Chapter 2: Hate or love

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With his last line tears brimmed in his
eyes and he ran back to his room...

Sm: Sid.. beta Sid...(in mind: thank god... Sid you switched on tv otherwise how would I have told you...)

Back to the story:

Sid went to his room and locked the door....He lied on his bed took his phone out and opened a picture on it...

He lied on his bed took his phone out and opened a picture on it

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Zoomed on Avneet's face and started talking..

Sid(crying in a low voice): You know I hate you na.... So, now why are you coming back in my life...... After you left, happiness also left my life... Even I left my passion gymnastics because of you because it made your memories flash in my mind....

Saying this he started remembering some moments


Sid: Avneet give my water bottle back... I am getting late for gym...

Avneet: Rolling her tongue out... No...

Sid ( softly): Avu please....

Avneet ( in same tone): No...

Sid: Yaar please na

Avu: And what you will do after going gym either make your body or start jumping here and there like a monkey...

Sid: That is called gymnastics..

Avu: Whatever...

After that he remembered another incident:


Sumellika: Hello Aunty...

Sm: Hii dear

Sumedh: Aunty where is Sid we want to meet him..

Sm: He is in his room...

Mallika: So, aunty then we are going there...

Sm: Ok.. You go till then I will prepare some snacks for you....

While in Sid's room Sidneet:

Sid: You rabbit

Avu: I am rabbit then you... You are bandar( monkey)

While Sumellika entered

Sumedh: What happened why you both are fighting..

Avu: See na bhai( Sidneet call sumedh as bhai) today after his tournament...He was taking gifts from the girls and talking to them like they were his friends from ages.....

Sumedh (laughed and cleared his throat): Parishudh prem vahi hota hai jo eersha se pareh ho...
(True love is that only which is away from jealousy)

Mallika: Please Sumedh now don't start your hindi moral class here..

Avu to Sumedh: Dhanyawad Prabhu.....Apne toh ankhe he khol di meri.... (Thank God, you opened my eyes)

Everyone chuckled...

After that the last memory which was stuck in his mind since two years he remembered that:


Sid: Avneet atleast let me explain.. Avneet... Avneet...

Avu:What is left to explain now Mr. Siddharth..

Sid: Avneet wait it's not like that what you are thinking....

Avu: Oooo... Just shut upp.. leave my way I am going to the police.. They will arrest you so, be ready and I am the eye witness... You killed him. You are a killer and now I won't let you survive.....
Flashback ends


Sid: Avneet.. you misunderstood the thing on that day... I begged so, much to listen to me just for once... But no.. you didn't listen.. you broke the trust of years.. Just in few seconds... I loved you from the core of my heart but you... If you would have really loved me you would have trusted me and atleast listened to my clarification because of you in these two years I cried every single second. Sometimes missing you, sometimes hating you and sometimes considering myself as what you said... [All Avneet's words started ringing in his mind specially that "you are a killer"]


Murmuring the same words he slept....

Though he was saying again and again that he doesn't want to see her... But somewhere in the bottom of his heart a hope rised to meet her and clarify everything..... But his hate was suppressing it....

...... To be continued

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