Chapter 34: Endless Sufferings

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Sid: But then why Jai sold there shares to you??

Re: The reason is same sympathy and maybe who knows they have further plans for me kick me out of your life as well as this company....

Back to the story....

Sid: So, what you want now?? I kick her out of my house in this condition...

Re: Arre can't you understand a simple thing...She is using you and your money....Just creating a layer of lies around you.....And you are completely trapped in it....

Sid didn't say anything as he was out of words....

Re: Fine....If you want proofs of this then fortunately or unfortunately I have them...

Sid: Proofs??

Re: Yes...And if you want to see them, then you have to come with me after office today....I will show them to you....

Sid slightly nodded....

Re: Now get back to work....We will meet in the evening....

Saying this Rehan left....

Here Sid was getting restless.... Every single second was tough for him.....He was getting an anxiety attack.... Rehan's words were ringing in his mind....He quickly opened the drawer of his table and grabbed a pack of pills with trembling hands....He took out a pill and had it....It was tough for him to digest whatever Rehan said....

Anyhow he calmed himself in few minutes but still wasn't able to concentrate in his work....

All this was being watched by Rehan from outside.....He was able to see Sid's poor condition and somehow was not happy as he wanted revenge from Avneet but never wanted to harm Sid....But he was blind folded in hatered and was now just seeing Sid as a person loved by Avneet and not his own brother......

Rehan's Pov....

I know Sid my words have hurted you but I want that only....I even have further plans for you....I want Avneet's happiness to get finished and that will only happen when I give you pain.... I don't want to say but I will say that you are also somewhere the reason of my sorrows...You are the only one who is responsible for Avneet's happiness...But now I will finish that reason too.....This pain is nothing in front of the pain which Avneet gave to Aditi.....I hate you Avneet...I hate you...

"Bhai you will always protect me right.."

"Yeah I promise you....You tied this rakhi for that only...It is the symbol of my promise to you...."

A tear leaked down through Rehan's eyes....

"I am sorry my princess, I couldn't complete my promise...I am really sorry..."

"My whole world resided in you... But the day you left me, my world collapsed and shattered into pieces...."

(Wiping his tears) "But now I promise, that I will never leave the one who snatched you from me and I will anyhow complete this promise.."

Pov ends...

A/n: Aditi is just a imaginary character...You can imagine anyone as Aditi....

After few minutes he went back to his cabin...

At evening....

Re: So, are you coming with me Sid??

Sid: Ye...yes..

Re: So, let's go now...

Sid: Hmm...

Sid sat in Rehan's car on the passenger seat... While Rehan on the driver's seat....

The ride was completely silent but Sid was restless throughout it....

After 45 mins...

Sid's POV...

I am quite nervous....I don't want Rehan's words to be true....I love Avneet and I really don't want to lose her for the third time in my life....

I was in my thoughts when we reached an old cottage....It was not in a good state and was surrounded by plants from all the sides.... I was not at all getting any good vibes here....I was deep drowned in my thoughts when Rehan called me...

Re: Bro let's go...

Sid: Ye..yeah...

I was kinda scared....It was not at all a good place....I moved inside with trembling steps....I was just scanning the house through my eyes...But suddenly someone pushed me on a chair and due to the push I got hit on my forehead by the chair's corner...It started bleeding...But who new there was more pain coming further...

Two people tied me to the chair using ropes....I was totally numb and was in a deep shock to do something... But when my eyes landed on Rehan I came back to my senses...

Pov ends...

Sid: Leave me...Why are you doing this to me??

Re: I am sorry bro but it is important for my revenge....

Sid: Which revenge??

Re (Loudly): The revenge of my "Endless Sufferings"The revenge of my sister's sufferings...The revenge of my sister's death...

Sid: Aditi???

Re: Yes...My world...My reason to live..

Sid: What are you saying Rehan?? What have I done??

Re held Sid's jaw harshly....He winced in pain....

Re: I don't have any problem with you...But the reason of my all the sufferings is your dear love....

Sid: A..A.. Avneet...

Re: Yes...Bro...

Sid: What has she done???

Re: Such a fool you are....You don't know anything about your love...Do you even know that your love is a..... be continued...

So, that's it for today, hope you guys enjoyed reading it...

Thank you for reading...
Good bye...
See you soon...

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