Chapter 9: Abhishek

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Sid was just sitting on his bed and crying...

Vaishu di: See have be strong...I know it is tough but still... First you have to cure yourself and then think about other things...

Back to the story

Sid simply nodded.. Wiping his tears... While Sumellika started to distract him..

Mallika: See Sid we have some pics of girls...who are ready to marry you...After you get well..

Sid fake smiled...As his heart was still crying...

Sumedh: Yes...We want you to get married soon...

Sid (just to appreciate their efforts started talking to them)

Sid: For me...then what about you...

Sumellika with a little blush...

Sumedh (looking at Mallika): I have chosen one...Just waiting for her to say yes...

Sid and Vaishnavi: Oooooo

With Avneet

Doc: Mr.Jai...

Jai: Yes...

Doc: Your sister is out of danger now...

Jai: Thank god...

Doc: She will gain consciousness maybe in few hours...


Abhi was standing in the corridor of hospital... While Vaishnavi came to him...

Abhi hiding his tears: How is Sid now?

Vaishu: He is fine...Just busy in hiding his emotions...

Abhi: hmm...

Vaishu: But I know that you are not fine...

Abhi: What has happened to me??

Vaishu: I know Abhi how much you are suffering emotionally...

Abhi( with a bit heavy voice):'s.. nothing like that...

Vaishu: Abhi you cannot hide from me...

Abhi quickly hugged her and started crying...

Abhi: After dad...I was broken...but somehow I managed to hide my emotions...Just to make Sid and Mom strong...2 years passed finding my smile in your happiness in your happiness...I loved Avneet as my sister...I never hated her because it was just a misunderstanding between Sidneet, I knew there was no mistake of any of them...That were just the situations...But now after listening that Avneet is only the one who is the reason of my dad's death....I cannot control myself this time...We were living happily forgetting everything but now why all this again...

Vaishu: hmm...I can understand Abhi it is really tough for you...but you have to stay strong for I know it will be difficult for Sid to come out all of this...And you already know he is an anxiety patient....

Abhi: Yes....You are right...More than me it is difficult for Sid to handle all this... Already he has suffered alot and now I don't want him to suffer anymore...

Vaishu: Right now let's go to him and make hime eat something...

Abhi: Yes...

They went to the room and they expected that Sid might be sitting and crying but no he was just sitting quietly staring out of the window...

Abhi: Sid we have bought you burgers to eat come on....

Sid: No...I don't want...

Abhi: Eat it Sid, you have to buck up yourself...

Sid: No..dada...Just leave me alone...

Abhi: I am not gonna leave till you eat something...

Sid: Ok...give me one...

Sid ate one burger and again started to look out of the window...

Abhi: He is behaving a bit strange... Isn't he???

Vaishu: Yes....

With Avneet

Jai was sitting beside him waiting for her to get up...

She got up with a jerk...

Avu: Sid....Sid sorry I will never litter in your home...I know you are angry for this only... Please forgive me Sid... Please forgive me...

Jai: Di...calm down...

Avu: Who are you??Where is Sid??

Jai: I am your brother di...

Avu: Brother?? I don't have any brother....

Jai: Wait...I will show you some pics of ours...

Showing the pics..."See these pics..."

While all that was going on.. Jannat came inside...

Jan: Hello Avneet...

Avu: Hello doc...

Jan: Jai can you wait outside for some time I will meet you there...

Jai: Sure..

After sometime Jannat came out...

Jan: Listen Jai I have to tell you something??

Jai: Yes...

Jan: See you want your sister to be cured na..

Jai: Is it even a question to ask...

Jan: So, then you have to do a favour

Jai: Ya..Sure...

Jan: You have to convince Siddharth to talk to Avneet....

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