Family Wishes

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"Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become."

"He's alive, Obi-wan, Y/n...Anakin Skywalker is alive."

"There's still good in him..."

I didn't want to believe it was true. Obi-wan had said he had burned to death in the lava, he couldn't survive. He just couldn't have. Because if he indeed had then the innocent Anakin was dead. He would be furious that Padme was dead and that my husband left him for dead. There was already targets on our backs but now Kiera and Leia were in more danger than ever before. Sitting on the floor of the cargo ship I feel my whole body shaking. Hugging my knees tightly to my chest I suck in a breath watching my husband who sits near me. He still has pure terror written on his face that I can only imagine means he may never sleep again when we get back home.

"8...9...10. Ready or not here I come!" Whipping my head over my shoulder throwing some of my hair I heard Kiera counting down something. She uncovered her eyes searching around the boxes and equipment of the ship making me smile lightly. This is the thing that I always wanted for her to have growing up. Just allowed to be a kid playing with others. There's a part of me that regrets that we didn't leave the order earlier. But the council needed us to help the war...until the clones betrayed us all. "Got ya!" She cheers finding Leia huddled on her knees hiding behind one of the tall storage boxes. Leia playfully shoved her back with a smile that makes mine drop a little. "I know what you're thinking, Y/n. It's too risky." Obi-wan suddenly made me spin on my feet seeing he is now sitting on a crate tinkering with the little robot Leia called Lola.

Crossing one leg over the other I sit down on the crate beside him. His hands moved parts on the tiny Droid making me remember that he hates flying thinking its better for droids. "She deserves to know. They both do. You know they do." I try getting him to agree with me still just watching him work on the small Droid until she made a noise opening her eyes. Leia and Kiera stopped walking around the ship sitting down on some crates near us. "Be mindful of you're thoughts, my wife. If we tell them we will only be putting them in more danger." Dropping my shoulders I knew he was right. Getting to my feet I walked to a corner of the ship hearing my masters voice playing back in my head. Obi-wan is right that Yoda would say something just like that.

Once we're off the ship I pull Kiera's hood up over her face with mine own helping her down. Leia walks beside Obi and we leave because he gets a sneaky feeling seeing a ship coming forward. Leia waves her hands signaling for it. Climbing in on the back of the truck I pull my hood down sitting Kiera in my lap. "We're farmers from Tawl. These are my two daughters and my sister. We're just visiting family." Obi-wan explained trying to remain calm since Leia had done most of the talking. The wind blows through my hair as I squinted my eyes seeing empire Guards coming towards the end of the road. "Obi, what do we do?" I mumbled sinking my face into my cloak as he takes my hand in his feeling my nerves. "Just keep the girls quiet. It'll be over soon hopefully." He mumbled before they sat across from us.

"What are you doing out here?" A stormtrooper asked staring at me pressing Kiera's face into my chest until Leia spoke for me. "They brought us out here to where he met my mother before she..." Obi pipes in as she bends her head down acting sad. "She's not with us anymore. Been very difficult recently." The other stormtrooper questions me as the wind blows my hair in my face. "Do you have any information on a Jedi, Ms..." He trailed off where I shake my head replying. "Ami, and no I wouldn't know one if I we ever saw one...I thought they were all gone years ago." The stormtrooper just blankly stares through the white mask until Leia asked him. "Are you sure he's even on this planet?" Obi-wan turned his head to her replying sternly. "They know what they are doing, Leia." I feel the color from my cheeks heating up hoping that they didn't hear him correctly. "I thought her name was Luma." One of the stormtroopers questions.

Kiera lifts her head trying to say something but I run my hands through her hair trying to keep her quiet. "Ssshh. Go to sleep sweetie we'll be home soon." Obi wrapped his arms around himself hiding his lightsaber attached to his belt, hoping to fix his mistake. "That was her mother's name. I get confused. Like I said, it's been difficult." He shifted in his seat avoiding my gaze because if he looked into my eyes he would break seeing me nearly crying. "Sometimes when I look at Luma. I see her mother's face. We all miss her very much." The stormtrooper nodded before the pair got off the transport causing Obi and I to both sigh in relief. Kiera shifts in my arms reaching for her father's hand once he ran it through his hair. "Daddy?" He squeezes his hand in hers giving a weak smile. Leia breaks the silence staring up at Obi-wan and me when I wipe tears away with my sleeve laying my head on his shoulder.

"You knew her, my real mother, didn't you?" Shooting my head up from his shoulder sniffling a little. I have been trying to get better with not thinking of my sisters death. But hearing her ask it I feel tears slip out once more. "It's just a story, sweetheart." I replied but she shakes her head not believing me. "The whole time I've known you two. You've been hiding something. Lieing to me." Obi tilts his head to the side to the young Skywalker girl. "Leia..." She stares into his eyes when he shifted his arm to rest on the side of the wooden post. "Are you my real father?" Biting my tongue I closed my eyes feeling horrible so I just blurt it out taking her hand in mine. "Leia, the truth is I'm your aunt. We knew your mother she was.-" Obi-wan grabbed my arm warning me as the transport stopped in front of an electric red fence. Stormtroopers are coming towards the back of the ship where I suck in a deep breath feeling uneasiness about the situation.

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