Trusting Master

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ZSb402 thanks for the idea

"Master, I need to tell you something." He lifts his head standing in front of me declaring. "Explanation needed not. Know of you and Kenobi I already do." My nervous smile fell in shock as I feel my heart staring to race. Of course he knows. That's why he's called a Jedi Master.

Pacing back and forth I see the door opened and Obi-wan stepped inside. Yoda sits on the small round chair with the two of us sitting on separate chairs facing him. I can already hear Obi-Wan's voice in my head telling me to relax but it's not going to happen. Not when I'm literally sitting in a room with my Master and he knows I'm pregnant. That I broke the Jedi Code. Yoda glanced from me then back to Kenobi still not uttering a word out. It's like he's taunting us by keeping the room silent. "Lie to me you both have. Disappointed I am." He finally replied and I slumped my shoulders not enjoying him saying those words.

"Master Yoda, I am truly sorry we forbade the councils orders. We never intended to it just-" Obi started to explain moving his hands about until Yoda raised a hand cutting him off. "Regret not pf this feeling, Obi-wan. Still a young Jedi Master you are." Finally locking eyes with my Master I tuck my hair behind my ear mumbling low. "So I guess we'll have to turn in our robes and lightsaber now..." Yoda sits up straighter on his little chair pointing his fingers at me. "Nonsense my padawan. Keep this hidden I shall." Obi and I turned our heads to each other in shock then turned to Master Yoda. I couldn't believe that he wasn't angry. And wasn't kicking us out of the Temple by now. Obi gets to his feet bending down on a knee to him resting his arm on his bent knee asking the daring question. "Why not, Master. Surly this is against the code." Yoda puts his hand on Obi-Wan's speaking softly. "Saw something in her I did. Grows stronger when with you it does."

Dropping to my knees beside him I take my masters hand in mine releasing happy tears up at him. "Thank you, Master. Thank you." He nodded closing his eyes and lifting our lightsabers over to us before instructing. "Mission I have for you two. Important to hide suspicion it is. Go to her home planet you shall." Raising my brows at him I don't understand why he would want us to leave the Temple. "Wouldn't that raise more suspicion?" Yoda shakes his head tapping his fingers to his forehead. "Better for them to see you both gone then just one. Hard to hide a growing belly it will be." Obi-wan nodded and I started to leave the room but stopped in my tracks. Glancing over my shoulder back to my master. "Thank you not telling anyone, Master." He bowed his head seeing me leave to go pack a bag.

Padme wasn't exactly sure of me leaving but I have to do as Yoda requested. It wasn't like we weren't ever going to come back. The world will always need Jedi. Obi-wan puts our bags in the ship taking my hand in his with a small smile. "I know this might not be a good time but I've been thinking of baby names." Throwing my head back I chuckled running a hand through his hair. "I was thinking Ben if it was a boy." Climbing into the ship I replied to his random thought. "If it's a girl I vote Kiara." He flies the ship up into the sky with R4 helping him pilot. Resting my hands on my belly I've been trying to picture would the baby take more after me or Obi-wan. I never imagined I would ever go home when Padme got into politics. I only hope that Anakin and Padme can handle being alone without us for a few days. Obi-wan closed his eyes when you jumped into light speed taking a moment to see you fast asleep behind him. He knew it was reckless to be involved with you but he didn't regret it. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small piece of jewelry. Rubbing it between his thumb and index finger he wished you were free to wear it in public, so that everyone could see that attachment could be possible for Jedi.

Comments really appreciated :)

Yes this chapter is short I'm sorry. College finals are coming up. But I wanted to post something for Star Wars today

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