Kenobi's Legacies

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6 years later
"Mommy, mommy, daddy and sissy are fighting!" Our six year old daughter Padme ran into the house. We had moved from the cave into an actual house that's still a ways from town. She grabs my hand dragging me outside into the open area of the house. Her hair is in a braid while she wears a white shirt and brown pants. I hear lightsabers smacking together before we round the corner. Kiera has been training for years to get better at learning the Force. Obi-wan spins on his heels pointing his blue lightsaber to her green one until Kiera knocked the weapon from his hands. "And I win, father." He shakes his head finally noticing us in the room. Padme tackled him in a hug where he spins her around in the air laughing. "There's my other girl. Were you taunting the Ewalks again?"

Little Padme has gotten into a bad habit of trying to steal the Ewalks cloaks that they wear. Wanting to wear a robe like her father does. Kiera wears her hair up in a bun reminding me such of young Leia. The Skywalker princess would become a leader someday I can see it. "Mom, why did you name my sister after your sister anyway?" Kiera suddenly asked plopping down on the couch and I followed sitting down. I haven't ever had the chance or strength to tell my sisters story. Obi-wan carried her over joining us with a small smile. "She named her that because your aunt was a great leader. Little Leia mirrors her mother as do the two of you." Playing with my hands together in my lap I get to my feet feeling their eyes on me. "You two are the next generation of this family. You have the power of the Jedi running through your blood. Meaning you two need to - go play for now." The girls jumped up immediately chasing after each other around the house.

"So love, have you contacted Yoda anymore?" Obi asked striding up and resting a hand on my face. Leaning into his palm with a soft smile. "No I haven't. What about your Master, Qui Gon?" When we had returned from bringing Leia home his dead Master had showed himself in the form of a blue ghost form. He shakes his head moving forward and pressing his lips onto mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck I mumble. "I love you, you know that Obi-wan." He mumbled back in between more kisses. "I love you too, Y/'ve given me the best things ever." Four foosteps rush into the room arguing back at each other. "I want to play with it!" Padme jumped for her sisters lightsaber on her side. "It's too dangerous. Mom and dad said so Pad!" Kiera pushed her away a little until they both looked up at us for an answer. Even though one is fourteen and the other six years old they fight like their babies over almost everything.

Grinning I scoop Padme up in my arms causing her to giggle uncontrollably. Obi does the same to Kiera grunting a little. "Oh, I'm not sure how much longer I can do this sweetheart. You're getting heavier." Kiera just chuckled at that remark. Obi-wan and I each sit down on one of the high rocks getting a view of the vast desert in front of us. The sun's are setting in the distance where I lay my head on my husband's shoulder sighing in relief. For this is the life I know my sister would have wanted if she had lived. I know she's watching us from up there smiling. "Mom, look it, look." Kiera breaks me and apparently Obi from our trance because he grunts seeing something sitting on a small rock in front of me. Putting Padme on the ground I feel my whole body shiver recognizing the small creature in front of me. "Master...Yoda..." I trailed off dropping on a knee staring into the eyes of the little green man. He smiled looking over my shoulder to the little ones who hide behind my backside. "Afraid you not need be little ones. Friend of family I am." He replied pointing a finger to the girls.

"Master Yoda, what are you - how are you here?" Obi-wan questions joining my side on the ground, ushering the girls in front of us. "Through the Force possible it is. Learn in time you will Kenobi." Yoda turned his head my direction somehow taking my hand in his squeezing it gently. "With you always I will be, promised you I did Y/n. Meet the children I wish." He smiled hopeful where I take Kiera's hand in mine where she nervously waves to my former master. "Hi...I'm Kiera's..." Master Yoda nodded until Padme finally gets brave introducing herself. "I'm Padme, Mr..." I answer her question. "Yoda. His name is Yoda. He used to be my Jedi Master." Obi-wan eyes me with a kind smile speaking to one of the only living Jedi council masters beside himself. "We have done our job, Master. Luke is being protected by his family as is Leia. And we are training our little ones to be Jedi." Master Yoda raised his hand where both girls placed there's on top when he starts speaking. "Old ways of the Jedi gone they are. Create a new way you both will. Kiera and Padme, the future you will be." Obi-wan draped an arm over my shoulder hearing me whisper before he would disappear again. "Will I ever see you again, Master?" Yoda nodded resting his freehand onto his lightsaber, following my current state of my right hand. Obi-wan rests his in the same position already knowing the answer. "Connected the Force is. To your family and your strengths. Proud your sister would be of you. As am I, my former padawan. As am I." With that Yoda disappeared leaving us all in awe for the future that would be come.

This is the end my readers. I loved writing this story more than any of my other books and I am happy to know people are reading it. So thank you

Comments really appreciated :)

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