Her Mirror Image

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Drawing my gun I blasted towards the bounty hunter glancing over my shoulder seeing the girls jump off the edge grabbing the rope with one hand. "Kiera - Leia!" Obi-wan and I rushed forward dropping on our knees crying out.

"Mommy, daddy!" Kiera whimpered up to us as she and Leia hang on by the rope. I try to stay calm reaching out with my hands out but nothing happens making my heart rate increase. Leia's hand slipped and she cried out. "Ben, May!" Seconds after Kiera's hand also slipped where they're both falling. Obi-wan moved his hand straining through tears for a few seconds finally lowering them safely down to the ground. Bending my head down I released a breath until Obi-wan pulled me to my feet rushing to meet the girls. Sliding on my knees I secured Kiera in a bear hug burying my face in her hair. "You are never allowed to run from me and your father again. You understand me. This is a dangerous place." She sniffs through tears when I brush her hair behind her ears eyeing Leia who sits up.

"You...you really are a Jedi?" Obi-wan offers her his hands as some people started to appear around us. Pulling her to her feet and I rest a hand on her back moving her into an alley way. Foosteps approached behind us where I started to draw my lightsaber seeing its the fake Jedi guy from earlier. "Easy fierce girl please don't hurt me. I'm here to offer you help." Glaring at him Obi grabbed my wrist so I couldn't draw my weapon again. "Why should we trust you?" The guy hands some cordanitits to Obi-wan explaining. "There's a cargo transport. Go there and use these. There's people who can help you there." I reluctantly follow my husband on this man's word holding Kiera and Leia's hands when we entered the transport area. "I'm sorry, mommy. I just like being around Leia..." Kiera whispered looking up at me with her hair a messy from running. I squeeze her hand feeling guilty that we can't tell her that she's related to her. That by blood they are actually cousins, but it's too risky for them to be around each other.

Obi-wan glanced around the room and I can feel his uneasiness about the situation we're in. Leia takes notice too tugging his sleeve making him stop walking. "Is it that hard to believe you might have friends?" He stopped looking down at her while she explained with no fear on her face. "Look, since I've met you two. I've been chased, shot at, I almost fell to my death, and now there are inquisitting people after us. If somebody is offering us help, I think we should take it." Leia turned on her heels making me shutter in my boots, glancing out of the corner of my eye to my husband. He stood still blinking through tears towards a child. It's clear now more than ever that she mirrors Padme. Fearless is a trait my sister and I both share. The willingness to run into a fight even when you're scared, Leia is a mini Padme.

"What now?" Leia tilts her head to the side in confusion at why we haven't moved. Obi-wan is the first one to break the emotional silence. "Nothing, you just remind us of someone. She was fearless, too. And stubborn." Leia fought back. "I'm not stubborn " I chuckled along with Obi for the first time in forever. "Yes you are." She grumbled rolling her eyes. "I'm not...was your friend a Jedi too?" I bend down to her level on my knees smiling to the girl like I was talking with my sister all over again. "She was a great leader and my - my sister..." Leia softly asked wiping away a tear that had fallen down my cheeks. "What happened to her?" Obi-wan answered helping me up after offering me his right hand. "She died a long time ago." Leia whispered to us both. "I'm sorry." We started sneaking through the places where I clutch Kiera's hand. Obi-wan rests his hands on Leia's shoulders instructing both young girls. "Leia, Kiera, if I don't get back in time. Go. You understand." They both nodded before I grabbed his forearm stopping him. "I'm coming with you, not butts about it."

Obi-wan reached under his robe revealing his lightsaber in his hands. I draw mine ready to use it if I have too now hearing a woman's voice I don't recognize. Slowly walling forward I press my back against one the metal contraptions seeing red reflecting off meaning she's with the Empire. Chancellor Siduis is still alive I had told Obi-wan when we headed to the dusty planet with baby Luke. "You're not going to die...today. I'm just going to take the two of you to him..." Him, who's him. "Lord Vader will be pleased." The woman spoke as I see Obi's face flush with horror where he started shaking. "You didn't know. He's alive, Obi-wan, Y/n...Anakin Skywalker is alive. He's been looking for you two for a long time. And I will be the one to deliver you too him." Grabbing his forearm I dragged his frozen body onto the ship closing the ship transport door.

"What is it. Are you okay?" Leia came towards us seeing him slump against the door. Kiera stares at me asking as she plays with her cloak. "Mommy, what's wrong with daddy?" I gulped bawling my hands into fists feeling my legs starting to shake. Turning my head I sniffed through tears having flashbacks of dead younglings in the Jedi Temple. Closing my eyes I shutter in the horrible memories. "Mommny?" Kiera tugs my pant leg breaking me from the trance where I shake my head. "Ugh sorry yes. The bounty hunter's just gave your father and I a scare is all." The girls went and go talk somewhere while I watch my husband collapse on his knees whole body shaking. "Anakin...he's...alive...it's not possible...Y/n!" He croaked through tears as I rub his back with my left hand and my right twirls pieces of his hair trying to calm him down. "Ssshh it's gonna be okay. He - he won't find us...I promise." He buries his face in the crook of my neck making it wet with tears, while I kissed his forehead mumbling. "We'll get home. You, me and Kiera, I promise."

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