Chapter 33: Is he correct??

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Rehan's long speech, your author is a busy person so , khud jaake padh lo...

Back to the story....

Sid reached his office and as usual all employees wished him a good morning sweetly, some being extra sweet to butter him....But as usual he didn't cared about that....And wished them back with a small smile....

Meanwhile with Jai..

So, Jai went to his fav restaurant... Which is out of the city....He was going back home or you can say Nigam mansion when he heard someone's pleadings....

Voice 1: "Please leave me....Why are you doing this to me..."

Voice 2: "I am sorry bro but it is important for my revenge"

Voice 1: Which revenge??

Voice 2: So, you will get your answers soon but now it's time for a little pain....

Jai got a little bit worried, so he went in the direction of the voices....There was an old cottage...The door of the cottage was half open and half closed...

He peeped inside carefully and the view next to him shocked him to the core... He was dumstruck....He lost his senses for few minutes but as soon as he came back to his senses he properly observed the situation....And he finally thought that doing something alone would be a bad idea so it's good to take help of someone... He tried to call but network was not there...So, he drove his car back to the Nigam mansion...He ran to Abhi's room where Avu was also present she was with Vaishnavi....

Jai: Dada...

Abhi: What happened Jai?? You are appearing to be tensed....

Jai: Voh.. Actually.....

After listening to Jai Abhi was also in shock but one more big shock was waiting for them....

Avu: What?? Dada...give me your phone...

Avu took Abhi's phone and went to the corner to talk to someone....Here Abhi, Vaishu and Jai were in a deep shock....They were not able to digest what they just saw....The behaviour of Avu was extremely unexpected....

A/n: But for now let's go some hours back....

It was lunch time in Sid's office...He was sitting in his cabin lost in his thoughts....Just then he heard "May I come in Sir??" He saw Rehan standing there....

Sid: No, need to ask bro just come in it's your company too...and I am your brother too...So, no need of permission....

Re: Hii, Sid....done with lunch??

Sid: No, was just going to do...

Re: Ohhh...

Sid: Tell me honestly bro how did you come to know about all that??

Re: Umm...What if I say, I already knew it....

Sid: What???

Re: Yes...I knew it 2 years back also but I just didn't wanted to see you more hurt...So, I didn't tell you...

Sid: But...

Re: Believe me Sid, that girl Avneet is very clever...She killed your dad...Now all just going on is just her drama.... She is just behind you for this company....For the company which your dad built with all his hardwork...

Sid: What are you saying bro?? It is not possible and she never harmed my dad....I have myself seen the proofs of her innocence...

Re: So, just tell me one think can't the officer's be bribed....

Sid: but...

Re: Why it was her car only?? Which hit your dad...

Sid: arre..

Re: Where was she these two years??

Sid: She was kidnapped....

Re (laughing): Ha ha... kidnapped who told you this??

Sid: Jai....

Re (laughing) : Believe me Sid you are too innocent...I mean that bro-sis duo is trying to trap you and you are easily getting traped.... Seriously I don't want to say but you are such a fool....Tell me one thing....The great Avneet Kaur Nandra was kidnapped and no one knew about it...I mean she was the share holder of one of the biggest one even bothered about her....Wow....

Sid: You are going in a wrong direction Re....

Re: No...Mr. Siddharth Nigam now I am going in the right direction and taking you also there....Tell me why Jai lied you that she went to London?

No replies by Sid...

Re: Because he knew that if he will tell you then you have money, you have power you will easily find her....And their plan of gaining sympathy will flop...Now she is getting all your sympathy and maybe you again started loving her.....

Sid: But why will she kill my dad??

Re: Sid, why don't you understand.... She wants money and the company and before you had no interest to be the CEO so, she would have planned to kill your dad, so that the current owner is finished...And after that gaining your sympathy and love and marrying you and then she will become not the owner of 40% but the owner of whole company....

A/n: Guys remember here that Avu and Sid didn't confessed their feelings for each other...

Sid: But then why Jai sold there shares to you??

Re: The reason is same sympathy and maybe who knows they have further plans for me kick me out of your life as well as this company.... be continued....

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