Just Like Old Times

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Killing the power Obi-wan opened his blue lightsaber killing a stormtrooper creating light in the dark room. Opening my weapon I launched it into the chest of a stormtrooper making him fall on the floor. Then quickly closed it hiding in the darkness. "Show yourselves. Stand where you are." The last stormtrooper threw his gun around the room searching for us. Obi hits him in the back then I kicked him to the ground hitting him with my lightsaber closing it quickly. "You're alive." Leia exclaimed as he unhooked them both. Kiera flings her arms around my neck and I hug her quickly. "They told us you were dead..." Sitting her down on her feet Obi-wan looks up at the princess. "I didn't tell them anything. Neither did she." He nodded getting to his feet taking her hand. "I know...come with me we're gonna get you home, little niece."

The doors opened and Stormtroopers aim their guns at us. Obi-wan already has his weapon drawn and I pull mine out shoving the girls behind our backs when they start firing at us. Obi-wan turns the lightsaber in his hands making their attacks dodge somewhere else. One of the stormtroopers shoots at me but I swing my weapon making it hit the flying Droid behind me. Obi-wan starts to get back in the grove with his weapon finally knocking down the stormtrooper twirling his blue lightsaber in between his fingers. "Leia, Kiera!" He called out to them where she immediately puts her hand in his about to turn the corner when more stormtroopers come around. I start to make their bullets back at them but someone throws the stormtroopers against the wall instead. Whipping my head down I hang my mouth opened in shock seeing Kiera with her hands raised in front of her. "Did you just-" Obi grabbed our arms pulling us to start running knowing more will come.

"Kiera just used the force, Obi." I blurted out until the next time we turned stormtroopers are walking towards us. "Hide girls!" He ordered them immediately dodging their attacks different directions. Swinging my lightsaber around I knocked one of them down then the next where a gun blast hits the window behind me. "How in the name of - incoming!" Obi tried to talk about Kiera's new powers but more troopers came from the other way. Twirling my weapon in my hands I launched it forward into the closet trooper, running up and yanking it out as blasts shoot around me. Obi twirls his weapon hitting one of the blasts into a door keypad locking the rest of the troopers inside. "Ben, the window!" Leia cried as the glass started to break more. Raising my freehand Obi-wan does the same making Kiera cry. "Mommy, daddy!" Tala runs to us where he grunts seeing me clutching my eyes praying we can hold it. "Get them out of here. We'll hold this!" The stormtroopers are trying to break through when the glass keeps breaking more. "Obi, what are we gonna do?" I cried out grunting when the troopers are getting closer. He moved his hand letting the glass break and scoop them up grabbing my hand and we slide under the door in the nick of time.

Tala leads us out towards our ship where an alarm started blaring so I pulled my hood closely around myself. "That can't be good." Kiera grips my hand when we reached the ship bay but one of the Jedi hunters opened their weapon recognizing us. Leia looks at Obi from behind his back nerves. My right hand starts to reach for my lightsaber again seeing all guns aimed towards us. "I love you, Obi." I mumbled thinking we might not make it out of her feeling him squeeze my hand. Suddenly two ships started firing at all the stormtroopers and Jedi hunters allowing us to run to our escape. Kiera and Leia climbed in the ship first with Obi-wan following but I glared my eyes at the lead woman holding a red lightsaber. Standing on the ramp of the ship I hear Obi-wan calling my name as I raised my lightsaber open above my head. Launching it towards her chest but she jumped out the way as I hold my hand out drawing it back to my hand shouting to her. "The next time you try come after my family is the next time I won't miss!" Climbing on the ship I rest my head against the window seeing her smirking up at me knowing Vader would be pleased that you might be able to be turned easily.

Comments really appreciated :)

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