Chapter 27: I am sorry

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Avu you were right....I am Hugely Avoidable Noisy Dramatic Stupid Overconfident Mad Egoistic person....In shot your handsome....(He wet chuckled and wiped his tears....) Now I just want to meet you...I am coming Avu...

Saying this he drove back to his home...

Back to the story

Sid: Mom where is Avu??

Sm: She is in her room....

Sid: Okk...

Sm: What happened Sid??

Sid: Nothing just want to meet her....

Sm: Hmm..

Sid went to Avu's room, but not alone he was carrying many chocolates....

She was her sitting on the floor, playing with some toys....

A/n: Remember she is still behaving like a 9 year old kid...

All these things were making Sid feel more and more guilty....

He sat down in front of her...But she didn't really notice him as she was busy playing.....

Sid: Um...Hii...

Avu looked at him....

Avu: Bye...

Sid: Why??

Avu: Because you always make me cry.

Sid: I am sorry for that.. Now I will always make you happy... Atleast I will try...

Avu: I hope this is not a lie....

Sid let out a sigh.....

A/n: Wait am I writing a poem....Hii, bye, cry, try, lie, sigh seriously these all rhyme....😂😂

Sid: I said na I am sorry please forgive me...

Avu: Ok, but on one condition you have to play with me....

A/n: For people who are thinking why Sid is asking apology, you can go and read chapter 11 Ignorance then you will understand....

Sid: Umm..ok...

Avu: Yayy...

Sid (in mind): Once you get your memory back, there are many things for which I want your forgiveness....

Avu: So, shall we play...

Sid: Wait first, I want to give you something.....

Avu: What???

Sid took out a bag full of chocolates....

Avu: Chocolates (squealing with joy)

Avu: Sidoo....You are my bestest friend...

(Saying this she hugged Sid...)

She was about to break the hug but Sid was not ready to break it as if he had the fear if he breaks the hug Avu will go away from him....

She struggled a bit but his grip was tight so she gave up.....

Avu was tired by now but Sid was not letting her go....She felt something wet on her shoulder.....She little bit turned towards her shoulder and saw Sid had tears in his eyes and they were really not stopping....

Sid's POV..

When Avu hugged me, I was really mesmerized.....Afterall this was the place for which I craved for two long years....I really love her....I missed her alot.....After some time she tried to break the hug but I don't really want because I really have the fear of losing her again...And another reason is I was crying.....I was constantly biting my lower lip to control my sobs....I don't want her to see me in this condition because I know if she will see me like this..Then she will definitely stress and I really don't want that.... I don't really know the reason behind these tears....Maybe tears of happiness, maybe tears of missing this embrace...I don't really know but it's that I can't control them....I even don't want to break the hug...I just want to stay like that....I wish the time could stop....But wait I can also hear her crying....Why why she is crying.....

POV ends....

Sid broke the hug and quickly turned to another side....He wiped his tears and turned towards Avu....

Sid: Why you are crying Avu??

Avu: (crying) I don't know...

Sid: What??

Avu: I saw you crying and automatically tears rolled down from my eyes.....

Sid: Ok...Now see I am not crying.... Now you also calm down....

After 5-10 mins Sid managed to calm her down but as soon as she stopped crying she fainted.....

Sid: Ohh god...

Sid took her in his arms and was driving to the hospital.... be continued....

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