Mission Set-Up

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Anakin was assigned to be my sister's protection when he took her back to her home planet until we figured out who this bounty hunter's name was and where to find them. Entering one of the training rooms I see Master Yoda teaching a group of younglings. "Younglings, a visitor!" He called out having them all lower their lightsabers waving at me. "Hi Miss L/n." I waved resting mh right hand on my saber turning to my Master. "Sorry to interpret class, Master. I just thought I'd inform you that Skywalker and the Senator have launched." He nodded as I turned to leave hearing him call out. "Leaving so soon you are. Teach younglings with me would you mind?"

"Of course, my Master." I bowed as he turns his back to me closing his eyes. Pulling my lightsaber I opened it running at him with the children watching closely. When I'm close to Yoda he raised his hand lifting me into the air throwing me onto the floor. He reached for his weapon but I throw my left hand out using the force and pulling it away from him. Yoda closed his eyes lifting his hand but I lifted my freehand where we are both trying to control the other. Suddenly he flickered his freehand taking his lightsaber back then we both dropped our hands. He turned to the younglings who are in awe at how we trained with each other. "Explain where she went wrong, younglings." A young girl with blonde hair raised her hand so I called her name. "Yes, Brooke."

She stepped forward pointing to where Master Yoda started out. "Master Yoda had you believe he wasn't a threat. So you charged in without thinking." I nodded asking her to keep explaining. "Anything else you'd like to add?" She turned to Master Yoda pulling out her lightsaber acting out what he did. "Miss L/n was too worried about holding you back that allowed you to grab your lightsaber back, Master." He nodded tapping his cane on the floor once putting his weapon away. "Correct the padawan is. A jedi must be aware of all surroundings around them. Keeping an open mind is vital." Foosteps approached our room and I peaked around the corner seeing its Kenobi coming towards us. What could he want from us I thought.

"Hello, Master Obi-Wan." All the children spoke and he smiled turning to face the two of us. "I'm sorry to disturb you two." Yoda rests his hands on his cane questioning. "What help can I be, Obi-Wan. Hmm?" Obi-Wan pulled something from his brown cloak. "I'm looking for a planet described toe by an old friend. I trust him but the system don't show on the archive maps." Master Yoda turned to his head to the children lightly chuckling. "Mmm. Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing, how embarrassing." I bite my tongue trying to not giggle alongside the children. He placed his map on the reader filling the room with spots that represent stars in the galaxy.

One of the younglings gave a thought that it was removed by someone before the three of us started leaving the room. "The data must have been erased." Obi didn't quite believe what my Master is saying. "But, Master Yoda, who could empty information from the archives. That's impossible, isn't it?" He crossed his arms over his chest curious. I stopped in my tracks lisening to him reply. "Only a Jedi could've erased those files." He rests a finger to his chin telling him. "Follow the lead you should." Obi-Wan bowed heading to leave but Master Yoda turned to me, pointing his finger to him. "Acompany him you should. Great training it may be." Whipping my head around my hair falls over my shoulders not believing what he's saying. "Master Yoda, I'm not his padawan-" He raised a hand waving it off towards him. "Matters not that does. Excellent training it shall be for you. Run along my padawan."

Climbing out of our ship I quickly pull up the brown cloak hood. I was given a cloak before we left and I run forward from Obi until we get inside the building away from the thundering rain. Glancing around I nearly scream seeing an alien lady that has light blue skin and weird eyes. "Master Jedi's. The prime Minister is expecting you." Raising a brow I don't understand how she knew we were coming. The woman leads us down the hallway and we meet the Minister who confuses me even more. "I'm sorry, did you say something about an army?" I asked leaning forward in my chair to which he explained. "Yes we received an order from a Jedi about the creation of a clone army." Obi looks to me and I can guess that the council never mentioned something like the idea of an army.

Walking down the hallways my eyes see a bunch of blue eggs of clones growing. Then we see sets of the army eating and training. Obi-Wan stares my direction when I headed to the balcony seeing thousands of soldiers matching. I hate to admit it but the council just might need this army. Later we stood at the door when the lady left where I can voice my thoughts. "I have to admit the council may need this." He shakes his head pulling his hood up. "Be mindful Y/n. The council should be just fine as it has for years." Rolling my eyes I pull my hood up the rain hits my hood not agreeing with what he's saying. "But Obi think about it. The Jedi counsel doesn't have the numbers to protect everyone. With this army now we can." He turned to face me staring deeply at me with those blue eyes I could get lost in. "Darling, we must focus on the mission. Our thoughts can't wander..." I bite my lip as he prepared R4 to deliver a message and I feel my cheeks turning red for some reason. He called me darling. He's never given me a nickname before, calling me a princess doesn't count. Brushing hair behind my ear I suck in a breath my heart skipped a beat once again like the other day. What you didn't know was Obi-Wan was fighting himself about you as well. He hated to admit that Anakin may have been right.

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