Chapter 25: Listen to me

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Avneet stood numb, she wanted to cry but even tears couldn't role down from her eyes because of this huge shock. She fainted and was going to fell down but Sid caught her. He took her to a room and called the doctor..

Back to the story

Doc: She fainted due to shock...Take care of her and don't let her take stress...

Sid just nodded a little....

After 2 hours

Avneet got up with a severe headache.

Avu: Aahhh..(holding her head)

Sid saw her and ran towards her...He kept his hand on her shoulder but she jerked it off...

Avu: Stay away...Just stay away....(she yelled at him with tears...)

Sid: Avu Just listen to me once (With tearful eyes)

Avu: violently)

Sid took her hands is his hands...But she again jerked it....

Avu: I said stay away Mr. Siddharth Nigam...(shouting)

Saying this she got up from the bed and headed towards the door...But Sid held her wrist...

Sid: Avu it's not like that what you are thinking......Just listen to me once...

Avu: What is left to listen Siddharth...I saw you with a gun in your hand and my dad..........My dad lying in the pool of blood....

Sid: Avu let me explain.....

Avu: Ju...just shut up.....

Sid: Avu please.....

Sid literally begged her to listen to him..But she didn't and left from there in anger......


Jan: This was sad... Avneet should have listened to you but what happened after that??

Sid: Well you can say nothing happened after that as Jai told me that Avneet want back to London after that incident....And now after 2 years we met like this....

Jan: Ohh....(after silence of few minutes) Sid I want to ask you one thing....

Sid: Hmm ask....

Jan: See Sid the condition Avneet is going through is very miserable....This type of cases are usually found in victims of a torture or if they are regularly drugged.... Basically those who are kidnapped or something...So, is it ever happened with Avneet in these two years...

Sid: What??I don't know....

Jan: So, according to me something was wrong in these two years.... Anyhow you have to find that out....

Sid: Hmm....I will try....For now I will take your leave....

Jan: It's quite late....If you want you can stay for today....

Sid: I would like to go home now...

Jan: Arre...But it's 12:30 am...

Sid: No Jannat, I will go back or else mom will get worried....

Jan: Ok....As you wish....

After this Sid bid bye to Jan and left for his house....He was only thinking about what Jan said....He was a bit worried but more curious to know...So he decided to ask Jai about it.....As according to him Jai must be knowing everything....

(A/n: Sid did not know anything about the fact that Avu was kidnapped on the same day on which his father died...)

He went to his home and slept quitely without disturbing anyone...But do you really thing he was sleeping....NO not at all...He was just changing his positions lying on the bed....Sleep was far away from his eyes...He was just drowned deep in his thoughts....

In morning...

It was 7 in the morning....Sid was just lying on the bed staring the ceiling.... When he heard the door opening...He knew who was it going to be so he pretended to sleep....

Sm: Sid get up, you have your office today....

Sid pretended to stir a little bit in sleep....As if he will get up suddenly his mom will doubt....And he didn't want her to be worried unnecessarily....

After pretending a little bit he got up rubbing his eyes....

With Jai..

Jai's Pov..

I came to the kitchen to drink water...I drank it and was going back to the hall when someone pulled me inside a room... be continued...

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