Chapter 1: She is back

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It was evening time and Sid just returned from his office.

Sid: It was so... busy day mom.

Sm(Sid's mom): Ohh.. my boy you are tired..

Sid: Yes mom, so much.

Sm hugged him and kissed his forehead.
Sm: So, now I will bring you something to eat. Till then you quickly freshen up and relax.

Sid: Ok mom..

Sm in mind (now how should I tell him.. Will he even listen and try to understand)
Sm: Uugghh... God knows.

Sid was going upstairs to his room but listening this he turned back and asked.
Sid: What god knows?

Sm: nothing.. You just come fast and till then I am going to bring snacks for you.

Sid: Ok mom.. (in mind: is mom hiding something from me... why will she hide something. But she was looking tensed....)
Sid: (repeating the same words) Uugghh.... God knows.😂😂

While Sm turned back and asked the same question
Sm: What god knows?

Sid: (sighly smiling) Nothing.....

They both laughed and after that both went to do their work.

After sometime Sid came down. He sat down on the couch and switched on his tv..

News reporter: So today's headlines are:
And the last one is....



Sm came out of the kitchen and said: What happened Sid? Why are you so.. angry?

Sid: Mom why r u doing this to me? Now why are you bringing back her in my life. U no na... I HATE HER... I HATE HER.... I HATE HER.....

Sm: Ohh.. so you came to know about that.. See baccha listen to me... She is in so.. much trouble.. You don't know her condition.. Just for the sake you loved her once.. You have to support her for some time as she is in really bad condition....

Sid: I really don't care her condition and.. and.. I don't care if she lives or dies...

Sm: Siddharth....(shouting) words.. Is this what I taught you..? Even if you hate any person.. You have no right to wish for his/her death... And specially now when she is in such a vulnerable condition....

Sid: But mom....

Sm: I know baccha you hate her but just for me... Manage for few days....

Sid: Few days.....(Shocked) But...but... they (news reporters) are saying that you have also decided to give her share back in our company which Jai sold Rehan last year.....

Sm (laughing): First you stop believing these news reporters......Just for the sake of big news they say anything....I just said that as she is the daughter of my friend and as Jai is out of India.. So no one is there to take her care... So ........

Sid: So......

Sm: So, I will take her to our home and she will be under my care......

Sid: But..

Sm: No if...but... Now Sid I have decided to take care of her and she will discharge from hospital tomorrow and will come tomorrow to our house and live with us till she is completely fit and it's final.......

Sid: Ok... Mom now if you have decided then what can I do.. but don't expect from me to even talk to her...

With his last line tears brimmed in his eyes and he ran back to his room...

Sm: Sid.. beta Sid...(in mind: thank god... Sid you switched on tv otherwise how would I have told you...) be continued

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