General's Reborn

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"I can't believe my mind that you're pregnant again. That we'll - have another girl or boy running around in you, love." Obi-wan mumbled into my hair since we had just woke up from our nap now being near the landing planet the ship was flying to. Laying my head on his chest I trace the fabric of his shirt grinning bright. "Well believe it soon to be daddy with our second born." He rolled onto his side facing me while resting his hand on his head holding himself up. "Have I told you how much I love you recently, hmm?" He tucked hair behind my ear grinning down at me a huge smile. Laying on my back I rest my hand to his face feeling his beard underneath my fingers. "Not recently...but we've been a little distracted." He pouts leaning up and hovering above me, slowly pressing his lips onto mine. "Well that's a pity we must solve, my dear Y/n." Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him down for another kiss feeling one of his hands going under my shirt before the door gets flung opened by Leia. We break apart both blushing like tomatoes to visibly see Kiera lower her hand high fiving Leia beside her grinning. "Told you it would work, Cuz." Leia waves her arm over her shoulder calling us to follow the pair. "Come on, Uncle Ben and Aunt May. The ships about to land." Raising my eyes up I wiped away tears from his eyes seeing some slip down his cheek as he smiled. "She - called me - Uncle." He mumbled under his breath when I sit up laying my head on his shoulder. "Yes she did...the next step is telling her our real names." He simply rests his chin on my head blinking through happy tears.

Walking down the ships ramp I hold Kiera's hand in mine while Leia walks freely in front of us hearing all these people clapping with smiles. All the people around us have no training and are just trying to flee from the Empire. Roken tried to open the door but something was jamming it closed. Leia started walking towards the vents. "I'm gonna need a ladder." Roken stopped typing on his screen shaking his head. "It's not playtime, princess." Crossing my arms over my chest I raised a brow towards him. "Let my niece do the job. Besides I don't see anyone else here except for my daughter who can fit inside there." Roken glanced to my husband still not certain that it's a good idea. "You trust me. I trust her. Get her the ladder." Obi-wan throws his right hand out towards the princess with a small smile. "Leia, be careful." She nodded climbing up on the ladder where I tug Kiera through the crowd spotting some lightsabers laying on the table. Running my fingers over the weapons foosteps came up behind me Obi-wan picked up a robe that has no sleeves. He shrugged it on picking up a lightsaber showing our daughter. "Sweetheart if I get you this. You have to remember that this can kill someone. That it is for protection, not attack." Kiera gently wrapped her hands around the lightsaber accidentally opening it for the blue crystal to reflect off her. He twisted the button closing it so she doesn't hurt herself.

Obi-wan left to deal with a new mission on our communication signal device so I lead Kiera by hand into an empty hallway hearing everyone trying to either get the door opened or load up their stuff onto the ship. "So lesson one. Don't copy the twirling trick your father and I do. It's far too dangerous for you." I opened my right hand drawing my weapon to it. Kiera opened her palm flat closing her eyes and shockingly her lightsaber goes to her hand immediately. "I copied you, mommy!" She squealed jumping around in her boots in joy. Bending down on a knee I rest my freehand on her shoulder. "Honey, there's something you need to know. Two things actually...My real name is Y/n and your father's Obi-wan..." She nodded slowly letting me talk. "And Leia is more than a friend of the family...she's your-" Kiera cuts me off leaning her head into my palm with a childish grin. "My cousin. I could already feel it." My mouth dropped opened in shock. Master Yoda's words bouncing around more clearly in my head than ever. She will be a strong Jedi but also has a clever mind that will help her well. Before I can say anything else there's a big boom that shakes the underground causing me to pick her up carrying her over my shoulder meeting Obi-wan and Roken standing in front of an entrance. "What's going on, Obi?" He glanced down to me, eyes twitching back and forth. "It's Vader. He's planning on attacking. Follow me, darling." He started walking quickly towards the outer door where I sit Kiera on her feet telling her to stay. Obi-wan pressed his fingers to a speaker where I hear the lady inquisiter on the other side.

"If this is you stailiing. It's not going to work. Lord Vader will have you at any cost." Resting my left hand against the wall flat I closed my eyes mumbling. "There are families here, children. They don't deserve to be killed." The woman scoffed from the other side when my husband corrected her. "You mean, Anakin. You knew who Vader was. Back on Daiyu, how did you know that. Vader would have kept that hidden. And you're too young to have known him. Unless...You were there." He paused glancing down to me at his side parting his lips slightly. "It doesn't matter where I was." The woman shot back in reply but he wasn't having it. "The night of Order 66, you were a youngling. That's how you knew. You saw him." The lady tried to get him to stop but he kept on finally understanding. "He killed them. He killed the other younglings. But somehow you were there." A shiver runs down my whole body where I sway pressing my head in between my arms feeling my heart beating faster picturing them all yet again.

Removing my brown cloak from over my head I gasped at what we saw before us in one of the long hallways of the temple. Rushing to my knees I brush some boys hair from his face feeling tears slipping out. I had helped train almost all of these younglings and now this is their fate. Obi bends down resting an elbow on his knee releasing some tears himself. Walking softly like I'm on a frozen lake covered in ice I clutch my chest releasing tears again. I can already count the entire class of younglings dead that Yoda and I had been teaching for a little while. Resting a hand to my pregnant belly I bend down my heart whispering to the tiny boy or girl. "Don't worry little one. We're going to fix'll never know the feeling of...death." Glancing over my shoulder I see my master drop his ears lowering his head to the top of his cane. He released a shacky breath wishing that this was all just a dream. That we would wake up and the dark side hasn't won...but that's not the case. The Sith now holds the reigns in the galaxy.

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