Children are our Responsibility

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"Master Yoda, you and your padawan survived." The Chancellor snickers from his chair as my right hand hovered over my weapon in my belt. "Suprised are you?" Yoda tilts his head with a little amusement in his voice.

Obi-Wan's POV
Anakin and Padme are talking until he noticed me walking down the ramp. Anakin screamed force choking her by the throat. "You're with him. You brought him here to kill me!" Padme begs gasping for breath with tears in her eyes. "Anakin..." Stepping off the ship I knew it would break Y/n's heart if he killed her sister and I couldn't stop him. "Let her go Anakin...let her go!" He released her where her body dropped limp to the ground. I can see it in my padawan's eyes that he isn't who he used to be. That his mind is too far gone. Drawing my lightsaber he draws his and we started fighting each other on the planet of fire and lava. Anakin force choked me when we're inside the building until I dropped on the ground getting to my feet again. Spinning my lightsaber we both jumped onto platforms floating down the lava River. I try catching my breath for a second but Anakin swings his lightsaber at me when I noticed the drop that if we fe off we would be burned to death. Searching around frantically for a ledge I launched myself into the air landing in the dirt staring at him. He bends his knees about to jump but I could see he wasn't going to land right. Anakin jumped but I swing my weapon cutting his legs off where he lands at a low point starting to catch on fire. "You were the chosen one. It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them. Bring balance to the Force. Not leave it in darkness!" I cried using the force and drawing his weapon from his hands. He screamed up at me moaning in pain. "I hate you!" Turning to leave I look over my shoulder one last time seeing him burning. "You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."

Y/n's POV - Meanwhile during their battle
Sidius showed his teeth in an evil smile at us getting up from his chair raising his hands and blasting the lighting from his fingertips towards us. Yoda and I smack harshly against the wall collapsing to the ground. Lifting my body up slowly the Sith walked forward cackling with my hair falling out of its braid. "Blast the Jedi are no more." My master gets to his feet groaning glaring at the Emperor, raising his hands he launched him across the room making him scream falling over his chair. "Not if anything to say about it I have. That an end your rule is and not short enough it was." The Sith launched up into the air trying to leave sp we jumped blocking him in. Moving my cloak to the side I revealed my lightsaber with Yoda taunting him. "If so powerful you are. Why leave?" Sidius responded stepping back when my master used the force drawing his green lightsaber. "You will not stop me. Darth vader will become more powerful than either of us." Drawing my weapon the green light glows on my face as I get in a fighting stance. "I will not let my child live in the world you want to create, Sith."

Sidius shows his red lightsaber when Yoda launched into the air and I followed after him. You can clearly tell this guy is a lot stronger than Dooku or his first apprentice ever was. Sidius swings for me but I shove his lightsaber to the ground making green hit red. Yoda jumped up ontop of the platform that started rising up into the senate room with all the seats. Sidius suddenly throws Yoda and I from the platform onto another one below then shoots some towards us that I dodged hopping to another platform below. Yoda stopped one with the Force spinning it around rapidly launching it back at the guy. Sidius stumbled down near me where I opened my weapon again yet he shot electric blasts from his hands knocking my weapon to the ground far below. He shoots more lightning my way where I clutched my eyes closed thinking I'm gonna get hit yet I squinted one eye open seeing I am controlling it instead. Yoda leaped down beside me pressing the lightning blast back towards Sidius that blasts us backwards onto the ground.

Yoda helps me up pulling us to drop down a hole landing in a ship escaping the temple. Landing in the seat behind Yoda I clutched my stomach feeling strong contractions. "Baby is it?" He questioned turning around in his chair resting his left hand over mine that's on my growing belly. Biting my lip I throw my head back sucking in some deep breaths. Once we landed on the ship hiding in between asteroids I gasped feeling tears falling down my face knowing it's Obi-wan. Rushing through the ship I see him carrying in my sister with her arms wrapped around his neck carrying her bridal style. "Oh God, Padme no..." I whispered out following closely on his heels. She wasn't dead I could feel her still in the force but it's very weak. Pressing my hands against the glass my sister laying on the medical table I feel my heart racing. "She's dying." The Droid answered Obi-wan quickly. "We must operate if we wish to save the babies-" I cut him off spinning in my boots stunned. "Babies, what do you mean?" The Droid faced me before quickly heading to deliver my niece or nephew. "She's carrying twins."

Padme whimpered as she pushed the first baby out clutching my hand that I had offered her. The Droid lifts up a little baby boy handing him over to Obi and I smiled loving the image of him holding an infant in his arms. That will soon be his own son or daughter. "Luke...." My sister mumbled out having to push once more using most if the strength she had left. "It's a girl, sis. It's a girl Padme." I declared holding the babygirl in my arms hearing her mumble her name. "Leia..." Padme can barely keep her eyes opened delivering her last words up to the two of us. "There's good in him...I know." Bending my head down I started crying that she's gone while Obi-wan lays the twins down some blankets where we met with Yoda to discuss the next step. "Split up the children must be." He sat in a chair in between the three of us. Senator Bail Organa spoke up immediately about Leia. "My wife and I will take the girl. We always wanted to adopt one." Obi-wan responded right after about Luke eyeing me as his right hand is intertwined with mine seeing I'm still shaken up over my sister's death. "We can watch over the boy." I weakly smiled to my master knowing it's what my sister would do. "We'll care for him as if he was our own child, master."

"Both of you I have Training for in your solitude. An old friend has found the path to immortality. You're old master." Yoda explained softly to Obi-wan seeing him stunned that his former master was still alive in a way. Obi-wan left the room to prepare baby Luke for the travel while I clip my lightsaber back to my belt throwing my cloak over my shoulders. "I'm going to miss you, Master. I suppose I also owe you a thank you for not telling the council about our secret baby. I've learned a lot from you Yoda." He takes my hands in his pulling me down to a knee knowing this will be the last we will possibly see each other. "Powerful padawan you were, Y/n Amidala. Jedi Master you have become. And with you I shall always be." He hugs me for a little while and I hugged him back truly going to miss my little green teacher. Obi-wan landed the ship on the sandy planet seeing me cradling Luke in my arms as I hand him over to his uncle and his wife who loved getting a baby. "We need to find shelter, love. We need to try living a normal life now you and I." Obi-wan mumbled kissing my forehead as we're about to get on the speeder once more. Resting my right hand to his cheek I whispered with a grin seeing him holding out a ring. "We won't have to hide our love any longer, Y/n. You're mine." Leaning up on my toes he slipped it on feeling me smiling against the kiss. "There's something else that you need to know besides the fact that I love you, Obi-wan....I spoke with the medical Droid and it told me we're gonna have a babygirl. We're gonna have a little Kiera Kenobi." He grinned pulling me in for another warm kiss.

Readers, so I might come back and add scenes from the Kenobi series into this book. But until then this is the end of this story

Comments really appreciated :)

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