Chapter 7: O my god

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Vaishu: See.. Avneet whatever happened on that day is misunderstood by you.... Give a chance to Sid to clear everything... He still loves you...

Back to the story

Abhishek rang the bell...

Sid quickly got up and opened the door...He saw Abhishek and hugged him tightly crying in his embrace...

Abhi: Calm down Sid, calm down ( slowly rubbing his back)

Abhi took him to a chair and made him sit while all others stepped in...
Along with Avneet, who was in Vaishnavi's embrace....

Vaishu: What happened Sid??

He was still crying..

Sumedh: Wait let me bring some water for you...

He came with a glass of water while Sid was still hugging Abhishek...

He left Abhi after a min and drank the water...

Miku: Now tell us what happened??

Sid controlled his tears and told what all happened before and there after he came to the police station incident...


Sid: Officer what you have got please tell me..

Officer: See Mr.Nigam we have got a cctv footage finally after a research of two years...

Sid: Hmm... What is in that?

Officer: In that footage that car is spotted which hit your dad...

Sid: Ok... Then please show me ( With emotions of anger and nervousness)

Officer: Here it is...

He opened the footage and showed Sid..

Sid's jaw dropped and he was filled with anger....

Officer: We investigated and have come to know that this car is registered on the name of...

Sid cuts him off

Sid: Miss Avneet Kaur Nandra...

Flashback ends

Sid narrated the whole incident and broke down in tears again...

While someone else was fuming in anger...and it was Abhishek...

He went to Avneet in anger and held her by her throat...

Abhi(shouting): You...You killed my dad...I will not leave you....

Vaishnavi, Mallika and Sumedh ran to Abhishek...

Avu: ( barely able to speak)

Vaishu: Leave her Abhi...She will die..

Miku: Leave her bhaiya...

Sumedh came in between of Avu and Abhi he pushed Abhi and he lost his grip and fall on the floor...

While Avu was able to breathe now but she was striked with panic attack she wasn't able to control her mind and became unconscious... She was going to fell on the floor while two arms came and saved her...

And it was Jai who saved her from falling...

Jai: Di... Are you ok? Di..di...

He took Avu in her arms and drove to the hospital...

While Sid ran upstairs and locked the door...

All got worried as he was already not in his senses..

They all went upstairs and started striking the door...

Inside Sid was getting restless.. minute by minute... He soon realised that he was stuck with anxiety attack...

He took the medicines he usually used to take...

While outside all were panicking

Sumedh: Open the door Sid...

Abhi: Open it Sid... Or I will break it...

Inside Sid took the medicine but it doesn't affect him... His condition was getting worse... Finally he lost his control and faint.... As he was falling down his head struck on the table edge and then on the floor.... And started bleeding...

Abhi: Sid..I am counting till three open the door or I will break it..


Both Sumedh and Abhi struck the door with there shoulders and broke it...

They saw Sid.. lying in his room and blood from his head flowing...

They quickly held him and took him to the hospital....

In the hospital

Tears were continuously rolling down from Abhi 's eyes....

Abhi: I have already lost not you Sid....

While holding her hands Vaishnavi sat down beside her...

Vaishu: Don't worry he will be fine....

With Avneet

Jai was there for her sitting outside the operation theatre...cursing Abhi and Sid....

Jai: That selfish people...why don't they understand what di is going through....

He was full of anger as, if Avneet was fine he had already killed Sidshek...

And he was not aware of Sid's situation....

While he was thinking all this... doctor came out....

Jai: How is she doc???

Doc: We are trying our best but she is not responding...

Hearing this tears rolled down from Jai's eyes....

Doc: You have to be strong dear...

Saying this he went...

Same the doc said for Sid...

Jai: cannot leave me like this...After mom you are the only one who took my care...Then how you can leave me like this....You just wake up then I will punish both of that brothers who are making you suffer...After you were kidnapped I lost the hope to find you but I finally found you, still I didn't want you in this situation.... be continued...

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