Chapter 16: have to find him

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Their past was almost the same but their present completely changed.... Avneet converted herself into a cute bubbly girl while Sid converted himself into a rude, arrogant and occupied person....

Avu: can't believe that we are going back to India... Thank you so much dad....

Back to the story..

AD: Ok now start packing as we are shifting back to India we have alot of things to do....

Avu: Yes dad....

After 10 days...

Delhi Airport...

Avu: sweet country... The vibes I get here are really amazing.... It's been 12 years I shifted London but still India is the best country for me always...

(A/n: for me also)

Time skip...

Ad; So, what is your plan now???

Avu: Which plan???

Ad: I mean plan about your college...

Avu: Yeah dad I remember that....

Ad: So, now tell me which college???

Avu: I want XYZ college....(A/N: Let it be XYZ only because I was not getting any name for the college..)

Ad: Ok so, I will give an application there....

Avu: Ok...

Ad: You start preparing yourself...As you might have to give a a test for admission....

Avu: Ok....

Avu(in mind): More than college something else is more important for me....Yeah you heard right something else...and that something is finding my best friend...My Sid....It is most important for me....Maybe he will still be angry with me....When I left from here I didn't even met him and my behavior towards him was also not that good....Maybe he had forgotten me...I don't even know how he looks now....And yeah his surname...What was his surname...I think no... Malhotra....No no..huh...I don't even remember his surname...And once I had asked dad he toh even forgot that who is Sid....By the way one more think his name was not Sid...Sid was his nick name....Maybe his name was Siddhant....Huh...What the hell I don't know anything about him just is nickname Sid...The only is the only thing I remember....How I will find him now....But but...I remember his mother and brother...But again the same think I don't know how Abhi bhai look now...but Aunty would be similar I think in look I think... Anyways I will find him at any cost...I have to meet him and say him sorry also....)

After 10 days...

Ad: Get up Avu...or else you will get late on first day of your college.....

Avu: Hmmm dad... Getting up...

Avu opened her eyes slowly and rubbed them with her hands...

Ad: You get ready and come down....

Avu: Ok....

Avu got ready and went down for breakfast....there were some pancakes and coffee....

Time skip....

Avu was standing on the gate of XYZ college....With Mallika...

Avu : Huh...My college....

Mallika: Hmmm...

(A/n: Mallika was an orphan... As Avu shifted to India she also shifted with her as she hated to be alone and also was looking for a part time job...To pay the fees of her college...She did one in London also for the same reason..)

They entered the college with a smile and really liked it.....But soon they saw a boy being beaten up....

Mallika: Avu see they are beating a boy...

Avu: Hmm so what should I do..

Mallika: We should go and same him..

Avu: Why??

Mallika: Please...

Avu: Accha thike (Ok)

Avu went there were girls beating a boy.....

Avu: guys why are you beating him...

Girl: Our wish...

Avu: Arre but some reason should be there....

Girl: Oh...reason...The reason is that he complaint against Aaisha (random name)

Avu: And so what??? Principal should have been sought this matter....

And soon Aaisha entered.....

Aaisha: What problem you have miss???

Avu folded her hands around her chest

Avu: My problem is that why are you beating that boy....

Aaisha: Because he dared to complain against me.....Me Aaisha Singhania.... Daughter of Anish Singhania...The top most businessman of this country...

Avu: So, you must have done something wrong na...

Aaisha: Wrong??? I just did a prank on him....Just that....

Avu: It's just useless to argue....Leave him...

Aaisha: And who are you to order me....

Just then the Dean came...

Dean: Aaisha what is this behaviour???

Aaisha: Mam I...

Dean: Just shut up and move to your lecture....

Aaisha: Ok....

Avu helped that boy to make him stand....

Boy: Th...ank you....

Avu: It's let's go to the medical room...

She took him to the medical room... There the nurse did the dressing to his wounds...

Boy: By the way Hii I am.............. be continued....

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