Chapter 13: The past

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Jan: So, now tell me.... Whatever you can tell about Avneet....

Sid: Hmm...So, I will tell right from our birth as I really don't remember when we met for the first time...I think we met for the first time when we might be 2 or 3 days old...

Back to the story

Sid started narrating all the incidents about whatever happened since their birth....


25 years ago...

Sd (Sid's Dad): She is so cute...

Ad ( Avneet's dad): And your son too.....

Sm: Have you decided her name??

Am (Avneet's mom): Not yet...And what about you???

Sm: Same here...Give her to me I will lay her down in my son's cradle and then it will be comfortable for her...

Am: Ok...

She took Avu and laid beside Sid.... Sid's sleep was disturbed and he was on the verge to cry but as soon as he saw Avneet he smiled for the first time in life which Sm noticed and was happy to her son smiling for the first time....

After 4 years...

Sid: Hii Avneet...

Avu: Hii Sid....

Sid sat on a couch and started to explore the whole house to find something exciting for him....Just then he saw a shiny hairband...And took it in his small hands...

Sid: Avu what is this??

Avu: Hairband...

Sid: Voh kya hota hai?? ( What's that)

Avu: Arre buddhu we wear it like this..( placing it is her hairs)

Sid: But why we place it like this??

He took the hairband from Avu's head and placed it on his head...

Sid: I have never seen Abhi dada wearing it...

Avu ( thinking hard): Ummm....I don't know...Mom will come in ten minutes then we will ask her....

After 10 mins

Am: Hi Avneet...Hi Siddharth

As soon as he saw Am..He ran to her and took out hairband from his head and held it in his hand...

Sid: Aunty what is this??

Am: Hairband...

Sid: Why do we wear it??

Am: To prevent our hairs from falling on the face again and again...

Sid: Why doesn't Abhi dada wear it...

Am: Umm.. because his hairs are short..

Sid: Ohh..I also have short hair so Avneet you take it I don't want...

He threw the hairband towards Avu but it fell and broke...

It was Avu's favourite hairband and Sid broke it...It took no time for her to start crying...

Avu (crying): You broke my hair band...Katti...

Sid: S..sorry Avneet, I didn't want to break it... Please Katti mat ho (please don't be angry)

Avu: I am...

Sid: Sorry na please...I will bring you 5 chocolates and same hair band please...

Avu: You are lying...

Sid: I will bring for you...

Saying this he went to his house...

He ran inside his house and straight away went to his room...He took out his piggy bank. He broke it.And collected all the money is his small cute hands....

After that he went to Abhishek and said...

Sid: Dada...I want to buy some things will you come with me..I can't go alone...

Abhi: Ya...Coming...

They both went to the market and bought 6 chocolates...1 for Abhishek and rest 5 for Avneet...As without bribe siblings never do anything....And after that it took them 2 hrs to find the same hairband...They bought it and went to their home...

Sid: Dada...You sit I am going to Avneet's house...

Abhi: Ok...

Sid went to her house....

Sid: Covering Avneet's eyes from back..

Avu: Is it Sid?

Sid: Yes...See what I bought?? He took out the chocolates and Hairband from his pocket... be continued

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