Rebels at Heart

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"Padme, I don't see the point in this. Jedi are supposed to wear robes not dresses." I dropped my arms at my sides walking the halls in a light orange dress with her wearing a light blue one smiling. "Y/n, you promised that this would be our sister day together. Now come on, have fun." Even with the war going on right now I did in fact agree to give us a day to hang out when she wasn't busy being a Senator and all. The wind blows through my loose hair with my padawan braid falling over my left shoulder. Tilting my head up I can faintly hear grunting and weapons hitting each other. "Let's see who wins, sister." I grabbed my sister's hand, dragging her towards the direction of the sound. Hiding behind one of the large pillars we can get a view of Anakin and Obi-wan practicing in one of the open garden rooms. Padme hasn't truly ever seen the skills of the boy she cared for since we were fighting for our lives in the arena cage before the clones showed up. The two blue lightsabers smacked against each other until Anakin cornered Obi-wan, disarming him of his weapon. "There I win. Your weapon is gone." He turns his back to his Master who spoke before rolling underneath his padawan's arm. "You're need for victory blinds you, Anakin." Obi-wan gets to his feet throwing his right hand open using the force and stealing his lightsaber from him. Anakin spun on his feet, surprised when Obi-wan closed his weapon and handed it back to him. "And until you overcome your need to prove yourself. A padawan you still will be." He nodded, glancing over our direction, smiling which Padme matched, rising to her feet.

"We seem to have some admirers, Master." Obi-wan glanced our way picking his weapon up off the floor. Clipping it onto the belt he wears bowing at our entrance. "Senator Amidala, Princess Amidala." Padme and I curtsy with grins on our faces. Brushing my hands down the front of my dress I feel my face heating up. Even though we have the corridor all alone to the four of us I'm not quite used to showing my affection to the nickname Obi-wan gives me. Anakin and Padme stand over to the side talking about something that makes them both smile until Ob calls my name. "Y/n, how are you with the..." He gestures with his freehand while his other rests on the weapon attached to his hip. Intertwining my hands together in front of me I smiled. "It's been good. The morning sickness hasn't been as bad...does the council suspect or Anakin?" He shakes his head where we sit on the window ledge overlooking the city below. "He doesn't know...but he's also occupied too." I nod my head tucking hair behind my ear until he intertwined our hands together staring at me with those blue eyes. "Master Kenobi, did Y/n tell you she was eager to watch you practice?" Padme suddenly asked with a playful smirk on her face. "Pad..." I blushed, lowering my head a little seeing Obi-wan turning red like a tomato. Anakin chuckled, draping his arm over my sister. I didn't know that this would be the last moment where we were all just friends. Where we could goof off without a care. But I'd give anything to have my sister still alive, just for one more day or night.

The lady inquisitor suddenly pulled me from my trance, cutting a hole in the wall with her red lightsaber. Obi-wan yanks me backwards drawing his blue lightsaber. Parting my lips in shock the wall gets knocked down where some of the Rebels draw their weapons firing back against the stormtroopers attack. Opening my left hand I finally drew my lightsaber to my hands twirling it and hitting a stormtrooper with the green blade falling to the dirt. Obi twirls his weapon dodging the red blast in a fast motion. Lifting my arms above my head I throw my lightsaber into the chests of two stormtroopers standing back to back. Raising my hand out drawing the weapon back to my hand as my feet shuffle backwards trying to get another door closed to hold them. I can hear Roken around the corner ushering people onto the ship. I pray that Kiera and Leia are smart enough to already get on board with everyone. "If you just surrender now. I'll let you live for a little longer." The lady Jedi said managing to move through the crowd spinning her red weapon in front of me. She takes a swing but I rolled underneath her blow getting to my feet quickly having to block her from hitting me in the cheek with her weapon. She grunts as I shove her back with the Force from my left hand allowing me the chance to run around a corner seeing my husband nearly cornered. "Obi!"

He keeps hitting their attacks with his blue lightsaber with blasters going off around from either Tala and her people or the stormtroopers and inquisitting people. Tala blasted a shot above my head as I have my back to her throwing some of the troopers with the Force away from us. "I'm sorry for nearly choking you earlier. It's just-" She shakes her head glancing quickly over her shoulder still firing off shots. "You don't have to apologize dear. They are your children, your family. Your hope." Twisting my green lightsaber into the leg of a trooper then to the chest of another I whipped my head around to the woman stunned. "What did you say, Tala?" She spun on her feet where we swapped positions. "I said Hope...from what I've heard rebellions are built on it." I stand still for a second liking the sound of that. So much where if this next child is another girl that most likely will be her name. Clutching my side I feel a blast hit me in my lower back making me cry out in pain. "Ah!!" My legs give way dropping to the ground and another stormtrooper fired a shot at my ankle making me grab it. "Y/n, no!" Obi-wan screamed trying to reach me but stormtroopers were pushing him back further into the cave. Suddenly Tala grunts dropping to the ground with her Droid landing on top of her. "Tala -urgh!" I grunted trying to stand but the blast must have twisted my ankle. Her Droid hands her something before he lifts his arm lifting me in the air and throwing me where I rolled on the dirt landing beside my husband who keeps spinning his weapon. "No, Tala, no!" Obi-wan hollered out with her looking back at us holding a small bomb in her hands. "May the Force be with you." She pressed the button launching us backwards, blowing herself and every stormtrooper around her to bits.

Comments really appreciated :)

Should I do more flashbacks scenes, yes or no????

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