dropping my shoulders I whispered out to him. "What if I can't be strong enough, Master?" He hums tilting his chin up a little. "Strong have you always been. Fear in you now. But before the order run into a fight without thought you did. Tap back into that girl you must." Something crossed my mind of how I'm here talking with him. Obi-wan had been trying to contact his dead master Qui-Gon in the past ten years but has got no response. "Master, how come I can be here with you and Obi-wan can't contact his old master?"

"Consumed with guilt and pain his mind is. Clearer until recently yours is, my padawan." He spoke tapping his fingers to my forehead lightly. "Suffering you both our. Little girl brings light and calm to your minds. Attachment helps you through...the order now forgotten...legacy Kiera shall be." Playing with my fingers I stared into his eyes mumbling. "Obi-wan doesn't want her trained. Feels it's too dangerous. I - I have been teaching her - a little until she got captured..." He finishes my thoughts. "Afraid she'll fall like young Skywalker did. Let fear and worry consume you should not. Of true Jedi blood she is. Powerful her ability will stand, trained she must be. Survive you must. Prepare her for her future you must Y/n." Shacking my head in confusion I don't know what he's meaning about prepare her for the future. "Master Yoda, what do you mean. She's an eight year old girl how can you already know her future?"

Master Yoda gets to his feet drawing his lightsaber from his belt opening it to reveal the green stick. He moves it around in my face seeing my eyes following it. "Shares the combined power of your energy she does. Skywalker twins special like her they are. Qui-gon wrong was he. Children these shall bring balance." Playing with the wedding ring on my finger I had to put my faith in my old masters words. He's wiser and stronger than Obi-wan and I. He closed the lightsaber closing his eyes muttering under his breath. "Time to go for you it is. Watch over those three you must." I throw my arms around his body and I can feel him hug me back before my eyes fell closed again. "I will Master Yoda. May the force be with you." He spoke in my ear drifting off. "May the force be with you, Y/n."

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