Strange Feelings

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Padme turned to face me curious. "Who?" Just as I'm about to tell her I don't have an answer the elevator door opened and two people walked in. Glancing over my shoulder I turned my head and I gasped at who I saw, two people who I knew but who have changed quit a lot since the last time we saw them.

Slowly rising to my feet my mouth hangs open at seeing the pair before me. Instantly I was stunned to see Anakin standing beside him all grown up. Padme got to her feet gasping. "Ani, is that you. My how you've grown." He simply nodded smiling at her. My eyes drifted from the two and back onto Obi-Wan. He smiled staring at me with those blue eyes I'll probably never forget. He crossed his arms over his chest his Jedi cloak moving slightly. "Princess Y/n, you're carrying a lightsaber now I see." I smiled tapping my right hand on it. "It's the same color as Yoda's. I've been getting a better handle on it since the last time we saw each other." He chuckled and I did too remembering I nearly took his head off the first time I weilded the weapon in my hands.

"I'd love to see you train sometime. Maybe Master Yoda will allow that." He suggested as his gaze drifted to his padawan and his interaction with your sister. His words make me smile and get a feeling in my chest that I'm not what's for. Pushing hair behind my ear I push the feeling deep down starting to leave. "Well it was good to see you again Master Kenobi. But if you'll excuse me I have to find my Master." Turning on my heels I started to leave until my sister's calls my name grabbing my wrist. "Could you stay here tonight. I'd feel a lot better if you did." I opened my mouth to tell her that she already had Jedi protectors but when she looked me in the eye I know she's asking as my sister and not a Senator. So I stay while Anakin and Obi-Wan are standing guard outside her bedroom. R2D2 is by the door scanning the room in case something came in.

Swinging my legs back and forth I sit on the foot of her bed as she pulled on a nightgown turning to me. "So I think you have a secret admirer." Whipping my head in her direction I don't quite understand what she just said. "I'm sorry, I have a what?" She comes to sit down beside me wrapping a blanket around herself. "I said I think someone is admiring you, sister." I chuckled thinking she's joking with me like we're children again. "Pad, you're playing around right. I mean who in the galaxy could it be?" She crossed her arms over her chest giving me a serious look. "I'm being serious. I saw the way he looked at you...with that smile." Shacking my head we both crawled under the covers as I laughed at my sister's thoughts. "Yeah right sis, Anakin knows the code. Jedi can't love." My eyes fall close as she rolled on her other side.

Obi's POV
Anakin eyes me from across the room as I slowly paced back and forth with my arms crossed over my chest. "Stop watching me Anakin and pay attention." He walks over to me arms at his sides staring at me oddly. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked finally getting him to answer. "Because I saw something in you today Master. This morning with Y/n." Rolling my eyes I turned to look out the window half lisening to his crazy thoughts. "You smiled at her but no ordinary one. You were happy to see her again. Your eyes brightened at her presence." Shrugging my shoulders I scoffed. "That's ridiculous-" He cuts me off coming to stand beside me still pressuring on. "So you're denying that she's pretty?" Turning my back to my young apprentice I go stand closer to the door wanting to end this conversation. "Of course not. I just don't - we're forbidden to think that way." He started to reply but we sense something is wrong and Y/n jumped up following us as we try and catch the killer.

Y/n's POV
Anakin's lightsaber killed two snakes and I jumped out of the bed when Obi-Wan jumped through the window hanging off of a flying Droid. Anakin and I found a flyer so we caught him falling in the air. We fly after the person who tried to kill my sister but Anakin jumped onto the flyer. Obi-Wan gets in the driver's seat as we chase after them. Somehow I squint and see his lightsaber flying at us. Raising my right hand I snatch it putting it in my lap mumbling to his Master. "Seriously how many times has he lost this?" He shakes his head answering. "Too many to count. Hang on." He punched the controls landing us on the ground before I saw the person we're chasing go into the club. Obi-Wan instructed his student. "Go and find her?" He asked his teacher looking at me for a second. "Where are you going, Master?" Kenobi's directs with his arm letting me walk ahead of him. "For a drink. Shall we Y/n?" I headed for the bar and he pays for our drinks before a dealer comes up beside me asking. "You wanna buy some death sticks?"

"You don't want to sell me death sticks..." I mumbled and the man spoke. "I don't want to sell you death sticks." Obi-Wan instructed the dealer sitting his drink down on the countertop. "You want to go home and rethink your life." The man finally left repeating back to the Jedi. "I want to go home and rethink my life." Once he's gone I take a sip of my drink giggling to the man beside me. "That never gets old." Obi-Wan glares at me warningly. "Don't treat your powers as a toy, Y/n." He picked up his drink and I nudged him with a smile. "Come on you can't tell that wasn't a little funny." He sipped from his drink lightly smiling. "Maybe a little bit." Suddenly he pulled out his lightsaber slicing off the hand of the person we're looking for causing her to groan and fall on the floor.

Anakin picked up the girl as everyone was staring at us so he said. "Jedi business. Go back to your drinks." I kicked open the door into the back alley as the hunter groaned dropping on the ground. Obi-Wan bends down to the ground questioning. "Did you know who your were trying to kill?" The hunter moaned answering after Anakin growled in her face. "It was a bounty hunter named-" They got cut off when something gets shot into their chest. Whipping my head up I see someone flying off clearly being the one who fired the shot. Turning my head back to the hunter their body turned green and their head falls backwards, I knew they're were gone when I couldn't sense them anymore. Obi-Wan bends down picking something small off the dead assain showing it to me and Anakin revealing. "Toxic dart." Running a hand through my hair it meant we're not done with this mission.

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