His Dark Prescence

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Obi-wan lifts his hood over his head just as the stormtroopers questions at the end of the steps. Obi-wan raised to his feet getting down first. My eyes trained on his belt seeing him tuck the handgun away. I stepped down the stairs jumping off the last step still carrying Kiera. Sitting her on her feet I helped Leia down hearing a Droid flying towards us. Turning around I reach for my blaster with my right hand. "Raise your heads!" A stormtrooper ordered and when we do the Droid makes a loud alarm sound. Obi-wan draws his gun blasting it then shooting the closet stormtrooper. Spinning around on my feet I shoot one of the troopers that tried shooting the girls who huddled behind me. Obi-wan uses one of the stormtroopers as a shield to blast the other one near the fence. I grab the trams driver hitting him over the head making him blast the stormtrooper on the tower causing it to fall into the electric fence splitting the person in half.

"Put it down. Put it down, both of you!" A stormtrooper holds Kiera and Leia at gunpoint in front of us. I gasped halting in my tracks not needing them to die. I slowly lowered to my knees with Obi who acted like he was then shoots the guy down. Leia and Kiera run to us where we each grabbed their hands heading for the red fence. Raising my blaster I shoot the control station making the fence go out allowing us to run through the dirt fields. A truck with three stormtroopers pulled up aiming their guns at us. "Get on the ground, now!" Obi-wan and I hold our hands up lowering to our knees. Kiera and Leia followed when I don't move my gaze from the troopers holding us at gunpoint. Someone walks down the ramp wearing a grey leader suit as I lowered my head waiting to get locked away, yet a gun fire goes off three times seeing the woman had killed all the stormtroopers. Quickly getting to our feet I could see shock on Obi's face as we ran with the woman needing to get out of here before we were actually caught by the Empire.

The woman takes us near a port building that is guarded by stormtroopers. Leia leans against the wall holding Lola looking really worried. "Leia, don't worry. We'll get you home I promise." She whimpered with Kiera doing the same. "I didn't mean to run away I do it all the time - I just  - aunt Y/n." I can't lie that hearing her call me that didn't bring tears to my eyes. Without thinking I pulled the two into my chest hugging them. Obi-wan watched feeling disappointed for them too until the woman came back giving a signal so we ran inside shutting the door quickly. Leia smiled up at a working Droid showing off Lola until we're shown a tunnel way out. Kiera squeezes my hand lifting her head. "Mommy, can I touch it?" She moved my robe revealing my lightsaber but I shake my head no hiding it back. "No sweetie  it's much too dangerous for you." She dropped her head while I see writing on the wall I don't recognize but Obi-wan did.

The Empire is said to remove people and they are never heard from again. I had to believe this group the lady helping us talked about was a rebellious group. Where maybe the galaxy could get pulled out of the dark days. Leia grinned seeing the woman wearing a gun on her belt. "Can you teach me and Kiera how to shoot?" Obi-wan grabs her shoulder pushing her to the other side of the room. "She'll make a good fighter one day. So will the other one she was just twirling around a stick like a lightsaber." The lady pointed to Kiera smiling. Obi-wan and I glanced to one another smiling at the thought. Tala, the woman opened another door but when I moved to the entrance I feel another Jedi's prescence near by. Obi-wan stopped grabbing the wall and breathing heavily feeling the same force. "Mommy,  daddy?" Kiera asked holding onto Leia who both had concerns for us. Moving through the shop to the front door I hear people screaming and running back to their homes when the Empire Guards stand in two lines leaving a walkway in the center.

Foosteps can be heard outside the door as I peak through the holes. Obi-wan rounds the corner standing at my side shuttering through labored breathing. Black boots are what my eyes stay trained on clutching my robe in my hands tightly almost turning my knuckles white. I never understood why my sister died after giving birth to the twins. It's clear to me now that she died from a broken heart when Anakin turned to the dark side. My eyes trailed up as the person walked seeing a metal black suit with a control panel on the front being the only thing keeping the person alive. "Obi - it can't be him..." I mumbled under my breath shaking in my boots in fear. He peaks out the window blue eyes flickered from me to his former padawan now known as Darth Vader. "It's not Anakin anymore, Y/n...he's the dark side now." Gripping my cloak I shutter seeing Vader getting closer with Kiera and Leia watching from behind us in terror.

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