Chapter 35: Avneet ??

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Sid: What has she done???

Re: Such a fool you are....You don't know anything about your love...Do you even know that your love is a.....

Back to the story

Before Rehan could continue his phone rang...

Re: Wait for sometime bro...I will be right back...

Saying this he went outside the cottage...

Sid (in mind): What was he trying to say?? What has Avneet done?? And...And...What about Aditi?? Rehan only told me that she died in an accident...So, now what is he saying, I am not able to understand anything....
Uuggghh...My head...It is spinning....

With this Sid became unconscious....

After 2 hours...

He slowly opened his eyes....His head was still spinning....He was blinking his eyes continuously to get adjusted with the light falling in his eyes....Soon his vision became clear and the scene he saw in front of him was unbelievable....Rehan was standing with a gun in his hands pointing towards Sid's head.....Sid was terrified....He was helpless there...

Sid (crying): Rehan please leave me.. I will do whatever you want...But please leave me Rehan....I am your brother na... Please....You said that you will always be there for me.... Rehan please....

He kept speaking all this untill Rehan spoke...

Re (loudly): Shut up.....(normally but in a dangerous tone)You know what I will also miss you but now it's your time to leave this planet...

Sid shut his eyes tight due to fear...
Rehan was about to pull the trigger... But before he could do that 3 gun shots stopped him....One on his hand which was holding the gun and other two on his respective legs....Rehan fall down on his knees and the gun in his hand fall on the ground....Sid's eyes were still close due to fear....

Sid's POV...

I heard three gun shots but I still not have the courage to open my eyes... Suddenly I found the grip of the rope tied on my body getting loose...And soon I was pulled in a tight hug by someone...I opened my eyes slowly... As I knew who is the one...

Sid: Avneet??

I parted the hug...

Avu: Are you fine??

Tears were continuously falling from her eyes...

A/n: And by now I think you all would have understood that who fired the gun shots....

Sid (wiping her tears): Yeah...I..I am fine...But..

Avu: I will explain you everything Sid but not now....Officers please take him from here...

And after that I realised that there were some police officers too....

Officer: Sir you please come with us...

Sid: Okk...

And after that I went from there.... Thousands of questions were flooding in my mind but honestly I don't need answers of them...I just want to leave all this now and start a peaceful life...

POV ends....

Sid was dropped to his mansion by the officers...

Sm: Sid are you fine??

Sid: Yes mom...Just some small injuries...

Vaishu: Come I will dress your wounds and then we will have our dinner...

Sid: Yes...

Vaishnavi dressed Sid's wounds and after that they all had their dinner... All had many questions in their minds but preferred to stay quiet....

At night...

Sid was sitting on the pool side.... Dipping his feet in cold water.... Pleasant breeze was touching his body making him calm....He was looking at the stars... Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder...He turned and saw Avneet standing there...

Avu: May I...

Sid: Hm..

Avu sat beside Sid...

Avu: I know Sid there are many questions in your mind and I am ready to answer all of them...

Sid: If I honestly tell you then yes I have many but I don't want any answers...I just want to start a new life forgetting whatever happened...

Avu: But Sid I want to tell you each and everything because I am fed up of hiding all this...

Sid: Hm...

Avu: Do you remember Sid in college I often used to go on trips without informing you...

Sid: Yeah..I remember...

Avu: Actually I never went on trips...I used to have missions that I used to complete....I am an under cover agent...

Sid: What??

Avu: Yes....And one of those mission was to arrest the biggest gangster of Mumbai i.e. non other than your cousin sister Aditi Singhai...She was responsible for all the illegal works carried on in Mumbai...

Sid was dumstruck listening this....

Avu: I was the one who arrested her... And she got the punishment of life imprisonment....Rehan was the right hand as well as the elder brother of Aditi....And I must say he was one of the best brothers...He did everything thing for Aditi except one i.e. showing her the right path....She became a gangster rather than doing something good...

Sid: So, this means Aditi is alive...But why do I didn't know about this...

Avu: Because Aditi is a gangster....This was hidden from the world....She had different identity to carry on all her illegal works...

Sid: O My God.... be continued....

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