Princesses Rescue

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Pulling my robe hood up I take his freehand and intertwined it with his whispering. "For Kiera and Leia." He nodded with a nervous smile watching the ship lifting off the ground through the window. "For Kiera and Leia."

Keeping my head down I walk through the crowds of people with Obi-wan behind me. We had passed a homeless clone trooper that nearly make me sob uncontrollably but I thankfully shook past it. It's safer to assume there's someone watching us, that at any minute someone could turn us in. I'm still going on to get my daughter back and my niece. Entering a dark light room there's a rumor that this man is a Jedi so I hide behind the wall lisening in. I catch a glimpse of a wire up his sleeve and scoffed drawing my lightsaber against Obi-Wan's protest. "Y/n!" He whispered as I grab the guy by his shirt reveling the green light of the weapon. "This is the weapon of a real Jedi. You liar, praying on the innocent. It's pathetic." Obi-wan draws a gun shoving me behind his back glaring down at me.

"Lisen girl, I'll show you some tricks of my own if I can maybe hold the blade." The guy spoke nervous having a gun pointed at him he dared to ask my husband. "What do you know of the Force?" Obi removed his wire breaking it with a scoff. "Just that's it's a lot of remotes and magnetics. You're going to help us find these girls were looking for." The guy nods hus head letting him lower the gun while I closed my lightsaber. "What were you thinking back there drawing it out so easily. You've exposed yourself." Obi-wan grumbled to me right before we caused an explosion in the place we were given direction too. "I'm not losing our daughter while there are people on the street pretending to be us. It's just sickening so I won't apologize." Tapping buttons on the keypad to the door it opens and Obi walks in first getting hit in the gut with something. "That's my daddy." Kiera cried running towards him. I glanced down to Leia grabbing her as she tried to run, blocking her way out. "It's okay. We're friends of your father, Leia."

Leia stepped back away unsure of us until Kiera offers her hand to her saying. "It's okay, Leia. My parents won't hurt you.." She takes her hand and I take Kiera's other hand following Obi-wan out the door quickly. We stopped at a clothes stand where I pull one shirt over my head dropping my grey cloak and putting on another one. Leia noticed Obi's lightsaber on his belt when he removed his cloak once we gave the girls different cloaks. "Is that a...You're a Jedi?" Obi shushed her out of fear glancing around at people. "It's just, you seem kinda old and beat up...both of you do." Leia puts her hand in mine letting me drag her along with Kiera near her father. Obi-wan pulled us towards another table selling clothes where I see our pictures on screens everywhere which isn't good.

Leia grabbed some gloves putting them on while Kiera clipped a red cloak on. I pull the hood over her head picking her up and carrying her. Obi-wan bends down to the little princess telling her our lie. "Now, if anyone asks we're farmers from Tawl. And you're my daughter." Leia mumbled under her breath. "Granddaughter, maybe." He whipped his head around confused. "What?" I mouthed the word "Uncle" to him after she said quickly. "Nothing, let's go." Kiera grips my cloak and I hide her head against my chest hoping that we can get to the ship without being spotted. Leia moves her head looking everywhere around where Obi grabbed her shoulders moving her along, getting annoyed that she's more stubborn than his own daughter. "Don't smell, look or touch anything." The princess whined. "You sound like my parents...maybe you two aren't really Jedi."

"We are - it's just not safe right now.. " I try explaining to her hoping she'll stop talking. Kiera climbed down quickly telling Leia. "It's true my mommy can make things float." Slapping a hand over my face I keep walking grumbling at my daughter. Really Kiera not helping. "Make me float." Leia asked with Kiera leaning into her. "Make us float, daddy." Obi moved his head down shaking his head no at them. Leia crossed her arms over her chest. "What's your name anyway?" I quickly replied to the princess pushing our way through the crowd. "I'm May and this is my husband Ben. Kiera is our daughter." Kiera and Leia walked together and I have to fight crying at how cute they are together. She tilts her head up judging Obi who keeps pulling us away from people. "You're hiding something...the less you say the less you give away. It's the opposite." Obi-wan and I blinked down to her when he questioned. "How old are you?" Leia grinned answering. "10." He mumbled under his breath to me. "You don't sound like you're ten." I squeeze his hand mumbling back. "She's an impressive ten year old."

The four of us take a seat trying to rest for a few. Kiera leans back against the wall by Leia. Obi-wan gets up opening a tracker from the bounty hunter he knocked out. A picture of me and him flashes before Leia points towards us. "You did lie. They took me and Kiera to get to you." She sniffs through tears running away and stupidity Kiera runs after her. Picking up my boots we raced after them. "Leia, Kiera!" He called out trying to reach them. "She never does this at home." I call back to him pushing threw people and climbing up onto a roof. "Leia is becoming just like her father." Obi-wan reached her when a bounty hunter stopped Leia until he shot the man. Kiera grabbed Leia's hand dragging her away. The pair run and I almost can reach Kiera until someone starts shooting at me. I get hit in the arm screaming. "Agh - Leia - Kiera!" Obi-wan draws his gun pulling us behind a metal box shooting back. Drawing my gun I blasted towards the bounty hunter glancing over my shoulder seeing the girls jump off the edge grabbing the rope with one hand. "Kiera - Leia!" Obi-wan and I rushed forward dropping on our knees crying out.

Comments really appreciated :)

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