Mind Games

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It's been a few weeks since the clones were first used in a battle. Every Jedi that wasn't a youngling has been named a general over all the units of clones. Tying my hair off in a braid I decided to roam the halls since Master Yoda had left the temple to train his team of clones. He said I didn't need to accompany him since I was still healing from the late battle. My sister and Anakin took a trip back to our home planet. I just can't put my finger on why R2 and C3PO accompanied them. Stopping in my tracks I rest my back against the wall staring out thr window. Closing my eyes I haven't slept that well, too consumed with my thoughts of a certain jedi.

Opening my eyes I see Obi-wan spin his saber killing it before holding a hand out to me. "I've got you, darling." Putting my hand in his he pulled me up as I grabbed a lightsaber from a dead Jedi off the ground swinging it another Roger droid. "You jumped in front of that thing. It could've killed you." I hollered out to Obi-wan as I swing my saber killing a guard. He spun his into the head of one responding. "Well I couldn't let you die.."

"You seem lost in your thoughts. Be weary of them, Y/n." Opening my eyes I see Obi-wan walking up to me with a slight smile on his face. He comes to lean on the other side of one of the collums of the wall. "I'm sorry. It's hard not to...because of the war." I changed the words that would have come out of my mouth. Because I can't stop thinking about you. My eyes drift up to stay trained on him. He tilts his head out towards the city lights with a shrug of his shoulders. "I was going to go grab a drink. Would you want to accompany me?" I nod my head lifting my brown robe so I don't trip letting him lead the way. We ended up in the bar of his friend Dex who slides us two drinks before we take a seat across from each other in one of the booths.

He lifts his glass to his lips staring into my eyes. "So how are you feeling since the Droid blasted you?" I sit my glass down running my fingers over the rim to distract myself from over-thinking his question. "I got cleared by medical. But Master Yoda requested that I skip the mission with his Droid team this time." I avoid his gaze or try to but fail feeling him staring deeply at me. Obi-Wan couldn't hardly stand to believe that his padawan may have been right. Recently his eyes would drift to you every time you entered a room. And if he was worried about the Republic basically over stressing himself. All of it went away with your smile. The Jedi Master didn't like how his mind said one thing but his heart said something completely different. "Obi, Obi-Wan. Are you there?" I waved my freehand in front of his eyes snapping him out of his thoughts to see a light blush appear on his cheeks.

"Sorry Y/n, I was just thinking about something Anakin said the day we returned to the Temple." Resting my chin in the palms of my hands I didn't do a very good job at hiding my curiosity. "What'd he say?" He sipped his drink finishing it off, avoiding my gaze when he mumbled his words. "He said that I might be....developing feelings for you, romantic ones." I sucked in a breath feeling my cheeks starting to turn red again. Quickly I grab his hand dragging him back to the Temple once we payed for the drinks. Glancing down the hallways we finally got to my room for him to ask raising his brows when I locked the door. "Y/n, did I say something wrong?" Spinning on my feet I fiddle with my shirt standing a little way from him. Staring at the ground rather than at him. "No you didn't Obi. It's just  - I - the code -" I cut myself off babbling out an unfinished sentence.

Obi-wan slowly steps closer to me with his robe moving behind him. I have to tilt my head up since he is slightly taller than I am. But I feel my heart beating faster in my chest and I can't take his eyes pouring into mine anymore. "I can't keep this hidden anymore. For awhile I've been trying to push whatever I'm feeling away. But I can't....I can't push you away Obi-wan!" He tilts his head to the side eyeing me with confusion. "What are you talking about Y/n?" Striding up to him I rest my hands on his face, leaning up on my toes pressing my lips to his feeling him stiffen at first. "We're going against the code. But I have feelings for you too, Obi-wan." I mumbled breaking the kiss locking onto deep blue eyes. I started to pull away but he snakes his arms around my waist pulling me back in so he can deliver a kiss of his own. I smiled against his lips when he breaks it whispering. "Now I know the thrill Anakin gets with not always lisening to me." I chuckled mirroring his bright smile.

Comments really appreciated :)

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