Playful Married Couple

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"What is it you wish to talk about, Master?" Vader bent down on a knee seeing a blue hologram of his master with his cloak covering his face. "I felt a new prescence in the force from the wife of Kenobi...she must be turned." Vader had been shown a security cameras footage where you tried to kill one of the his Jedi hunters. "The next time you try to come after my family is the next time I won't miss!" It was clear that you were angry that he had taken your child so they knew the trigger for you. He just had to find another way to send you over the edge. "I felt something else, Master. Their daughter has the ways of the Force too. Shall we turn her too?" He asked taking deep breaths through his suit that keeps him alive. Sidius nodded raising a finger to his current apprentice. "It's not just her my apprentice. There's another not yet born. We must convert the girls away from his side...the children of Obi-wan Kenobi must not become Jedi." Vader raised to his feet bowing to his master before he disappeared. "Then I shall get rid of him, Master. They shall join if they wish to remain alive." Darth Vader left the room on a mission to rip everything his former master loved out from underneath him forever.

Opening the door to our room on the ship Kiera is laying on the cot asleep as Obi shrugged off his outer cloak eyeing me over his shoulder. "When we were still in the Jedi order I dreamed of something I never thought I would have..." He trailed off trying to make his boots not creak the floor and wake our little princess. Twisting the fabric of my shirt I smiled closing the gaps draping my arms over his shoulders. "It may not be the easiest life. But I wouldn't trade it for anything, I feel like you owe me a little duel since we have our lightsabers back." I smirked backing away from him giggling and running out the door. "Y/n, we're not children!" He grumbled following after me where I find a hall that no one is in at the moment. Lifting my left hand I pull my lightsaber out opening it giving him puppy dog eyes. "Have some fun for once...can you teach me the - twirling thing?"

"It's too dangerous to be training in here sweetheart." He started to reply but I get spin on my boots aiming my green lightsaber at his chest smiling finally getting him to agree and pull his own out of his belt. He twirls it in his right hand giving me a serious face while he spoke. "Now I know I make it look easier but it's not. If you don't flick your wrist the right way well you'll lose your arm or your hand understand." He lowers his blue lightsaber closing it and putting it on his belt. Walking up behind me pressing his front to my back placing his right hand over mine holding the lightsaber with me. Obi slowly turned his wrist and I followed his movement where he glanced down to me having us do the truck multiple times with the weapon closed just in case. Obi takes a step backwards making me raise a brow. "Go on try on your own, darling." He flickered his hand towards me with a smile when I opened the lightsaber. Swinging it around like I normally would then I flick my wrist doing the move pretty good but I kept my movement slow.

Obi-wan smiled pulling out his blue lightsaber getting ready to fight and I twirl my lightsaber in my hands following his steps. He takes the first advance where our lightsabers smacked against each other lightly. I step backwards spinning in a circle with my lightsaber above my heads hitting his lightsaber. "You're getting better at it, honey." I compliment him as he just twirls his lightsaber in front of his chest until closing it quickly. "Not as good as you, love. Vader said it himself." He shrugged his shoulders as I just started twirling my lightsaber over and over feeling the movement getting more comfortable in my hands. "Master Yoda would be impressed and probably jealous I'm teaching you my skills. You are still his padawan." Obi said strolling up to me brushing his fingers where my braid making me a padawan used to be until Order 66. Closing my weapon I rest my hand over his that's now resting on my cheek with his other on my hip.

Leaning up on my toes I clip my lightsaber on my belt wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him softly. He presses his chest against mine wrapping his arms around my waist tugging me close as he could get. His hands moved cupping my face and cradling as he deepened the kiss. "Obi - the girls-" I try to speak in between kisses until he started burying his face in my neck lifting me up and carrying me into the nearest open room laying me on the bed where I gasped for air. He hovers above me heavy breathing top but with a smile where I tuck hair that falls in front of his eyes out of the way whispering up to my husband. "I was terrified that you were going to die, Obi...I don't think I could've...I love you." He leans down kissing away the tears sniffling through his own forming in those blue eyes. "I love you too...I can't imagine my life without you and our girl in it -" He paused pouting his lips and knitting his eyebrows together in confusion. "Obi, what's wrong?" I asked shifting so I am holding myself up by my elbows on the pillow behind me. With his hands on either side of my hips he parts his lips into a huge grin exclaiming. "I feel something inside you Y/ you're pregnant." Without thinking I grab the front of his shirt pulling him down ontop of me kissing him deeply. He grinned into the kiss rolling us over so he's on his back knotting his fingers into my hair never breaking the kiss.

Comments really appreciated :)

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