His First Padawan

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Honestly I have been dying to write this scene from the moment I considered writing this book. Yoda is a badass!!

I could hear Obi-Wan and Anakin get thrown by Dookubefore Yoda and I rounded the corner. Immediately my right hand reaches for my lightsaber eyeing my master who just sits his hands on his cane in front of him. I feel a shiver run down my spine being in the room with his former padawan. There were rumors about him and that he turned to the dark side. When he agreed to take me on as his new padawan I never in a million years would I have expected that I'd be in the same room with him. My gaze flickered to see Obi holding his leg and Anakin laying on his back moaning before Dooku spoke up. "Master Yoda." Yoda replied anger in his voice. "Count Dooku!" Dooku sees me mocking my master. "I see you've replaced me with a girl. There's no way she will be as strong as I was."

Dooku then raised his hand trying to throw a piece of metal at us. Raising my hand I throw it behind me. He then tried throwing a piller at Yoda who just tapped it away like it was nothing. Dooku bawled his hands into fists getting annoyed before trying to drop the ceiling down on us. Together Yoda and I held our hands above our heads, each throwing a piece to the side. "Powerful you have become, Dooku. The dark side I sense in you." Yoda grunted holding his hands out. Dooku seems so sure of himself throwing lightning from his hand towards us. "I have become more powerful than any Jedi, even you." Raising my hands I close my eyes screaming but don't feel anything and when I opened my right eye what I saw amazed me. Yoda grabs it with his hand shooting it back at Dooku.

Dooku tried to hit him again but the next time the lightning touched Yoda's hand it disappeared into his palm. "Much to learn you still have." He mocked his former padawan as my mouth hangs open at what my Master just did. "It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force...but by our skills with a lightsaber." Dooku spoke revealing a red lightsaber that only the members of the dark side carried. "Perhaps the girl should sit this one out." He taunted before Yoda moves his own weapon into his hands by the force. Then I pull mime out glaring intensily at Dooku my green lightsaber color glowing in my face. "I think your underestimating me Dooku." He launched himself into the air and Yoda and I followed having the fight begin.

Dooku takes a swing for me right away but I spun around hitting his saber with my own. He goes for Yoda who shoves him backwards with his green lightsaber. I jump in the air landing behind Dooku from behind but he jumped up in the air making Yoda chase after him. Doing a flip off the wall I swing for Dooku who ducked from my attack seeing Yoda land in front of him stopping his blow with his lightsaber. "Fought well you have, my old padawan." He voiced before Dooku tried to throw something at me that I throw back at him. He ducked moving a giant piller to crush Obi-Wan and Anakin. "No, Obi, Anakin!" I cried throwing my hands out struggling to stop the metal from crushing them. Master Yoda raises his hands helping me hold it still. He closed his eyes after sparing me a quick glance allowing me to take a breath. Closing my eyes along with him we slowly moved the pilller away from them, dropping it on the ground.

Dropping my shoulders I feel my whole body tired from the fighting we've faced today. My Master closed his eyes grunting beside me mumbling in a weak tone. "Good today you did my padawan." I give him a tired smile as we headed back home to the Jedi temple. Entering my room I winced seeing the blaster hit from one of the droids. Pulling a new shirt over my head I roamed the halls outside the council room. Peaking into the room I hear my master mumbled from his tiny chair. "Begun this clone war has." Seconds later I heard the door open and only Obi-Wan came out into the hallway. Quickly I shuffle over to the window watching the stars in the sky outside the window. "So how's your side feeling after earlier?" He inquired coming to stand by my side, glancing at where I was hit. Turning my head his direction I simply reply trying to not press against the fresh scar. "A little sore. But the doctor said it should heal up just fine in a few weeks."

"You know what you did today was very impressive." He suddenly compliments out of the blue watching the stars glowing brightly in the night sky. Tilting my head his way making my braid fall over onto my back I hang my mouth open a little. "Yeah right, oh wait you're serious?" He nodded turning to fully face me with a kind smile that I have begun to enjoy seeing on his face. "Yes indeed. You faced Master Yoda'a first padawan and not many people can say that." Shrugging my shoulders my proud smile dropping slightly. "But he got away..." Obi-Wan shakes his head defending what choice we had made. "He only got away because you chose to do what was right. Saving Anakin and I from being crushed. It was the right call to make....you're a protector."

Glancing up into his blue eyes I slightly taunted his early actions in the fighting area. "Is that the same thing you'd use to justify jumping in front of that legged creature who was trying to kill me?" His eyes went wide a little and I feel my cheeks turning red at the blunt thought I made that I immediately try and take back. "I didn't mean it to be offensive. Obviously I'm grateful that you saved me. It's just - I don't - uh nevermind." Waving my hands around I try to drop the conversation all together. "It's alright Y/n, I know that you're more than capable of taking care of yourself. It's one of the things I love - um admire about you as a Padawan." He stuttered and I could've sworn his face turned red a little but I don't really think anything of it. We're Jedi after all and attachments are forbidden. Secretly Yoda had exited the council room hearing you two talking. He could see something forming between the two of you but couldn't quite put his finger on it just yet so it was best to just keep it to himself until he knew more.

Comments really appreciated :)

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