Chapter 11: Ignorance

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Soon Avu's eyes fell on Sid...And she remembered everything...

She said in a low voice

Avu: Are you still angry

Back to the story

Sid: Dada.. Who made the tea today it is amazing....

Abhi (with a proud expression): Vaishnavi...

Sid: Ohh...

Avneet increased her voice a little bit and said it again..

Avu: Ar...Are you still angry...

Sid: Bhabhi can you give me some snacks...

Vaishu: Sure...

Abhi: By the way Sid today mom is coming back na...

Avu (shouting in happiness): Aunty....

Everyone looked at her and turned back to thier work with no expressions... And soon her smile faded...And she started thinking hard to how to start the conversation....

Avu: Which is your favourite cartoon??? (With a smile of hope)

But no one brothered to answer...

Soon Jai came and said...

Jai: Tom & Jerry....

But Avneet gave a look of who asked from you....

Avu again tried to start a conversation...But this time she was going to get an answer...

Avu: Is he your brother?? (Pointing towards Abhi...)

Sid: Hmm...

Avu: Who is she?? (pointing towards Vaishu)

Sid: My bhabhi....

Avu: And they both rabbit alike creatures...( Pointing towards Sumellika who were busy in themselves...)

Sid: My friends... (He answered still looking in his phone)

Avu: Ohh...( And she again started figuring out...what to ask next??)

But soon then Sid' s mom entered with her luggage...

Sm: Sid..Abhi...

Sid: Mom you are back....

He ran to her, hugged her and touched her feet...

Abhi also did the same just he didn't ran like a kid...

Abhi: How are you mom???

Sm: Fine...How are you??? I missed you so much... Nearly after a month we are meeting...

Abhi: Ya... leave it you might be tired...we will keep your luggage...You go and sit...

Abhi to Sid: Sid keep all this luggage upstairs....


Abhi: Vaishnavi bring mom something to eat...

Sm: You still have the habit of ordering...When will it go??

Sid (shouting from upstairs): Never....

All chuckled...

While Avu was sitting silently waiting for the time when she gets some attention...

While Jai went upstairs to talk to Sid...

Jai: Hey...

Sid: Hii...

Jai: Listen, you told me that you will pretend to be a friend with dii...Then why are you ignoring her???

Sid: Look... Though I told you that day but still it will take me sometime to even pretend being friend with her....

Jai: Hmm....By the way shall I ask you one question...

Sid: Sure..

Jai: Then tell me honestly that what happened on that day that dii was angry with you....That day papa also went to your home but he never returned back.... Everyone says that he died on the way in an accident but I feel it's not the truth...

With this question all the things happened in the past started flashing his mind and he started getting restless.....But soon a voice brought back him to his senses...

Sm: Siddharth...come down...have dinner.....


Sid to Jai: See Jai you are just overthinking and it's nothing like that...On that day Avneet and I had only a small fight not that big....

Jai's pov

Look Mr. Siddharth Nigam.. I know something is really fishy and no one is letting me know what happened that day...It was my worst birthday...On that day I lost my dad, my sister and my everything....My inner senses still make me feel that you are the one behind all this....I am here just because of di..And soon I will find out all the things....

Pov ends...


Someone: Hmm.. that's good everything is going as I want soon I will be the one who will own whole NN enterprises.....I am loving the way Sid hates Avneet.....And like this only if it continues my goal will complete soon. And that foolish Mr.Nigam will never come to know about my plans...Just I have to take care that Avneet suffers alot...So that I continue my plan....

Flashback back

In the police station:

As soon as Sid left someone entered the police station...

Officer: Welcome Mr.......

Someone: Thank you officer....For hiding the proofs for two years and now showing it to him when needed...

Officer: Anything for this Sir...( Pointing towards the money)

Someone: Hmm.. good do the work like this only and you will get more and more of this... be continued..

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