Chapter 17: Khadoos

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She took him to the medical room... There the nurse did the dressing to his wounds...

Boy: By the way Hii I am..............

Back to the story

Boy: Hii I am Sumedh Mudgalkar

(A/n: Really feel sorry for those who felt it is Siddharth 😂😂😂)

Avu: Hii this is Avneet Kaur...Nice to meet you.....

They were talking when someone came running and bumped into Avu and due to this she fell down....

Boy: Hey bro you are fine na....

Sumi: Yess...

Boy: It doesn't really seems like that....

Sumi: No I am fine...And it is all because of Avneet.....

Sumi: Avneet....where is she???

A voice from down came....

Avu: Here....

Sumi: Ohhh...What are you doing there??

Avneet got up and said...

Avu: Playing chess wanna join??

Boy: What a funny girl you are....

Avu: Just shut up.... I fell down because of this idiot....(pointing to the boy) Are you mad or what?? Ohh ya I think you don't have eyes....Such a stupid person...

And she kept on speaking untill the boy got irritated....

Boy: Will you just shut upp??? I think bro we have to send her to metal hospital for check up....She is such a Khadoos....For such a small thing she is screaming like maniacs....

Avu: You....I will not leave you...

Boy: First catch me.....

Avu and the boy both started running in the whole medical room creating a mess....Just then the Dean came there...

Dean: What is this???

Dean: Siddharth this wasn't expected from you....

So, the boy is non other than SIDDHARTH NIGAM...

Sid: Ma'am....

Dean: I don't want any explanation....
And you miss Avneet Kaur it was your first day na....And what is this behaviour????You both are resticated from college for 2 days....

Sidneet: What??? No mam please no...

Dean: You both may leave now....And you my dear child Sumedh go and attend your lectures, I will send someone to help you to go to the class...And will see that Aaisha is surely punished this time as well as the girls involved with her....

Sumi: Ok mam, thank you...

Avneet glared at Sid and left....

While Sid was really sad as this was the first time he was getting punishment...

Sid: Such a Khadoos girl she is... Because of her I got punished....

Sumedh:'s ok. Leave it....

Sid: How bhai?? She is such an idiot girl...She is having no manners nothing....I bumped into her just because I didn't see her as I was worried for you...

Sumedh: Sid just calm down...And yeah bro....She saved me she is not idiot she is really like a kid...

Sid: Haa...ha...leave admiring her....

Saying this he went outside...Just then his eyes met a familiar pair of eyes.... These eyes were the eyes which Sid really want to take out and play....

(A/n: Yes readers you guessed it right these eyes our of non other than the great Avneet Kaur....)

Sid: You know what you are M. A. D.

Avu: You mean mad...

Sid: No, your are MOST ARROGANT DUMB.....I have ever met....

Avu: And you know what you are H. A. N. D. S. O. M. E.

Sid: You mean handsome....


Sid gulped down listening such a huge name he just got....

Sid: is alot for me to digest.... And I think you should use your talent in some productive things rather than thinking such stupid names....

Avu: Same advice for you too....

Sid: This girl....( Looking up) God please pick me up for half an hour I want answers of some questions..... And really I am eager to know that how such ideas ( pointing at Avneet) even come in your mind....I mean how.....

Avu: Will you just wind up your drama company???

Sid: And will you just keep finger on your lips before I have a feeling to kill you.....You know what I had such a friend in a childhood...But she was sweet, cute and beautiful...Not arrogant, ugly and jerk....Just your eyes match with her...

Avu: You know what I also had a friend like you but he wasn't dramatic , overconfident and egoistic like you....Only your eyes match with him...

Saying these lines they got lost in their thoughts and complete silence took over for sometime.... be continued...

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