Girls worth Fighting for

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"Hear me can you, my padawan?" I tossed in a closed room of the ship hearing an Empire ship chasing after us but the voice of my master in my head is what wakes me up. Sitting up suddenly I press my back against the wall resting my hands on my belly that has gotten a little bigger. "Master Yoda. You're really alive?" Closing my eyes I waited for a response and I sigh in relief at getting one back. "Dead I am not. Showing has she now. Great care must you take." He referred to Kiera. Running a hand through my hair I feel a pain in my stomach so I lift my shirt feeling my stomach. Moving my fingers I feel a different bump there for some reason but suddenly there's a knock on the door where Kiera bursts in heavily crying. "Daddy's saying he's leaving us!" Dropping my shirt back down I rushed through the ship with her following behind me still sniffling.

"Obi-wan!" I stomped through the crowd of people making people turn my direction but I don't care. Kiera stopped walking to see Leia by him before she cried out loudly towards him. "No. No way. You can't just leave me here!" He bends down on a knee resting his hands on her arms trying to explain to the girl. "I'm the one Vader wants. If I go, he will follow." She cuts him off shaking her head. "I'm not letting you!" She pushed past him running through the crowds of people as he called for her. "Leia, please!" People on the ship all mumbled about him leaving instead of everyone staying together like he told them. He turns to see me right before I grabbed his forearm pushing him inside and closing the door. "What the hell is wrong with you, Obi. You can't just leave Leia - me or Kiera!" I throw my arms up from my sides shouting. "You promised me that we would stay together. We love each other - we rescued Leia together-" He cuts me off cupping my face in his hands cradling it softly with tears in his blue eyes. "I can't let him kill our children...kill you. I can't let him get anywhere near you, darling...I love you too much to lose you Y/n."

Clutching the robe on his shoulders I feel myself starting to cry even more. His hands moved to rest on my arms rubbing circles there attempting to calm me down. "Believe me, love. I want to have everything. I want to get Leia home safe, I want to watch Kiera grow up and I want to spend the rest of my life with my amazing wife and this unborn child of ours. saw Vader. You saw what he will do if he finds us. I have to protect my family." Flinging my arms around his neck I bury my face in his chest crying. He wrapped his arms around me kissing my hair until I broke the hug wiping away a tear that fell from his cheek. "I'm coming with you." He shakes his head fear reappearing on his face. "Y/n, you can't the baby. The's too risky-" I cut him off running my other hand up his arm pressing my boots into the metal flooring of the ship. "Forget trying to talk me out of this. You said it yourself this is the safest place for the girls if we can buy Roken time to make the jump to lightspeed. Besides I have a vision of Master Yoda when we first faught Vader - he said Kiera is powerful like the twins - I'm not letting him come after my children and my niece. Now let's go, Kenobi."

He follows where I intertwined our hands seeing Kiera sitting with Leia, both girls showing discomfort about this plan but it has to be done. "Girls, we need you to stay here with Roken and the others." Kiera suddenly let tears out at my words. "What mommy no!" Leia crossed her arms over her chest pouting at me. Obi dropped on a knee and I do the same to be the level of the girls reminding me that I would do this with my old master long ago. "You promised you would take me home." Leia sniffed through tears staring down at us. Obi glanced to me resting a hand on her shoulder while Kiera eyes me wrapping her arms around herself. "I know, Leia. I wish we could..." I finished his sentence taking my daughters hands in mine making her look me in the eye. "But Jedi are supposed to protect people. So even though it's hard we have to do this babygirl." Obi reached under his robe revealing Tala'a blaster holder handing it over to Leia. She poked around finding nothing where he smiled up at the child. "Well, I wasn't gonna give you a blaster, Leia. You are ten years old."

"You gave me a lightsaber, daddy." Kiera raised her hand making me smack myself on the forehead with my hand. Obi-wan runs his fingers through his tousled hair shaking his head. "Well that's true but, you two won't be 8 and 10 forever." Without thinking the two tackled us into warm hugs. I grunted a little at Kiera's hug since she hit my belly but I bury my face in her hair sniffling tears. "I love you, mommy." She croaked while I glanced to Leia who had broken her hug with him whispering in a shacky breath. "Come back, please." Obi rests his hands on her arms, blue eyes filling with tears. "I promise." Leia runs up to me flinging her arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist kissing her head. "Don't worry, little niece. We'll come back." She wiped tears with her sleeve taking Kiera's hand in hers as we rise to our feet. The doors closed behind the two of us I slump my shoulders eyeing him. Obi strides up to me engulfing me in his comfortable embrace, burying his face in my hair. "I know, love. I know the stress this has on you...we'll get through this you and I. This baby won't be hunted like those two..I love you Y/n." He breaks the hug cradling my face in his hands biting his lips, leaning down resting his forehead against mine.

Running my hands up his arms I lay them on his shoulders biting my lip as there's some pain in my stomach. The ship roaked because of an explosion from an Empire ship. So my feet stumbled and he secured his arms around my waist holding me up. "Darling, you shouldn't be-" Lifting my head up to meet his blue eyes I smack his chest sternly. "My sister never strayed from a fight and neither will I. Pregnant or not this isn't my first battle. These people are counting on us and - Vader is. I have a bad feeling that Vader and Sidius are after me, after our children. And I trust my instincts Obi-wan." He moves his robe to the side drawing his closed lightsaber in his freehand. Moving my right hand down I brush my fingertips over mine attached to my belt. During the Clone Wars we developed a secret language that needed no words. Like we could just read through the others eyes and know what they were thinking. I guess you could connect that to our forbidden love. Where one goes the other shall follow. Always like the Force, we guide the other.

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