Breaking His Mask

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Stepping off the ship I squinted seeing Vader walk off his spaceship. Obi-wan grabbed my hand in his brushing his thumb over my wedding ring before we walked up to him keeping space between us and him. Vader stopped in his tracks heavily breathing out. "Have you come to destroy me, Obi-wan and Y/n?" Opening my hand I force draw my lightsaber quickly opening it so the green reflects off me. Obi-wan spoke grabbing his with his hand doing the pose he used on fighting Grevius. "I will do what I must." The blue crystal appears from his weapon. Vader drew his weapon voicing. "Then you will die." He charged forward hitting his red against the blue. I run up smacking my green lightsaber against Vader where he pushed me backwards. Obi-wan swings at him and their weapons clashed for a few turns until Vader shoves me backwards into the dirt. I grunted quickly getting to my feet charging at him where green smacked red aggressively. "Give into the urge Y/n. I'm the one who hurt your children...they belong to the Dark side." Vader breathed but I do the lightsaber twirl neatly hitting his suit. "I'll never join you, Vader."

Obi-wan runs up hitting Vader's lightsaber. But they break apart when Vader used the force trying to crush me. Obi raised his freehand holding the rock from crushing me. "You're strength has returned...but so has the weaknesses." Vader taunted charged up to me forcing me to drop on my knees and press my lightsaber against his. "Y/n!" Obi-wan cried taking a swing towards him right before he raised his hand creating a hole underneath my husband's feet. Barrel rolling underneath Vader's lightsaber I screamed when he falls reaching out for my hand. "Obi-wan, no!" Throwing my freehand out I try and use the force to pull him back up but I feel the heat of a lightsaber burning through the back of my shirt. Vader stared down at me as I groaned through tears reliving the burning from the first time. This chance allows Vader to use the force from his other hand moving giants rocks to crush Obi-wan. Rolling on my back the red lightsaber burns my belly and I scream, still swinging my lightsaber against his knocking it away. Vader stumbled backwards eyeing me as I moaned pushing myself to stand on upright weakly. My lightsaber clutched in my right hand.

"Join me now and I will not kill that infant of yours." Vader said holding his closed lightsaber in hand. Taking a step forward with my right foot I feel my balance is off but still keep going. ", Vader. He just stares at me seeing my body basically limping towards the Sith appearance. He opened his lightsaber pointing the tip at me. "My master wants you. He wants your children on our side. I shall kill you here and now if you don't bend the knee." Putting my other hand on my lightsaber I get in a fighting stance never breaking eye contact with the man who used to be Anakin Skywalker. "My children are innocent, Vader...they fear what you are. I am Master Yoda's padawan and he faught for will I." Vader suddenly runs forward taking a swing at me but I ducked underneath his attack. Standing back up I swing towards his head but his lightsaber hits mine. We go back and forth for a few seconds but he grew tired, raising his other hand choking me. Clutching my lightsaber in one hand I try using my other to knock him out with a rock but my vision starts to go black. "Any last words Y/n Kenobi?" He threatened closing his fingers closer together cutting my air short. "You...should...have...made...sure...he...was...dead."

Vader releases me before turning and hitting Obi-Wan's lightsaber. I gasped for air choking when I'm on my hands and knees. The pair fight until Obi raised his arms drawing a bunch of rocks towards Vader. The man hits some with his weapon but not all. Obi-wan quickly rushes to me helping me up right when Vader swings for me. Raising my hand I shove him backwards with the Force securing my lightsaber in hand. Rushing forward I swing at him when he's off balance hitting the side of his mask. Obi hits the button controls on his chest hearing him wheezing heavy. "Obi - together!" I croaked out with a raw throat. He nods running forward and hitting his chest again knocking him on the ground. Vader groans loudly still getting up and wobbling in a run towards me. He takes a swing for me but I throw my left hand flinging him backwards. Obi-wan pants in a run throwing his arm up and slamming his lightsaber into the front of Vader's helmet. Pain shoots to my belly making me bend down a little because of the baby. Yet my eyes trailed up and lock on Vader with one side of his face actually being able to be seen, his eye trained on Obi and I.

"Anakin..." Obi-wan shutters out still holding lightsaber raised in case he attacks. Vader moans weakly standing up replying disoriented. "Anakin is gone. I am what remains." Obi-wan moved his lightsaber and I can see tears welling in his eyes for his former friend - who he considered like a brother in a way. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Anakin....for all of it." Vader stumbled closer where I start to raise my weapon in my shacky hands. "I am not your failure, Obi-wan. You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker...I did. The same way, I will destroy you and your wife!" Vader weakly moved his red lightsaber up. I never understood why sister died after the twins birth but it's really clear now. She couldn't live with the fact that the man she loved was a completely different person. She completely fell in love with the boy. "Then my friend is truly dead. Goodbye, Darth." Obi replied walking away. He draped an arm around my waist helping me up the ships ramp. Clutching my hand over my stomach I bite my lip groaning. "Here sit. I'll try and get us back home so you can rest." Obi rests his hands on my shoulders. Pressing my head onto the ship wall I snag his wrist halting him from leaving. "Obi, somethings wrong...the contractions are...too close together." He dropped on a knee tilting my face towards his seeing my eyes starting to close. "Y/n, look at me - don't go to sleep - stay with me." He called out but my eyes fall closed collapsing into his arms muttering. "The baby - somethings wrong..."

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