Chapter 26: Innocent

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Jai's Pov..

I came to the kitchen to drink water...I drank it and was going back to the hall when someone pulled me inside a room...

Back to the story..

Pov continues

I was so scared terrified....
I was breathing heavily....When I saw a person familiar to me and I somewhat was relaxed....

Pov ends....

Jai: Are you mad or what???

Sid smiled sheepishly...

(A/n: Who guessed it correct??)

Sid: Leave all this I want to talk to you...

Jai: If you wanted to talk to me, you would have called me like generally humans do.....

Sid: What do you mean by this??

Jai (in a low voice): I mean di was right you are a monkey....

Sid rolled his eyes....

Sid: Is your reaction on my act over, so that we can come to the main topic ??

Jai: Hmm...Speak....

Sid: I want to ask where was Avneet last two years....

Jai: you na she was in..Lon...don...

Sid: I will not become fool each and everytime...

Jai: What fool?? Sh..e in L...on...don.. only

Sid: ohh really then why you are stammering....

Jai: I and at all....

Sid: (sarcastically) Hmm..I believe you...

Sid: Tell me the truth Jai???

Jai: Voh.... Actually.....

Sid: (in little raised voice): Speak.....

Jai: She.....she.....she was kidnapped.

Sid: What??

Jai: Yes...

Sid: Wow.. great, she was kidnapped and you didn't even thought for once to tell me.... Instead of that you were lying that she went back to London....

Jai: Sorry.... Actually I wasn't able to believe anyone at that time...

Jai (in mind): And now also...

Sid: Hmm...I can understand....

Jai: One more thing....

Sid: Say....

Jai: My di can't kill your dad....I don't know the reason why you are doubting her but she cannot do that...

Sid: Well she has...I saw her car in cctv footage from my eyes....

Jai: But when my di was kidnapped at that time, uncle wasn't even in India....

Sid: What??

Jai: Yes... Uncle's flight was to reach Mumbai by 3:00 pm. And I got to know from the police that she was kidnapped around 12 noon...

Sid: Jai is right dad was coming from Paris to India and his flight landed at 3:00pm and in cctv also the time was 3:40 pm...But still I need to cross check his words....

Jai: Mr. Siddharth Nigam....

Sid: Calm down.... Why you are shouting??

Jai: Because you are lost in your own land since 5 mins...

Sid: Ohh...Sorry....But tell me that why didn't you tell me this before when I was angry on Avneet....

Jai: I didn't tell you because you even didn't knew about Di's kidnapping and if I would have told you would have never believed me as you were super angry and your heart took over your brain.....

Sid: Hmm....Ok bye we will talk later now I have to go somewhere....

Saying this Sid left....

Sid: Now first I should go to police station to cross check...

Sid went to the police station and from there he came to know that whatever Jai told was true....Avneet was innocent....

Sid was sitting in his car....

Sid (hitting the staring wheel hard): What did I do?? I did the same thing as Avneet did?? I never gave a chance to prove herself innocent.....I am such a fool....I only thought that for revenge of her dad's death Avu killed my dad... How can I think so low of her...(with this a tear escaped down from his eyes)Avu you were right....I am Hugely Avoidable Noisy Dramatic Stupid Overconfident Mad Egoistic person....In shot your handsome....(He wet chuckled and wiped his tears....) Now I just want to meet you...I am coming Avu...

Saying this he drove back to his home... be continued...

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