Yoda's Training

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3 years later
"Control your mind my apprentice. Filter out all distractions you must." Master Yoda instructed as I hold my lightsaber in my right hand. Closing my eyes we were standing in an empty room in the temple. With me wearing a tan shirt and pants, with my hair completely loose except for one small braid at the front of my hair. Yoda has been trying to get my mind more clear so I can lift things. I had already been able to control someone with my mind only having been training for a year. "Curious thing the mind is. Too many thoughts, feelings can be dangerous to a Jedi's progress." He spoke walking around in circles as I scrunch my nose up a little trying to ignore his voice.

Anakin and Obi-Wan left the temple to begin his training immediately the day I met Yoda. My sister was sent to follow under the Queen's ruling once again. I can't say I miss her because Jedi aren't supposed to have any attachments....but I will always miss when she's gone. She after all still my sister that I grew up with my whole life. Opening my right hand I just let the air surround the saber as I let my shoulders drop. Releasing a breath I feel it's weight lift up from my hand so I squint one eye open seeing it levitate above my hand. Opening my eyes all the way I move the weapon around the room, spinning it around in circles a few times before placing it in my hands with my mind.

"Successful you are Y/n. To the next part of your training we go." Yoda moves his robe moving his own lightsaber in his left hand. The green stick popped out when he puts both hands on it. Raising my other hand I wrap it around the handle of my weapon getting into a fighting stance. Yoda jumps up into the air and I do the same where he backflips over me landing behind me. Spinning on my feet he moved his saber forward hitting mine. He pulls back raising his hand and throwing me backwards. Rolling on the ground I grab my lightsaber running forward at him but he blocked my attack. "Quick learner you are. Pick this up tomorrow then." He closed his saber and I placed mine in my belt on my hip.

6 years ago
I run forward drawing my lightsaber slicing a training Droid in half. Two raised their guns trying to shoot me but I raise my freehand lifting them up into the air, knocking them together against each other then dropping them to the floor. Four circles me when I spun around jumping up into the air backflipping and slicing two in half. Then throwing the others weapons away against the wall and launching them into the wall. Closing my lightsaber I glanced around me that all the training droids were on the ground, disabled in one way or another. "Impressive my padawan. Closer to start the trials you are." Yoda compliments resting his hands on his cane.

"I'm grateful for your training, Master." I bowed to him with a smile. Yoda had told me that he his first padawan went to the dark side. So he was reluctant to take on another until he met me. I still couldn't understand what he felt through the force about me. But whatever it was I hope the council will see it too. The Jedi trials to become a Master were said to be extremely tough. That's why there are very few Masters who sit on the council to judge the other Jedi's who protect the galaxy beside them. "Soon to the trials you shall go. Still prepare you we will. No easy feet it is." Yoda and I stroll the hallways. My right hand resting on my lightsaber reminding me of something Kenobi would've done.

Foosteps come running to us for a guard of my sister's security services to say out of breath. "Master Yoda, Princess Y/n. You're sister the senator is in her room. The distraction worked. A bounty hunter is targeting her." Closing my eyes I wrap my left hand around the fabric of my shirt, taking a few deep breathes to control my emotions. My sister had returned to the Capital a year ago to become the Senator and help the Republic keep its power. But with carrying that title means that people will try and kill her. The attack the guard spoke of means that she will need extra protection...most likely a Jedi. "Troubling this is. Send for Kenboi and his appreciation immediately you should." Master Yoda instructed the guard watching him bow and run off to call the pair back to the Capital.

"Best to see your sister it may be. Inform her of the situation in preparation." My Master tilts his head up at me and I bowed mumbling before heading to see my sister. "Yes Master." Following where the guard came from I found her chambers at the end of the west coredoor. Raising my hand I knocked twice hearing her open the door smiling at me. I stepped inside closing the door with my left hand. "Y/n, I'm surprised to see you again. I thought Jedi can't have attachments." She pointed out as I intertwined my hands together in front of me. "It is forbidden. But my Master told me to come inform you of what's happening...in the codes with the Jedi." Padme walks over sitting down on the couch and I sit down beside her brushing hair behind my ear. "It's about the attacks on your life."

She simply stared into my eyes where I can see the regret at the loss of the girls that possed as her and were killed. It clearly still weighs on her heavily no matter how many times it occurs. "The Jedi counsel feels it would be best if you were given more...protection.." She slightly rolled her eyes at my words scoffing. "I don't need more protection. I just want to know who is trying to kill me." Laying my hands in my lap I fiddle with my fingers understanding where she is coming from. "Lisen sister. These are the wishes of thr council and I am just here to tell you that they have chosen someone from our past. Someone you know." Padme turned to face me curious. "Who?" Just as I'm about to tell her I don't have an answer the elevator door opened and two people walked in. Glancing over my shoulder I turned my head and I gasped at who I saw, two people who I knew but who have changed quit a lot since the last time we saw them.

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