Chapter 36: Reasons

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Avu: Because Aditi is a gangster....This was hidden from the world....She had different identity to carry on all her illegal works...

Sid: O My God....

Back to the story...

Sid: But why you didn't tell me all this before??

Avu: Because according to the rules we are not allowed to reveal anything and even we can't tell that we are under cover agents....

Sid: Ohh...But why Rehan killed my dad??

Avu: How do you know that Rehan killed your dad??

Sid: I am just guessing....

Avu: Hm...The reason why Rehan killed my and your dad is that after Aditi' s punishment Rehan became 10% partner in your company...He used to carry on all the illegal works under the name of your company and somehow my dad and uncle got to know about it...The masked person who killed my dad was non other than Rehan and the person driving my car which hit your dad was also Rehan....

Sid: Really it is unbelievable....

Avu: Well there are more things to hear which are not easy to believe...You know what Sid I never lost my memory....

Sid's eyes widened listening this...

Avu: Yes...I was just acting to keep myself safe for somedays untill the proves which I recorded are approved by the government and Rehan gets arrested...

Sid: Which proves??

Avu: When I was actually when I made myself kidnapped...

Sid: What??

Avu: Yes...I wanted myself to get kidnapped by Rehan so that I can collect proves against him....He kidnapped me to torchure me but I got kidnapped to collect proves against him...

Sid (with teary eyes): Did he torchure you??

Avu: Actually yes...He gave me different drugs to make my mental condition worse...But I was trained... He wanted signatures on my property and I unwantedly signed it...

Sid: So, you surrendered all your property...

Avu: Yes....I was there for 2 years...But when my pain became unbearable I ran from there...

Sid: How??


Avneet was lying in the corner of a dark room with lots of wounds on her body...Her dress was completely dirty or you can say filthy....She was energy less....Somehow she stood with the support of wall....And then the door of the room opened revealing a middle aged person with a plate of food in his hand....He threw the plate on the floor and asked Avneet to have it....Avneet nodded in no the man came near her and held her hair in his fist...

Sm1: You throw alot of tantrums...I think you need the dose again....

Saying this he took out a stick but before he could do anything Avneet held his head and banged his head on the wall the man became unconscious and she ran from there....

After half an hour he became conscious and did not find Avu there...

He went to Rehan

Re: Ha..ha...ha... (Evil smirk) So now finally the time has come , whole NN enterprises will be mine and...and my revenge will also be completed. But that... that stubborn girl even after such a great torture... She is not giving up her mind is still working that much.. She is able to understand everything..

Sm1: Sir...... (Shivering in fear)

Re: What happened?

Sm1: Sir... She ran away.....

Rehan slapped Sm1

Re: Are you mad.... I gave you only one work to do and you couldn't even handle that properly..... You wasted my hard work of years... I am gonna kill you...

And after that a gun shot sounded...

Flashback ends...

Sid: But you could have done this before...

Avu: But I wanted to record each and everything going on there...And could go out of that room sometimes only so it took me long time to collect the proofs...

Sid: Ohh...But how you recorded the proofs??

Avu showed him a watch...

Avu: Through this....I hid it when I was in the room and wore it when I went outside and it looked a little bit broken too so no one cared about it... And you remember the watch I gifted you ??

Sid: Yes...

Avu: That watch and this watch are connected to each other....You know I could see you all the time....It was my favourite time pass when I was in that dark room....I saw you for hours...And that was only the time I use to smile... I felt pangs in my heart when you cried looking at my picture.....

By now tears were running down from her eyes....Sid wiped her tears and hugged her.... be continued...

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